What, you might ask, is a hybrid heat pump electric water heater? It uses a heat pump (like your air conditioner) to heat the water, instead of a gas burner or electric resistance element. The heat pump has a UEF (Uniform Energy Factor - a measure of efficiency) of 3.75. Gas water heaters are generally between 0.5 and 0.7, conventional electric resistance water heaters are from 0.75 to 0.95. So, the heat pump has an efficiency 4 times the conventional electric water heater and up to 7 or 8 times that of a gas water heater (we replaced a propane unit, which is similar).
It also blows cool air into the garage. So this is really acting like a small AC unit, where it removes heat from the air and adds it to the water instead of blowing the heat outdoors through the condensing unit (which is what an air conditioner does). It's "hybrid" because the heat pump loses its efficiency below about 37 deg F, so it has a conventional heating element to take over when it gets really cold (which it rarely does here).
It also has WiFi capability so I can control it from an app on my phone.
I can schedule it to raise or lower the setpoint (or even turn it off) during periods of high electric rates or when away from home. After I screw around with it for a while I might just turn it off from 4:00 pm until 9:00 pm when our rates are extremely high. It should have enough water in its 50 gallon tank to get us through that period without heating at all.
It will even tell me how much electricity it's using.