Left to Right....
Seamore, Lumpi, Tanya
the parrot was named Seamore....
anyhoo...the parrot was raised with a bunch of dogs and it learned to mimic barking....
This stupid parrot would bark all day and all night....starting when the sun came up....
So one day my mom took Seamore out in the back yard and Seamore flew away.
Within minutes...there were 911 calls that a DOG was stuck up in a tree...
the fire department was called and when they got to the tree it was seamore, our parrot.
Our parrot was in the tree barking like a dog and people thought it was a real dog in the tree.
It was so funny.....
eventually we gave the parrot to a bird santuary and the parrot barked for 30 more years.
I hate parrots...
I love Dogs!
When I was working at Rockwell International in Seal Beach CA some creepy co worker
did a creepy and took this picture of me and hershey....
I loved that dog....
I like dogs....
I hate people....
Anybody else like PETS?