Most overrated player in today's game and most overrated player of all time.
In today's game my vote goes to none other than Charles fucking Woodson.
Dude has been living off his college rep for about 5 years now and simply has not been the impact player than he was supposed to be coming out of college.
I'll give him limited props for recognizing that Alice Davis has some sort of strange sexual attraction for the CB position and using this knowledge to earn over 10 mil this year but overall the dude just doesn't make many plays.
Honorable mentions: Ron Mexico, Warren Sapp, Donovan McNabb.
My all time choice for overrated is none other than Terry Bradshaw.
Dude just happened to be drafted at the right time and benefited from a stellar D and some excellent receivers in Bitchburgh.
It was proven over time that Baldy was about as intelligent as a bucket of wet charcoal and his ridiculous rants on his boring ass pregame show only further strengthen my argument.
Throwing the ball a long was does not a great QB make, if that were the case Jay Schroeder would be a hall of famer.
Honorable mention: Bo Jackson, Kellen Winslow Sr, Troy Aikman.
Bo Jackson used to kick your pathetic defenses ass all over Mile High.
You wanna tal overrated? How bout that human match Champ Bailey? Remember Porter,Gabriel,and Curry abusing him a Jackson sibling? I do.
If anyone has been living off an undeserved rep,its Chump Bailey.
One bad game when slipping and sliding all over the snow does not a career make.
I'll take Bailey over Woodson any day of the week faider fan.
First off he's not making over 10 mil this season.
2nd he actually intercepts passes and makes plays.
3rd he is a team player unlike CWoody
Actually why am I comparing the two, I notice you didn't take issue with CWood on the overrated list.
As far as Jackson goes, if he had played for more than a few seasons maybe you could talk but he didn't. His body couldn't handle the pounding due to his lack of physical conditioning and or (steroid?) use.
Ickey Woods was the shit to for a few seasons, doesn't make him a hall of famer.
One bad game when slipping and sliding all over the snow does not a career make.
I'll take Bailey over Woodson any day of the week faider fan.
First off he's not making over 10 mil this season.
2nd he actually intercepts passes and makes plays.
3rd he is a team player unlike CWoody
Actually why am I comparing the two, I notice you didn't take issue with CWood on the overrated list.
As far as Jackson goes, if he had played for more than a few seasons maybe you could talk but he didn't. His body couldn't handle the pounding due to his lack of physical conditioning and or (steroid?) use.
Ickey Woods was the shit to for a few seasons, doesn't make him a hall of famer.
Get your shit together before you post.
Get MY shit together? If Woodson wasnt a Raider would you have listed him as number one? Bias much? Chump Bailey also get bitch slapped by Chad Johnson in normal weather,or did you conviently forget that as well? Once again Bronco fans memory is short and lacking.
And as far as cant take a pounding. Terrell Davis much? Bo was twice the RB TD ever was. Remember Bo only played a half a season. Had he played a full 16 game schedule his numbers would of eclipsed anything TD ever did.