Derron wrote: ↑Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:04 am
It is the start of the Revolution against the liberal agenda. You have to note it comes at the time of this kangaroo impeachment shit, it happened at Harpers Ferry, where a Revolutionary War battle was fought and it is designed to send a message to the Democrats...your shit will not be tolerated any longer.
Props to the local patriots who carried out this mission against the liberal agenda to castrate this country.
100% correct.
Tards like kierland make you laugh out loud at their sheer stupidity!!!
Nazi socialist party was government control, and the ENEMY of liberty.
You myself, 88, and the rest of the Republicans are liberty personified!!! We hold it sacrosanct.
Kierland is too fuckin stupid to realize that his left wing socialist party despises the Bill of rights.
Despises liberty.
They are all about government control. Any objective observer would clearly see that the left wing socialists are way closer to the nazi socialists. The left controls the mainstream press just like the nazi socialists controlled the press in Germany.
The fact that kierland is easily duped and manipulated?
Makes you feel sorry for him AND laugh in his stupid face at the same time.
How has the board let him litter this place with stupidity for so long without calling him a brainless pile of excrement?
From day one I immediately saw his stupidity front and center.
Nazi socialists were government control.
His left wing socialists are government control.
Both are authoritative and despise liberty.
As more leftists join congress, the more they will try to revoke our constitutional rights.
But you can only push so far before you awaken the sleeping giant.