Search found 41 matches
- Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:33 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Wish me luck
- Replies: 24
- Views: 2103
Re: Wish me luck
Hey Rumps -- Wakey-Wakey. How was the Bar Golf? In the interim, the below link may prove handy." onclick=";return false; An interesting exerpt: What You Need: A bed Peace and quiet A shower Water Juice Gato...
- Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:07 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: Cooked some kiel-fucking-basa for my party
- Replies: 44
- Views: 2737
Re: Cooked some kiel-fucking-basa for my party
Jesus Sol. No one said drop the bitches in a raging hot pressure cooker. Boil/simmer/put'em in the hot tub...whatever. My point was if you're going that route, do it in beer and not water. I've done it a few times to see if there was a substantial difference. Couldn't really tell. I just cook my br...
- Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:54 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: Grilling Fish
- Replies: 19
- Views: 2109
Re: Grilling Fish
Escolar? Never heard of it. Never should have clicked that link, tho... :shock: THANKS, PSU. Reminds me of a funny (and foul) story I heard yesterday. A friend of mine is a regional manager of several local department stores. She told me that one of her stores had a "Code Brown" yesterday....
- Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:04 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: Cooked some kiel-fucking-basa for my party
- Replies: 44
- Views: 2737
Re: Cooked some kiel-fucking-basa for my party
Is it really necessary to boil the mofos before grilling them? No. Never boil the brats. Boiling will cause the casings to break, not to mention the loss of flavor. Slow simmering in beer is good, addings onions is a nice flavor as well. Simmering helps cook the inside, so under-cooking is not an i...
- Thu May 29, 2008 8:42 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: no thanks, these are the wrong gender
- Replies: 0
- Views: 616
Re: no thanks, these are the wrong gender
There are so many things wrong with this story I don't know where to begin. If somehow these parents do produce a male child, then I hope he changes his last name. No worry. Both will be dead long before any [future male] child graduates high school anyway. So with IVF, sonograms are given early, a...
- Sun May 25, 2008 7:12 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Easiest fire investigation ever
- Replies: 14
- Views: 2130
Re: Easiest fire investigation ever
Melt? Nope. Next time try bringing the FIRE.
See here's the thing, DERRON. You don't like it here? You believe the posters are all trailer tards? Then LEAVE. Take your insolent attitude and your remedial smack "skills" and just walk away. Problem solved.
See here's the thing, DERRON. You don't like it here? You believe the posters are all trailer tards? Then LEAVE. Take your insolent attitude and your remedial smack "skills" and just walk away. Problem solved.
- Sat May 24, 2008 10:40 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Easiest fire investigation ever
- Replies: 14
- Views: 2130
Re: Easiest fire investigation ever
From the amazing amount of intelligence displayed in the responses to my post, you all should have a clear understanding of why people die in mobile home fires, and why I now feel that most of you do live in mobile homes...eerrrrr trailers, and why those deaths and or your impending death due to yo...
- Wed May 21, 2008 7:46 pm
- Topic: OT: NCAA Lax Tourney @ Ithaca, NY PET (pics to come later)
- Replies: 21
- Views: 2072
Re: OT: NCAA Lax Tourney @ Ithaca, NY PET (pics to come later)
I took pics with the cell phone, and at first was afraid that they didn't come out too well, since Mother Nature wasn't exactly cooperative. But I reviewed them, and they're better than I had feared. Once I get a chance to read the manual and figure out how to upload them (hopefully later today), I...
- Sat May 17, 2008 4:24 am
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Risa vs PSUFan on: laundry
- Replies: 36
- Views: 2621
Re: Risa vs PSUFan on: laundry
Um, Tom. Back away from the gong. That ^^^ was funny.Dinsdale wrote:...although far be it for me to step to you on the topic of feminine bleeding, MensesLisa.
Now, no more talk of menses. PERIOD. (oops)
Re: Suh-weet
Great $$ deal on what appears to be a pretty nice course. So why the special? Hot temps = low attendance? Should be an easy sell to your golf buddies, I'd think.
I have yet to golf this year. Sad but true. Probably won't hit well after a long hiatus, but ready to get back out there anyway.
I have yet to golf this year. Sad but true. Probably won't hit well after a long hiatus, but ready to get back out there anyway.
- Fri May 16, 2008 9:30 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Risa vs PSUFan on: laundry
- Replies: 36
- Views: 2621
Re: Risa vs PSUFan on: laundry
Oh, nooooooooo. Say it aint so.Dinsdale wrote:PSU recieved some notoriety around here by putting his fart skid on display, for God, G0D, and Mr Clean to see.
- Thu May 15, 2008 8:43 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: I thought they looked related
- Replies: 24
- Views: 2538
Re: I thought they looked related
And Don Rickles is swishing semen in that puckered faced avatar you're sporting. See how that works? No, really, how are they, and what are those guys' employments? Besides, I thought pretty boy gay men hated body hair -- that's a lot of body hair in those photos. Is that a new thing? Old photos? A...
- Thu May 15, 2008 6:36 pm
- Topic: OT China Pics, Lots of...hell no one has dial up anymore.
- Replies: 21
- Views: 1648
Re: OT China Pics, Lots of...hell no one has dial up anymore.
^^^^^^^ Taken from my barstool on top of Victoria Peak. Excellent PET. Thanks for sharing. ^^^ Also my favorite pic. And from a barstool ? Even better. Question/Clarification. Not surprised at the pushing and shoving, have observed similar behavior in places like Vegas where many Chinese visit. But...
- Thu May 15, 2008 5:49 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1112
Re: Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Liquored up and loaded,PSUFAN wrote:Hang down your head, Todd...owen
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Todd...owen
Poor boy, you’re bound to die
Posting random thoughts;
Hoping for a reason,
to keep it out of TROTS.
- Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:02 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Anybody miss me?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 976
Re: Anybody miss me?
The board comes FIRST, smacky. Real life shmucks can get fist-fucked if they don't like you robbing them of 3 seconds of their sad life so that you can snap a pic of black Dinsdale. Next time, GET the shot. Black Dinsdale? Too funny. Reminds me of a post I saw in the Archive and read for the first ...
- Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:26 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
- Replies: 64
- Views: 4153
Re: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
The next time you set out to describe your colon in detail, um, don't. You're seriously grossing me out.
Let Pickle go. Try grief counseling to help with your loss.
Let Pickle go. Try grief counseling to help with your loss.
- Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:50 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
- Replies: 64
- Views: 4153
Re: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
Your eye chart joke didn't go over my head, Sol. It did a pig-belly roll right between my legs, and I gave it a rancid brown stripe as it passed. Now that's just downright hateful, PSU. Are you sure it wasn't a double back tuck over your head, followed by a front round-off, with a triple back and a...
- Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:23 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
- Replies: 64
- Views: 4153
Re: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
Can someone please help Sol? She's struggling here. Sure thing. Sol, Go fuck yourself. Struggling? Nope. It was a joke, you ninny. Perhaps you heard it when it flew right over your head, PSU. As for R-Jack....I'd ask if you kiss your mother with that mouth, but then I really don't want to know the ...
- Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:56 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
- Replies: 64
- Views: 4153
Re: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
Mister Bushice wrote:two coats, same fucking type of lining.R-Jack wrote: *I do reserve the rights to words obese, pathetic and intellectually comatose though
Um....I'm not reading all that! (Read: I can't see it. Is it an eye chart?)
- Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:50 pm
- Forum: Bitter_Pittsburgher music forum
- Topic: better get it
- Replies: 10
- Views: 1341
Re: better get it
Funny to read through that list and remember how many of those that I had in ALBUM form. :shock: And I remember having one on that list (Van Halen) on 8-track. Didn't own many 8-tracks though, as superior technology was close behind. Cassette tapes! Good Lord.... Was just listening to Queen & Ja...
- Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:15 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Clever Team name
- Replies: 14
- Views: 1510
Re: Clever Team name
One Taco Short of a Combo Platter!
- Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:32 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
- Replies: 64
- Views: 4153
Re: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
...would you mind lifting his tail to see if he's got any balls?
^^^That was funny.
Watch out for dingleberries, Bushie!! :D
^^^That was funny.
Watch out for dingleberries, Bushie!! :D
- Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:59 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
- Replies: 64
- Views: 4153
Re: Westport Races 4 Miles Long
Gee I wonder why more folks don't post funny stories on the board? Hmmmm. Props to Truman for an entertaining read. Hey Truman, next time throw the boys a steak. Take creative liberties with the "facts" and expand on the ever-so-important details like spandex wrapped derrieres, big bounci...
- Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:56 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Some people from the past should be left there...
- Replies: 37
- Views: 2318
Re: Some people from the past should be left there...
Are you doing meth now? Um.... NO for T1BWriterMike. And possibly YES for Heidi Fleiss. Though the media reported alcohol & pills, the picture would suggest otherwise. From Hollywood Madam to Madam Meth. Good Lord. That is one freaky-looking woman!!
- Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:39 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Some people from the past should be left there...
- Replies: 37
- Views: 2318
Re: Some people from the past should be left there...
Props to OCMike's memory. Perhaps the rest of would benefit from some form of these, when invoking narratives from high school days.

- Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:48 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Hey Sol...
- Replies: 9
- Views: 946
Re: Hey Sol...
Okay, fine. New & improved answers.
A. It's not just a pic. How does it make you feel about your Mother?
B. I am your troll, PSU. So why are you talking to yourself? That's just weird...
C. I think we both know who to ask for this one. :D
A. It's not just a pic. How does it make you feel about your Mother?
B. I am your troll, PSU. So why are you talking to yourself? That's just weird...
C. I think we both know who to ask for this one. :D
- Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:26 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Hey Sol...
- Replies: 9
- Views: 946
Re: Hey Sol...
Ah, the Welcome Wagon.
A. It's just a pic.
B. Just a random poster (clue: not a troll).
C. Not gonna go there. Not with the panel of experts that hang here.
That answer everything for ya?
A. It's just a pic.
B. Just a random poster (clue: not a troll).
C. Not gonna go there. Not with the panel of experts that hang here.
That answer everything for ya?
- Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:02 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: FOOD! BLUEGRASS! etc
- Replies: 57
- Views: 2424
Hey, Sam. Please post another happy pic and get this thread back on track.
- Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:48 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: Homemade Mac n Cheese in oven
- Replies: 7
- Views: 952
Re: Homemade Mac n Cheese in oven
Some old threads are just worth reviving. I lost this recipe about a year ago and found it this week. Simple to prepare and really good. Enjoy. Italian Herb Macaroni & Cheese 1 (7-ounce package) elbow macaroni 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon italian...
- Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:29 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: FOOD! BLUEGRASS! etc
- Replies: 57
- Views: 2424
Second that side order of bbq sauce (a/k/a Sam's Body Butter), and I'll raise you a slice of key lime pie. A friend mentioned key lime pie the other day and I've been jonesing for it ever since. Maybe Sam will snap a picture of a slice on his next ride. Wouldn't it be a blast to spend a day with Sam...
- Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:14 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: what is your favorite bw3 wing sauce?
- Replies: 61
- Views: 3556
Re: what is your favorite bw3 wing sauce?
Ditto Mgo. Wings good occasionally. Other times, not so much. Also there on Friday evening and the wings were all kinds of nasty. But the Boulevard Wheat with lemon drop shot chasers more than made up for it. While there, noticed a large party of folks all celebrating a young girl's 21st birthday. A...
- Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:00 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: Jesse sighting....
- Replies: 8
- Views: 997
Re: Jessie sighting....
So who is Jessie? Song's been running through my head since I read this post. Jessie is a friend, yeah, I know he's been a good friend of mine But lately something's changed that ain't hard to define Jessie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine And she's watching him with those eyes And s...
- Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:03 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: Coke and "cheezies".
- Replies: 9
- Views: 1027
Re: Coke and "cheezies".
Ever see the episode of South Park where Cartman sings a song about his love for Cheesy Poofs? Funny Stuff.
I love Cheesy Poofs
You love Cheesy Poofs
If we didn't eat Cheesy Poofs
We'd be lame.

I love Cheesy Poofs
You love Cheesy Poofs
If we didn't eat Cheesy Poofs
We'd be lame.

- Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:30 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: As if confirmation of the depth of my dumbness was needed...
- Replies: 30
- Views: 3070
Re: As if confirmation of the depth of my dumbness was needed...
How are you feeling, Sam? Hope you are on the mend. Be careful with those pain meds.... Yesterday I had a dental thing. Needed a root canal but settled for just a crown (fearing another dental "specialist" might just be worse than the pain, and eventually the pain would just go away on its...
- Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:21 pm
- Forum: Cul de Smack
- Topic: And the critics say 3 out of 5 stars.......
- Replies: 13
- Views: 997
Re: And the critics say 3 out of 5 stars.......
Nice article, Scott. Total crackup. Reminded me of a few years back when I worked for a large corp. and traveled extensively. Rarely to anywhere interesting or fun. Always domestic, usually remote. Anyway, your last paragraph reminded me of one trip where I was up early before meetings, attempting t...
- Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:40 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
- Replies: 33
- Views: 2322
Re: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
My apologies, Mikey.
- Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:38 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
- Replies: 33
- Views: 2322
Re: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
And a BOOB from the U&L. Back atcha, sweetheart.
Did you really stop by the Cooking Forum looking for a fight? Poor you!
Now shut the fuck up, Spins.
Did you really stop by the Cooking Forum looking for a fight? Poor you!
Now shut the fuck up, Spins.
- Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:03 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
- Replies: 33
- Views: 2322
Re: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
Which side of your mouth are you actually talking out of, Dins? Seriously . To someone that has never addressed me before? Dude, wake up. YOU came after ME. I was minding my own business, trying to be helpful, when you attacked. Aren't we just clever? No. Apparently you aren't. Read your own post. Y...
- Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:41 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
- Replies: 33
- Views: 2322
Re: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
Biting the ankle of the noob? Nice moves, Big Man. Why are you like, present in EVERY forum? Sheesh....
- Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:45 pm
- Forum: Cooking Forum
- Topic: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
- Replies: 33
- Views: 2322
Re: So, we're thinking about opening a restaurant....
Chucka, approach the decision with caution. There is much to know about the restaurant business, 'specially if you plan to actually make money doing it. Identifying a market "need" is a good start, but rarely enough. You have to do a ton of research as you approach this decision, and you b...