This 2006 WSJ article by EAP (ha) shows there is nothing new under the sun, only the names change:
In June 1946, Ms. de Havilland was asked to deliver speeches that seemed to be straight from the Communist Party line. This was disturbing to her given that the Kremlin had declared, the year before, that communism and capitalism could not co-exist in the world and war with the U.S. was inevitable. She refused and rewrote the speeches, this time championing President Truman's anti-Communist program, making her persona non grata in Communist Party circles. In executive meetings of the Citizens' Committee, Ms. de Havilland also took note that the group rarely embraced the kind of independent spirit it publicly proclaimed. It always ended up siding with the Soviet Union even though the rank-and-file members were noncommunist. "I thought, 'If we reserve the right to criticize the American policies, why don't we reserve the right to criticize Russia?'" " After scrutiny, Ms. de Havilland saw that this had become quite impossible.
As Ms. de Havilland returns to that time, her every word is deliberate, punctuated for maximum dramatic effect. "A motion that ordinarily would have no chance of being adopted by the entire membership would be introduced early in the meeting, and someone would filibuster so that the chairman would finally put the motion on the table," she remembers. "Somebody else would then filibuster about another issue. And I thought, 'Why is this?' The most intelligent men would get up and talk absolute drivel for 15 minutes. Most people got fatigued and would leave. And by 11 o'clock, there would be only about six people left -- a nucleus -- and me. And suddenly, the controversial motion was taken off the table, voted on, and passed.
"I realized a nucleus of people was controlling the organization without a majority of the members of the board being aware of it. And I knew they had to be communists."
Ms. de Havilland felt a great sense of personal betrayal that the communists had used her, other celebrities and liberalism as covers for their party work. But she was also deeply offended because the Communist Party "stood for the overthrow of governments by violent force, not by evolution. That upset me frightfully, and it was absolutely unacceptable," she says. Exasperated, she decided to resign. But producer Dore Schary, another FDR loyalist, persuaded her to stay by arguing that her departure would be an embarrassment for Democrats and detrimental in the coming midterm elections.
The writer is pro-Reagan, so there's logic gaps in the article. But it's still an interesting section.