Wednesday 10:45AM cst....Kat's in the carport---truck loaded /clothes and 2 coolers wif food, supplies, drinks. ...reading material (not pron )....ready for roadie pilgrimage to north miss...first to daughter Kelly's where #1 son Alex is no...
25I-NBOMe (2C-I-NBOMe) is a derivative of the phenethylamine psychedelic 2C-I, discovered in 2003 by Ralf Heim at the Free University of Berlin, and subsequently investigated in more detail by a team at Purdue University led by David Nichols. This interesting drug has been in the news lately here......
Camping! There's apparently something about 2o miles to the northeast from here ..hunters know about it. Military types turn you around on the dirt road and advise you to leave . know. wtf http:...
Sup Sammy! Yep...'ol Spray :grin: [I wish he would forgive me ] , but anyways.. Dat old post is a bit on the ruff side for me these days.....but I though it was interesting to see who was responding on the page...I remember the story and perhaps responded...
greetings! how ya'll are? This was at .net and I thought some of you might enjoy if it's not already posted . Just go to this link and hit the "impatient?" link
I'm not a big fan, but I can solve Romney's image problem. His campaign manager needs to stop the "fitting in" BS. This crap where he puts on a pair of jeans (may as well still have the tags on 'em) and says, "Howdy, y'all, I just ate some grits" to southerners should be stopped...
Hope the holidaz finds you all well. Not sure if you guys have seen the final real trailer ... [youtube][/youtube] Pretty epic release for 2012...prolly the first movie I'll have seen this century ....and perhaps, m...
Late to post.....but let me just say, I've never hear a post game call in show like I heard sat nite....6 freaking hours of bitchin :D and It continued Sunday.....many callers had to be cut due to F*bombs and GD this and dat....was hallerious. Miles is on the hot seat fer sure and regardless, his of...
I had to give it up for similar least on a regular basis.. Both sons in school or working and I tend to crash early now a days,.....Katy does a great job and has a lot of music....
My 12 year old son was out with the flu last week and now my 6 year old daughter has come down with it. It's just a matter of time before my 5 year old gets it as well. They've announced there will be no school Friday through Tuesday. It's a mini/early Fall break due to the large absentees the scho...
I'll post the same thing I posted to Chip elsewhere::: "I've had 1 flu shot in my life and as an MD worked around it all the time. My brother is an MD and will not get near it. Many others as well. If,, IF..mind you , I get H1N1....the virus has not been any more extreme than seasonal flu and y...
Not to change the subject off chicken...but I make a mean dark deer chili wif bitter chcolate and instant coffee and the usual spices .....a bunch of em and fresh tomatoes from my garden, onions, garlic, peppers etc and mex beer. Sum times black beans, mostly not..served wif cornbread. Won the South...
Yeah spray...I don't get out to the mall much [never] where they are, but I won an on line coupon...funny thing is , my chicken expert kids don't like em..never could fiqure out why. My little experience wif em was good.
Wow. Haven't been to one of those since 70's...I can't tell you where one is either. Of course we would do the mandatory thing of sneaking peeps in , in the trunk... Most of the ones I knew turned porn....and one had a screen situated in such a way as to face the interstate :D All gone now , of cour...
The horsey sauce is damn good...I miss Danvers though. They weren't smartasses like arbys and had a salad/works bar....that I would load up on my tray and ad dressing :D
Having grad in '76...I'm like EM and never really gave a crap about attending...damn sure don't now. I see a few on FB , but really don't give a shit....and I'm class president after the black dude that was president got boiled in hot grease by his ol lady. too bad.