This is not a flat earth thread

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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Softball Bat wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 8:33 am
L TARD wrote:There's no shadow to be expected of a craft hovering several miles above the moon's surface.
He didn't say the craft should show a shadow.

He said, "Shadows should be very long and very dark on the moon's surface. A gnat's hat should look like a fencepost."

You did not weigh in.

Is it, in your opinion, real or is it not real?
But from the height of that camera--several miles--there wouldn't be any shadows of anything. Are you really so fucking stupid? You don't believe in gravity? You think the oceans should spin off into the air because of centrifugal force? :meds:
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

See the craters?

See the shadows?

Do you ever tire of having your teeth kicked in?
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

First, the sun is not directly behind the camera. Why are you assuming that?

Second, there are shadows as expected--but of course they're not especially long or large because there's nothing tall or tower-shaped on the lunar surface.

Third, you keep forgetting to say what's apparently fake about the vid. "It looks like a cartoon"? That's it? Of course the earth will look bright and clear since it's being viewed without an atmosphere. And of course it will appear much larger than the moon being viewed from earth.

Did you actually attend school when you were a little girl? Why are you wallowing in sheer stupidity? :doh:
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

L TARD wrote:But from the height of that camera--several miles--there wouldn't be any shadows of anything. Are you really so fucking stupid?
L TARD wrote:Second, there are shadows as expected

No more discussion, 'tard.

You are not up to it.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Roach »

The moon crater and mound shadows are 180 degrees wrong. This is a weak fake, lots wrong with it. Proves the chinks produced bullshit but not much else.

Oh, and . . . So much wrong with LtsTard's takes, but:

We are not assuming where the sun is, it's position was clearly shown at the beginning.

Hover? You idiot, it is [supposedly] orbiting. Again look at the set up slide.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

What nonsense. By "hovering" I mean it's slowly cruising along. "Donnie's" nonsense suggests there should be long and stark shadows. But of course there's nothing to create any such shadow. Whatever shadow images we see on the ground are meaningless.

As with the pic of the moon lander, Slop Fart is passively suggesting that it's somehow just fake by looking at it. No explanation. And it's the same here. What's supposed to be wrong with his vid in the first place? The sun is on the left and the shadows are all fine. What the fuck are you talking about, "roach"?
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Roach »

I'm still talking about the Kaguya video Pops provided. Not the moon lander. Try reading the fucking posts before blurting your bull shit.

You are a scatter brain chicken little who mixes shit up like a woman from Venus. Try slow breathing and meditation, slow that little mind of yours down some.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Yes, we're speaking of the same vid. I mention the moon lander to demonstrate Sloppy's sleazy non-logical bullshit in asserting something. And it is applied with this vid as well. So what's wrong with it? What do you mean about shadows being 180-degrees backwards? Are you also required to wear a crash helmet around hard objects? :o
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Roach »

Softball Bat wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:52 pm
L TARD wrote:inane vapid shit
L TARD wrote:more word vomit rants

No more discussion, 'tard.

You are not up to it.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Oh sheath your rapier wit, "roach," and let us rather bask in the gentle and generous zephyrs of your kind condolence and charity for all plutocrat perverts caught in their undies with a John off his meds--and a hammer in his hand. :o
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

I missed your take on the Japanses "Space" Agency's earth rise.

Is it real or is it not real?
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

This is not a flat earth thread, so I will not be touching anything you said there.

You are on record as stating that this...

is real.

A side question for anyone to weigh in on.

Pause this video at 1:13.

Is there any continent visible there?

If so, what is it?
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

This (roughly) is what we are seeing?


So the continent we see on the left in the Japanese video is Australia?
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Notice that Slop Fart keeps posting this vid as thought there's something obviously wrong with it. But of course he can cite nothing at all wrong with it. It's like his whole Fake argument about gravity and moon landers. He pretends to offer an argument--but there's nothing.

And of course he can't refute my simple observation right here. :o

But who knew that Sloppy had a day job? :oops: 8)
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

L TARD wrote:Notice that Slop Fart keeps posting this vid as thought there's something obviously wrong with it. But of course he can cite nothing at all wrong with it.
Yeah, nothintg wrong with it, other than a person can look at it for 7 seconds and recognize that it is -----> a cartoon.

I truly feel embarrassed for anyone who looks at that Japanese "earth rise" bullshit and thinks it is real.

Oh well.

Here, L TARD, this is real...

Now, here's what you can do.

Find the video of the Japanese rocket going, uncut, from land to space.

Good luck in your quest.

Goofy cartoons and wild stories do not impress.

So sorry.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Okay, you claim it's a "cartoon" but you offer nothing whatever to support this claim--except, once again, that it's just obvious. ? Look, this silly trick is played out. It's not a cartoon at all--and you can't cite any evidence that it is.

And as for Kubrick's film, are you suggesting that he too is a dupe? That his depiction of a global earth is just a matter of him being a fool with no access to actual astronomical data. And it follows that his cohort on the film, Arthur C. Clarke was also a dummy who couldn't understand the obvious fact that an ocean of water on a spinning planet should just...well what? What is your passive and extremely idiotic suggestion as to the oceans reacting to the spinning earth? They should just rise and spray into the wind? And all other weighted matter should do as well? You're a clown. And really an annoying little twerp.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

L TARD wrote:Okay, you claim it's a "cartoon" but you offer nothing whatever to support this claim--except, once again, that it's just obvious. ? Look, this silly trick is played out. It's not a cartoon at all--and you can't cite any evidence that it is.
poptart wrote:Now, here's what you can do.

Find the video of the Japanese rocket going, uncut, from land to space.

Good luck in your quest.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Kierland »

Jsc810 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:11 am Sorry my friend, it doesn't work that way.

It is you who must prove your claim, not us. The shape of the world has been known for thousands of years, gravity has been known for hundreds. And now you're saying NASA is faking.

You are the one with the extraordinary claim, you have to prove it. Take your time.
It seems pretty extraordinary to claim someone was on the moon. So according to your logic that would be something you would need to prove.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Kierland wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:19 am It seems pretty extraordinary to claim someone was on the moon. So according to your logic that would be something you would need to prove.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
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You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Don't get confused here. The Fake Moon Landing is not at all in the same category as Flat Earth or Gravity, What's That?--even though there seem to be be some overlapping factors. As for an interesting take on the Fake Moon Landing I heartily suggest the (2016) film, Operation Avalanche, which seems a clever comedy for the first half, but comes into a different and sort of chilling focus in the second half.


But as for Slop Fart's coy and childish nonsense, I hate to quote an asshole, but Stop Feeding The Troll. I realize I've been a principle offender in drawing him out and ridiculing his basic faggotry, but I'll try to do better. 8)
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Jsc wrote:The shape of the world has been known for thousands of years

And anyway, it does not matter what the consensus is at any given time in history, because consensus can, and does, change.
For most of human history the consensus was that the earth is flat.

There is a truth regarding the shape of the earth.
Consensus does not matter, because masses of people are often totally clueless and full of shit.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:10 am
Jsc wrote:The shape of the world has been known for thousands of years

And anyway, it does not matter what the consensus is at any given time in history, because consensus can, and does, change.
For most of human history the consensus was that the earth is flat.

There is a truth regarding the shape of the earth.
Consensus does not matter, because masses of people are often totally clueless and full of shit.
Well it's one or the other--Flat or Round. Or do you perhaps entertain some further option? So which is it, and how can you prove it? Unlike debunking the official 9/11 narrative, it's not enough to only seek to disprove either the Round or the Flat theory. No, you have to prove which one is accurate.

So cut the bullshit and declare which you believe is the truth. :?: :?:
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Kierland »

Jsc810 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:08 am
Kierland wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:19 amIt seems pretty extraordinary to claim someone was on the moon. So according to your logic that would be something you would need to prove.
We still have people alive who actually did it. First hand testimony. And they brought back moon rocks. In other words, direct evidence. And proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
Eyewitness testimony is inherently unreliable when no cross is forthcoming so that part is BS. What makes a rock a moon rock?
Love how you declare the trial over before the other side has rested. It is quite apparent you have never been in a courtroom.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

MS wrote:Love how you declare the trial over before the other side has rested.
It is generally how the globe/NASA zealots roll.

Wave off opposition as if the questions and points we raise are somehow stupid.
Claim the "science" high ground.
Claim the whole thing is settled.

It is arrogant ignorance.

It is ridiculous.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

You know, we've had 3 people (myself, Donnie, Roach) come in this thread and say that the Japanese "earth rise" is... not right.

So if we want to label that as "bat shit crazy," perhaps you need to wake up and start to honestly take a look at things.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

But none of you little faggots can say why the Jap vid is fake. You're disgusting. :wink:
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Donnie Baker's Ghost »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:01 am But none of you little faggots can say why the Jap vid is fake.
I did.

I gave specific examples and relevant details. If you want to argue those specifics, then go ahead. Otherwise fuck AAALLLL the way off with your bullshit.
Shut up, Randy!
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Donnie Baker's Ghost »

My best guess as to why the Japs would make this fake video is the same reason people on earth do fake shit on TikTok. They want attention. The Japs probably took a photo (a real photo) of Earth from space and imposed a real photo of the moon (taken at a different time) in front of it. Set the foreground in motion and voila there's a viral video for everyone to fawn over. Neil "Spout the Company Line" Tyson will say whatever his handlers tell him to say about this video.
Shut up, Randy!
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Roach »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:01 am But none of you little faggots can say why the Jap vid is fake. You're disgusting. :wink:
In electronics they have this device called a diode. Generally speaking it allows current flow in one direction, but not the other.

You are a damn diode "LTS." A one way device, ever jabbering and spouting disjointed bullshit but never listening or reading. The latest example is the last few postings. This might be your perfect avatar.


Now add a random noise generator in front of the diode and presto, one LTS bot.

Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Kierland »

Jsc810 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 2:43 am It is reality vs bat shit crazy.

You're too smart for this.
You literally pull out the fallacy he said you were going to pull out. You suck at using actual arguments, probably why you were able to pass the lowly LA bar.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Donnie Baker wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:09 pm
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:01 am But none of you little faggots can say why the Jap vid is fake.
I did.

I gave specific examples and relevant details. If you want to argue those specifics, then go ahead. Otherwise fuck AAALLLL the way off with your bullshit.
Bullshit. You've offered nothing. There's nothing wrong with the shadows or the clarity of the moon's surface. You're totally full of shit and you have no idea what you're babbling about as far as apertures, as well as where the sun had to be to make that vid. You guys are clowns.

And Slop Fart refuses to simply declare--is the earth Flat or Round? Or something else? How can this idiocy continue at all if he --or you --won't belly up to the bar and actually say what you believe to be the truth? :hfal:
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

LTARD wrote:And Slop Fart refuses to simply declare--is the earth Flat or Round?
This is not a flat earth thread.

I have stated my view on it MANY times in MANY different threads.

My view:
The globe is incorrect.
It is my assumption that the earth is flat.
But I do not claim that to be a fact, because -----> I do not know for sure.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Okay, but on what are you basing this belief? Surely not the boxed nonsense of thinking that the oceans aren't susceptible to gravity? It can't be something as moronic as that. So what is it? That all of the world's astronomical institutions are lying and maintaining a massive hoax ?

It would be amusing if it were backed by some actual thought or wit. But you sound like a little child. And it appears you're an actual Christer--which of course precludes any sort of rational or scientific perspective.

But at least try and humor us. Start by reminding us about the pesky and conspicuous round shape of the earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse. And no, we have no interest in looking up your prior posts. Just give us the elevator pitch. How are they '"faking" the lunar eclipse shadow?

And if you won't answer this directly, then the whole charade is done. Frankly, it's gone on too long. :wink:
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

If you want to discuss these topics, start a thread.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well I guess it's official, you are a sissified bottom bitch faggot of unprecedented mewl. :!:
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Donnie Baker's Ghost »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:19 pm
Donnie Baker wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:09 pm
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:01 am But none of you little faggots can say why the Jap vid is fake.
I did.

I gave specific examples and relevant details. If you want to argue those specifics, then go ahead. Otherwise fuck AAALLLL the way off with your bullshit.
Bullshit. You've offered nothing. There's nothing wrong with the shadows or the clarity of the moon's surface. You're totally full of shit and you have no idea what you're babbling about as far as apertures, as well as where the sun had to be to make that vid. You guys are clowns.

And Slop Fart refuses to simply declare--is the earth Flat or Round? Or something else? How can this idiocy continue at all if he --or you --won't belly up to the bar and actually say what you believe to be the truth? :hfal:
Have you been prescribed medication? Are you good about taking it?

I can't imagine a grown man not understanding how shadows work or how cameras focus. Your stupidity on this subject is simply staggaring.
Shut up, Randy!
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

L TARD is like the "agitator" on a basketball team.

He has no real skill, and he enters him into the game for the sole purpose of trying to disrupt the opposition with senseless, squirrely agitation and high elbows.

Once L Tard starts down this path of diversion and incoherence, there no real reason to engage with him.

He is already defeated.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Jsc810 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:47 pm
I don't know what this video is supposed to prove.

NASA has told us that this is earth...


North America has somehow grown exponentially over the span of 34 years.

How fascinating.
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

These are nothing but pics which are of course processed in all manner before they arrive on your screen let alone ours.

You and "Donnie" are the gayest flowers in the garden..
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Re: This is not a flat earth thread

Post by Softball Bat »

L TARD wrote:These are nothing but pics which are of course processed in all manner before they arrive on your screen let alone ours.
That's the point.
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