Thanks for posting more shit that let's me point out exactly how dumb you are. I mean if I didn't you you were this dumb I would think you were setting this up on a tee for me. But we do know you are this stupid and you think you are getting over. BWahahahahahaha. That is us laughing AT you.
Diego in Seattle wrote: ↑Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:46 am
You of all people should know better..... ... f0988f7996
From the article above wrote:Republicans and others had criticized the Democrats after a photo showed them on a charter flight to Washington without masks, though federal pandemic guidelines don’t require masks on private flights.
Let's start here. Yes I do know better than you and apparently this reporter and the editor and the entire AP. This reporter showed they don't even know basic aviation terms and couldn't be bothered to do even a touch of research. That or they purposely mislead to provide cover to the Democrats that the writer supports.
charter flight to Washington without masks, though federal pandemic guidelines don’t require masks on private flights.
First off the writer mixes two types of flights. Charter flights are not private flights. The public can purchase seats on some charter flights. Charter has a different meaning than what you and the writer believe it to be. The rules governing air operations for these types of flights are covered in Part 135 or Part 91. Part 135 covers charters, for hire, fractional ownership, etc. Basically any operator that charges a fee to carry someone from point A to point B and isn't a scheduled airline, operates under Part 135. Part 91 is for private ownership aircraft operation. Think Nike and their corporate Jet that is only for employees, or Jeff Bezos and the airplane he owns and uses for his personal movements.
So, if you are operating under Part 135, you and your passengers are required to wear a mask on the plane. This is clearly a Part 135 operated aircraft.
So are you going to try to tell us that one of these deserters actually owns the plane? And further from that, that one of them owns the plane and had is configured as if it were an airliner with a dense seating option? And with this dense seating layout they don't use the plane for hire, ever?
Here is the actual order from the CDC. Maybe after you read it you can share it with the disengenuous / dumb reporter. ... 9-21-p.pdf
So yeah, I know my stuff and you and this reporter clearly don't. But you couldn't stop there. Thankfully for us you had to go and show us that you know even less than you thought you did.
Diego in Seattle wrote: ↑Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:46 am
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Jul 20, 2021 1:13 am
But the fact is they aren’t following Biden’s rules.
Care to hook us up with a link to where it says they violated one of Biden's regulations?
Sure, I will. It will once again kick your ass. On Day 1 in the White House Biden signed an executive order requiring masks on planes and other modes of transportation.
Here is a story on it: ... -on-planes
Mask up or you won't be allowed to board a plane, train or bus. President Biden signed an executive order Thursday, requiring passengers to wear face coverings during interstate travel.
Here is a copy of the actual Executive Order. ... al-travel/
Diego in Seattle wrote: ↑Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:46 am
You're the one spewing half-truths & false allegations, yet I'm spinning?
Please point out the false allegations above. And yes, you are clearly spinning. You want to focus on the flight to draw attention away from the hypocrisy of the actions of these Liberal Democrats. Look over here while I act the fool so you don't focus on their worse actions.
But thanks for teeing this up. Pointing out your idiocy never gets old.