Holy shit - taking big government out of the equation?
Midget head exploding in 3, 2, 1...
When you talk to ANY left wing socialist/elitist, from Robert Redford to Ashley Judd to Meryl Streep, etc......Every single one of these low IQ'S bows at the alter of BIG government. It's their religion, their GOD.
The STATE has all the answers,
It gives meaning and purpose to their meaningless existence which they can't make sense of.
Which is why they ALL turn to prescription medications and alcohol, to mask their low self esteem.
The federal government sucks at everything it does. This is a universal truth.
Doesn't mean we need to abolish a federal government. There are things it must do, but if we would simply follow this truth and actually start implementing the 10th Amendment, we would be so much better off.
K-12 education should be handled by local government. Where cities struggle with this, let the county or state assist as they see fit. The feds should not stick their nose in outside of the military academies. Maybe spend a few bucks at research universities where there is a demonstrable national interest.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
100% correct.
The federal government was designed for defense
Left wing socialists have bastardized the founder's original design through the years,
Getting us to the point where we are now. If we continue on this left wing government control path, it will lead directly toward 3rd world status within a few decades.
Reagan warned that fascism, which is another word for government control socialism, will indeed come to our shores in the disguise of the democrat socialist party.
Reagan said this half a century ago. He was prophetic.
The last president before trump,
Gave the worst sponsor of terrorism around the world, 150 billion dollars. The press protected that extremely stupid decision by Iranian valerie Jarrett and Barry the Chicago community street pimp.
And since half the country is low IQ cocksucker demorats, he's gotten away with his stupidity.
But now, the American people are finally becoming aware of the criminally corrupt previous administration.
Nancy Pelosi's corruption, and the batshit crazy left wing socialists running for president.
It's happening!!
Walter Mondale all over again!
Mike Dukakis again.
McGovern again.
The lunatic radical left has busted loose, and they are committing political suicide.
The commerce clause was put into place to prevent interstate tariffs. Scumbag lawyers have used it to claim they have constitutional authority to put their nose into all sorts of things.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Again, WTF are you babbling about. The commerce clause is used to insert the national government into schools which is unconstitutional. I have no idea what else you think I think it means.
Kierland wrote: ↑Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:25 am
With the exception of 14th amendment violations, the National* government has no biz in k-12.
*Does anyone know what federalism even is?
All this time I thought you were a left wing nazi socialist who loves controlling the press and academia and own it's citizens from cradle to grave.
Guess I mis-judged you big time.
Kierland wrote: ↑Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:26 pm
Here let me blow your mind:
I’m super into the 2nd Amendment.
LET me quote bogey at the end of Casablanca.
"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship".
Don't read too much into that.
I'm still suspicious with you being so anti-gipper.
As far as I can tell, you're a rhino,
Like Joe Scarborough and George Will.
Kierland wrote: ↑Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:14 pm
Again, WTF are you babbling about. The commerce clause is used to insert the national government into schools which is unconstitutional. I have no idea what else you think I think it means.
We share an opinion on fed intrusion into schooling. My question was do you think the feds should but out of most of the rest of the stuff they do?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Holy shit - taking big government out of the equation?
Midget head exploding in 3, 2, 1...
When you talk to ANY left wing socialist/elitist, from Robert Redford to Ashley Judd to Meryl Streep, etc......Every single one of these low IQ'S bows at the alter of BIG government. It's their religion, their GOD.
The STATE has all the answers,
It gives meaning and purpose to their meaningless existence which they can't make sense of.
Which is why they ALL turn to prescription medications and alcohol, to mask their low self esteem.