Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Mikey »

Stalin = "Uncle Joe"

Biden = "Uncle Joe" - very Stalin-like

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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Nixhex »

Kierland wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 5:16 pm So you compared Biden to Stalin but it wasn’t because they are a like, mkay.

Are you going to tell us what CRT is or not?
Kierland wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:54 pm And Trump is Hitler.
Now GFY.
This you? ^^

How dare you compare Trump to Hitler. He obviously didn't exterminate Jews. In your mind he did some things similar to what Hitler did so you are justified in comparing him to Hitler but I am not for comparing Biden doing something similar to a dictator in Stalin. Got it.

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Ah how cute. Try and deflect by looking up old posts.

I have some old posts for you. For earlier this very week where you call Biden Stalin and the backpedaled for your life.

As for CRT -what is it was the question dumbass.

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Mikey wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 6:15 pm Stalin = "Uncle Joe"

Biden = "Uncle Joe" - very Stalin-like

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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Mikey »

I think a lot of dictators, at one time or another, have said "I gotta pee," or something like that. I know I've said it at least a few times. I guess that makes me Stalin-like.

Add that to standing for pure Socialism and killing, and I guess I'm a card carrying Democrat.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Diego in Seattle »

I hope the cooks preparing the food for Nixbrains & Left Behinder refuse to comply with the Stalin-like rule of washing their hands before working because....freedom!
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Softball Bat »

Nice to see you, Nix!


Vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus, right?

And masks have been worn so that the mask-wearer does not spread the virus to others, right?

So what's up with this nonsense?

Joe is a senile fuck puppet.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Innocent Bystander »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 11:35 pm Nice to see you, Nix!


Vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus, right?

And masks have been worn so that the mask-wearer does not spread the virus to others, right?

So what's up with this nonsense?

Joe is a senile fuck puppet.
Twitter hasn't fact-checked him yet?
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by ML@Coyote »

Nixhex wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 6:41 pm
Kierland wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 5:16 pm So you compared Biden to Stalin but it wasn’t because they are a like, mkay.
Kierland wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:54 pm And Trump is Hitler.
Now GFY.
This you? ^^

How dare you compare Trump to Hitler. He obviously didn't exterminate Jews. In your mind he did some things similar to what Hitler did so you are justified in comparing him to Hitler but I am not for comparing Biden doing something similar to a dictator in Stalin. Got it.
I wouldn't suggest using the idiotic musings of the board's resident histrionic dumbshit as a justification for you to post equally idiotic musings.

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Do tell.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Softball Bat »

Tax Day

Next to Halloween, it's Lefty's least favorite day of the year.

Now this report is sure to make him go -----> flacid.

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Left Seater »

Your video wouldn’t play on my phone.

But you got the days out of order. Tax day is way worse than Halloween. Well over a quarter of our income is taken. And the Senile press dodger wants to take more of it.

I am beginning to think your doom is closer than originally thought. Senile Joe clearly had the mask mandates lifted to direct attention away from the rising unemployment, inflation and gas shortages. On top of that he wants to spend and print money like never before and raise taxes at the same time. Maybe this is his grand plan to end America as we know it.

Federal taxes need huge cuts across the board. We should be paying more taxes to our cities/counties/states than we do to the Feds. We also need a 25% spending cut across the board today.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Your guy tried to overthrow the government and you still have. It come clean so you bitching about this or that policy is complete BS. Fuck off fat nazti.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Left Seater »

And now the courts are weighing in on Biden’s crazy spending.

His first round of Trillions of spending said the following:
“directly or indirectly offset a reduction” in “net tax revenue”
Ohio challenged the Constitutionality of this and a judge agreed. He said it was so vague that the Feds could claim damn near anything falls under that definition.

Props to the judge and fuck the liberals that passed this waste of money. If the Feds are going to hand out stupid amounts of money, states should use that to reduce taxes in their state. But the liberal Democrats in DC can’t stand anyone reducing taxes so they wrote this unconstitutional wording into their handout bill.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

You gave 5 trillion to rich people and still tried to overthrow the government when you didn’t get your way. You don’t care about America you just want to complain.
Thank god for Darwin.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Left Seater wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 10:13 am But you got the days out of order. Tax day is way worse than Halloween. Well over a quarter of our income is taken.
Two homes, including one in a ski area in Colorado. Jet setting all over the country.

We need to get Left Behinder some food stamps!!
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Left Seater »

Why do you hate hard work and taking a risk?
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Left Seater wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 6:22 pm Why do you hate hard work and taking a risk?
Michael Ovitz worked for a year & a half as the CEO at Disney. He was then fired & given a $90 million severance package ($150 million in today's dollars). Explain to us where the risk was.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by ML@Coyote »

A small business is considered to be one with fewer than 500 employees. There are almost 30 million small businesses in the U.S., and only 20,000 large ones. A study from American Express revealed that small business owners are receiving an average annual salary of $68,000. Michael Ovitz's ridiculous compensation is not representative of most business taking place in our country.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Left Seater »

But in Diego’s world those small businesses need to pay more and need their tax rate jacked up.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Best Buy CEO Corrie Barry got a $4,000,000 raise (to $11,000,000) this month after laying off 5,000 workers.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Left Seater »

Cool. Don't shop there if you have an issue with it.

Doesn't change the fact that you nor the government gets to judge how I choose to spend my income. But your jealousy is noted.

Also doesn't change the fact that our income tax is far to overreaching and seriously needs to change. That and our spending which is completely out of control and Senile Joe is spending like never before.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by ML@Coyote »


Vladimir Putin's net worth is estimated at between $70 and $200 billion. When Fidel Castro died, his net worth was about $900 million. Ho Chi Minh's net worth was about $25 million. Xi Jinping's net worth is about $1.51 billion. Do you have a problem with capitalists specifically, or do you just not like rich people?

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Left Seater wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 6:22 pm Why do you hate hard work and taking a risk?
What risk? There is no way your biz is a sole proprietorship. Why must you lie about everything?

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

ML@Coyote wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 12:02 am Diego,

Vladimir Putin's net worth is estimated at between $70 and $200 billion. When Fidel Castro died, his net worth was about $900 million. Ho Chi Minh's net worth was about $25 million. Xi Jinping's net worth is about $1.51 billion. Do you have a problem with capitalists specifically, or do you just not like rich people?
You know most of those are kleptocrates and oligarchs right? They have little or nothing to do with what most people call socialism.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by ML@Coyote »

Diego in Seattle wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 9:38 pm Best Buy CEO Corrie Barry got a $4,000,000 raise (to $11,000,000) this month after laying off 5,000 workers.
I looked into this. The layoff is the result of Best Buy shifting to online sales in order to compete with Amazon and the like. What would you prefer to see? Would you rather see Best Buy continue on with an outdated business model and go belly up like Fry's? And lay off all of its 102,000 employees?
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by ML@Coyote »

Kierland wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 2:51 am
ML@Coyote wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 12:02 am Diego,

Vladimir Putin's net worth is estimated at between $70 and $200 billion. When Fidel Castro died, his net worth was about $900 million. Ho Chi Minh's net worth was about $25 million. Xi Jinping's net worth is about $1.51 billion. Do you have a problem with capitalists specifically, or do you just not like rich people?
You know most of those are kleptocrates and oligarchs right? They have little or nothing to do with what most people call socialism.
Name a current socialist country immune from leaders and citizens amassing large amounts of money.

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

New Zealand is pretty close to what people want. It’s not Socalist but it’s partly socialized.
The PM is worth less than a mil. Few billionaire scattered about, with the richest at about 10billion. People are taken care of, but if you want to own a second house or a plane that is possible too.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Left Seater »

ML@Coyote wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 8:28 am
Diego in Seattle wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 9:38 pm Best Buy CEO Corrie Barry got a $4,000,000 raise (to $11,000,000) this month after laying off 5,000 workers.
I looked into this. The layoff is the result of Best Buy shifting to online sales in order to compete with Amazon and the like. What would you prefer to see? Would you rather see Best Buy continue on with an outdated business model and go belly up like Fry's? And lay off all of its 102,000 employees?
Interesting. There are a number of other companies that could stand to lay off employees as well which should net their CEOs additional coin.

But details generally don’t matter when you are selling a story like clueless in Seattle is.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Fat&Greedy needs another doughnut so fire some more workers.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by ML@Coyote »

Kierland wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 12:42 pm New Zealand is pretty close to what people want. It’s not Socalist but it’s partly socialized.
The PM is worth less than a mil. Few billionaire scattered about, with the richest at about 10billion. People are taken care of, but if you want to own a second house or a plane that is possible too.
I did a little research. New Zealand's poverty rate is 15%, compared to 10.5% for the US. Between 1982 and 2011, New Zealand's gross domestic product grew by 35%. Almost half of that increase went to a small group who were already the richest in the country. During this period, the average income of the top 10% of earners in New Zealand almost doubled going from $56,300 to $100,200. The average income of the poorest tenth increased by only 13% from $9700 to $11,000. The top 1% of the population now owns 16% of the country's wealth – the richest 5% owns 38%.

They also have issues with racism. I found several articles describing this. On the bright side, their crime rate is very low. There are also very few if any animals that are deadly to human beings. So I guess it's a safe place to live if you can afford the high cost of living :)

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

It’s not perfect, but it is run by humans. Your poverty rate is right about where they are and you moved there anyways. You can pimp kleptos if you want, but it would be nice if you knew a little bit about the alternatives before you try the old Putin is rich so all socialism sucks route.
Have you read Marx?
Have you ever been to NZ? Cuba? Europe? Anywhere but CA and SC?
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by ML@Coyote »

Kierland wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 4:59 pm It’s not perfect, but it is run by humans. Your poverty rate is right about where they are and you moved there anyways. You can pimp kleptos if you want, but it would be nice if you knew a little bit about the alternatives before you try the old Putin is rich so all socialism sucks route.
Actually, I'm not knocking all aspects of socialism. For example, I think healthcare-for-profit has gotten completely out of hand in our country. We live in a mixed economy, which I think is good and better than straight socialism. But the mixture could always be tweaked for the better. That's what it's all about, isn't it? Striving for just the right amount of this, and just the right amount of that.
Have you read Marx?
No, and not on my reading list.
Have you ever been to NZ? Cuba? Europe? Anywhere but CA and SC?
Not a jetsetter like LS, but I've been around enough to know that there are alternatives. But there are trade-offs. Some things are better in other countries, and some things are worse. NZ actually sounds like a pretty nice place, but I'm happy here in SC. Maybe I'll visit them someday. I'll ask a Maori to be my guide.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Left Seater »

ML@Coyote wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 5:34 pm
Not a jetsetter like LS
We all spend money, right? If you put that spend on certain credit cards and then pay them off every month, you too can jet around the world.

Booked a trip to Croatia in October and German Christmas Markets in December. The first trip is in Business Class and the 2nd is in First Class. Total money out of pocket for both trips was less than $40 combined for the both of us.

I am happy to share what I know, so everyone can benefit as well.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Run up those CC and just pay them off every month.

You are the absolutely most myopic POS I have ever encountered.

So what you are saying is we need more socialism. Gotcha.

And you should visit NZ. As far as native guides there are plenty here in US you could get if you really care to help indigenous peoples.
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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by smackaholic »

Wanna know who read Marx?

Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro.

That’s enough for me.

Marx was a bitter trust fund POS, who never actually did anything in his pathetic life.

His ideas sound good, to an idiot who doesn’t understand human nature.

Thomas Sowell was a Marxist as a college student. Then he got into the real world and saw what happens in government controlled systems and changed overnight.

Communism ignored personal motivation. It assumes good people will rise to positions of leadership. It is a plan for utopian morons and layabouts.

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Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by ML@Coyote »

Kierland wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 6:36 pm Run up those CC and just pay them off every month.
You are the absolutely most myopic POS I have ever encountered.
When my mom was alive she did the credit card thing. Travelled all over the world on a very limited income.
So what you are saying is we need more socialism. Gotcha.
Like I said, we have a mixed economy.

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Good god it’s the Dump dick sucker bitching about Marx being rich.
You are an echo chamber idiot. One more time for the Nazti Capital Rioters: you can have socialism without government controlled systems and the two shittiest GCS are the cops and the MIC both of which you drop to your knees to lick their balls anytime their names are mentioned. Try a new yarn Boomer.

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

ML@Coyote wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 7:09 pm
Kierland wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 6:36 pm Run up those CC and just pay them off every month.
You are the absolutely most myopic POS I have ever encountered.
When my mom was alive she did the credit card thing. Travelled all over the world on a very limited income.
So what you are saying is we need more socialism. Gotcha.
Like I said, we have a mixed economy.
Your mom and her anecdotal evidence are noted. Hardly the point.

The Economy is mix, just not as socialized as you would like it. It’s ok to say it, your head won’t explode.

Re: Biden/Liberal Bullshit...

Post by Kierland »

Kierland wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 7:13 pm X,
Good god it’s the Dump dick sucker bitching about Marx being rich.
You are an echo chamber idiot. One more time for the Nazti Capital Rioters: you can have socialism without government controlled systems and the two shittiest GCS are the cops and the MIC both of which you drop to your knees to lick their balls anytime their names are mentioned. Try a new yarn Boomer.
You word censored N a z i h o l i c? Or is N a z i anything also censored you thin skinned pieces of shit?
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