Diego in Seattle wrote: ↑Thu May 20, 2021 12:29 pm
If the wages of workers doesn't allow them to keep their heads above water then they certainly aren't buying products (which provides profits & jobs). And look at how our economy was doing in the 50's when union membership was at it's highest. Higher wages for the working class fuels the economy.
There are those who will argue two things. One, that higher wages will cause higher prices for goods and services. Also, some will argue that more money chasing after these goods and services will also cause prices to rise. Do you think inflation will result from raising wages? And do you think this inflation will effectively defeat the gains made in raising wages?
Limit the highest paid executive back to the 400X the lowest paid workers like it used to be. Want more money? Bring everyone up with you.
Taking your example earlier of Best Buy, They have 102,000 employees. An 11 million salary for the CEO amounts to an annual raise of about $108 per employee. This barely seems to scratch the surface. Do you agree?
I see. You don't think that businesses should be regulated. Please see what has happened to our economy during the periods of greatest deregulation. And if they don't like that they're free to not take any tax breaks.
Actually, I didn't say there should be no deregulation. Nor did I say there should be less. I was simply asking a question. Do you think government involvement in private enterprises would benefit the economy and help achieve the higher wages for workers that you're seeking?
You need to read the book below. The numbers are obviously dated, but the situation hasn't changed much comparatively. Because apparently you need a class on what money management looks like for the poor.
The original question concerned 40% of Americans being unable to afford a $400 emergency bill. I don't think 40% of Americans are poor. Or do you disagree with me? My observation has been that most people spend what they get, and few people save for emergencies. I think it's human nature. I think a lot of people could do a better job managing their money.
Lower taxes aren't really the problem. It's low wages. "Lower taxes" is just a scam for the wealthy to get windfalls (as evidenced by the 2017 GOP Tax Scam).
Lower taxes means you have more money to spend, so I disagree with you here. It is effectively raising wages. If a shift in tax responsibility was done poorly in the past, that doesn't mean it couldn't be done right. And you could argue that shifting tax responsibility from the lower wage earners to the higher wage earners might not cause inflation. The same net number of dollars would be chasing after the same number of goods, and the cost of goods and services would not increase due to higher wages.
Anyway, those are some thoughts :)