Do you have any issues with how this clusterfukk of an election was held?Softball Bat wrote:Dump has been using the projection tactic for 4 years.MS wrote:Everything they complain about is always projection.
And also the tactic of being the polar opposite of what he claims to be.
-- The law and order president --
Who incites his deranged worshippers to violently oust the elected officials who were making official the lawful election of the people of the nation.
And what did the "law and order president" do during the hours-long rampage?
Did he attempt to intervene and help in any way?
And today he offers the utterly absurd take that impeaching him will only serve to inflame tensions.
Bootng lard ass to the curb is step #1 in extinguishing the fire.
Save me your “where’s the evidence” claims.
There’s plenty of evidence.
The problem is we now have a system which is very easily cheated and damn near impossible to catch said cheating.
Sorry, but that is simply fact.
I get you don’t like Trump or his tactics.
I don’t either.
I would have much preferred someone with his policies who could espouse them with a bit more tact and finesse.
Would have also appreciated someone willing to stand up to Republicrat excess spending a little. This was my chief issue with what Trump did, substance wise. I think it was a factor in the republicans losing the mid-terms.
But, he is what we elected.
So, do you think we’ll get better now that the dems are running things?
I think I know the answer there. You’ve written off the whole system at this point and are cheering for team apocalypse.
I’m about ready to start cheering for team g0dless chink commies.
They are corrupt and ruthless, just like the dems, but they’ll likely spare us the hyper-woke shitshow.
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