It's worth it. Harry's voice conveys what print won't.
He sounds like a posh, sensitive jock.
He humanizes his father, in spite of his father's awkward cruelties -- and through doing so, humanizes fucking Andrew, of all people (when you hear the teddy bear story, you'll know).
He admits his scholastic failings with honesty, not jealousy or blame.
His take on British history is interestingly humble.
His issue with William is normal sibling stuff, not the death of the monarchy.
His survivor's guilt over his mother's death is palpable.
I just don't see why everyone in the UK media is acting like Harry has committed the worst treason of treasons with this book. He made the Windsors human. It's a touching look at masculine family dynamics. Also, the British seem weirdly schizophrenic about the concept of face. But the press is acting like he stabbed his father brother and ancestors in the back with a thousand knives. They can't be serious over there. Why do thet hate Harry so?