With a little imagination and/or a couple of hits off the blunt ( :) ) it is not difficult to see the gameplan here.
The overlords/Satan's minions luv death.
Love, love,
LOVE it!
Can't get enough of it.
60+ million lives snuffed out since Roe v. Wade?
And that is only a starting point for the actual genocide.
These lives would have procreated -- and over a couple/few generations, it can be conservatively estimated that if this genocide had not happened the U.S. population might be
double what it is now.
So it has been quite the death freak show these evil fvcks have put on display.
Their boss is proud!
But that is not enough, so now they are going to ramp up the culling of the herd.
Let's connect some dots -- and take another hit off the blunt...
1. If you thought Covid is over, think again.
2. The full-court press to have people take
multiple injections, which rightfully should have been met with serious concern, skepticism, or outright disdain, has been like nothing any of us have ever seen. What is up with that? You think these death freaks who are behind the scenes calling these shots are really looking out for -----> you?
3. What is the mantra for the pro-choice crowd?
"My body, my choice!"
Or something along those lines, right?
4. What is the mantra of the anti-Covid vax crowd?
"My body, my choice!"
Or something along those lines, right?
5. So now Satan's death freaks will undercut that.
No, you have no choice.
If a state says you have no choice with your body, so you must carry a birth forward to finish.
You must do so.
If a state says you must be jacked up with jabs, you have no choice.
must take the injections.
It is for the greater community good.
Or off to the concentration camp you go, leper.
6. Cull the herd.
7. If you took any of the jabs you prolly should not have, and you sure as shit ought not take any more.
Good day...