Search found 2 matches

by T1B
Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:00 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Radio -
Replies: 2376
Views: 891824

Re: Radio -

Too many hours in an office chair, I think. My back just locked up. Hasn’t happened in a while. But it has happened before. I was able to “knock” it loose by banging my back against the side of the pool on Sunday. Much better now.

What is your mobility issue, Wolf? Need anything?
by T1B
Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:58 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Radio -
Replies: 2376
Views: 891824

Re: Radio -

Looks like we missed a great show. Me and Mrs. 88 turned in early hoping my back would feel better (and Mrs. 88 is a legendary sleeper). Didn’t work. Trying elixirs now. Will tune in next week.