Innocent Bystander wrote: ↑Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:14 am
The State wrote: ↑Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:24 pm
trumpanzee wrote: ↑Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:13 pm
Given her age, there’s a better than average chance she was a republican.
Means: "I watch Fox News and listen to the appropriate affiliated radio stations. I repeat their talking points. I don't questions far fetched conspiracy theories. I am racist. I am not well educated, or at least don't know how to think for myself. I am a tool."
Lincoln was a Republican. Teddy was a Republican. Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws, and could be seen cheezing like whiz while black men swung with tires around their bodies as they burned to death in the foreground.
Then Kennedy happened.
People change parties.
You're a Commiefornian. What do you care about black voting patterns?
Only a small fraction change parties.
The vast majority stay put.
Democrats have always been racist fucks.
Robert Byrd to Louis Farakhan.
That left wing socialist party is FULL of racist dirtbags.
Ilhan omar and Rashida Tlaib are racist to their bone marrow.
Millions of low IQ's follow the racist ideology of Louis Farakhan.
He's deeply loved and deeply respected in the Democrat socialist party.
A little research into the teachings and ideology of Louis Farakhan, and you will discover the most vile disgusting racist on planet earth.
The left wing socialist press and academia, protect racists like Farakhan and Al Sharpton.
The point is that you follow like a sheep, the bullshit propaganda you come across on a daily basis.