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Re: Doom

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:20 pm
Jsc810 wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:22 pm Well honestly I haven't thought much about that issue. I have just assumed that with the largest number of armed forces in the world, with their total willingness to kill their own citizens, with one of the world's most powerful militaries in the world, and with a reasonable claim to possess Taiwan, that whenever China decided to take over the island, they could do so.

The question is whether the US would risk WWIII and fully defend the island.

I don't know squat about it and don't give a shit enough to start researching it.
Don't you mean would China risk WW3 to take it?

It's a moot point at this time. They can't even if they wanted to. It would necessarily be the most most complex amphibious operation in the history of warfare. D Day would be child's play by comparison. China simply does not have the capability or the operational experience to pull something like this off as yet. It will also be impossible to hide the preparation for such an operation. Their fleet would be torn to pieces by subs and cruise missiles.
The CCP doesn't need, let alone want, to engage in any military assault on Taiwan. Rather, theirs is a strategy of slowly but steadily draining the vigorous economy of the Chinese nationalists by luring thousands and thousands of high quality workers to the mainland every year for better pay. There's already a significant degree of business betwenn the supposed enemies, and the dependency of Taiwan upon China is just like ours for the most part. And just as in Africa and South America, China is indeed taking over, but without a shot being fired or any offcial diplomatic protocol, i.e., a "Vichy" type puppet gov't.

And since China is clearly not a viable or possible military opponent, the war-mongering neocons need an Enemy of existential proportions upon which to hitch the unprecedented military spending. And that's Russia, which has been tricked into the Ukraine invasion.
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Re: Doom

Post by mvscal »

Agreed on China. They will play the long game and hollow out Taiwan from within.

Putin was not "tricked" into invading Ukraine. He stepped on that turd all by himself.
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Re: Doom

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well he was mislead as to the difficulty, that's for sure, but the protracted steady pressure of NATO and Ukrainian abuse of the eastern Russian-populated regions was intended to achieve this very outcome. Just like Germany, Russia has always been feared and undermined by the western Eurpean nations--leading to both the Bolshevik and Nazi horrors. And now with the new impetus of a Green Revolution somehow sudenly having the same inexplicably disproportionate political power as the LGBTQRXYZ "community," Russia's oil and gas is the real target, and all of Europe the real victims.
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Re: Doom

Post by Diego in Seattle »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:48 am Well he was mislead as to the difficulty, that's for sure
There's this little country called Afghanistan. You might want to look into its history....
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Re: Doom

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Indeed, but notice how the same tactic is being employed. When the Soviet Union invaded in 1976--following a coup of their "friendly" gov't, they looked prepared to dispense the towelhead Taliban with their overwhelming military superiority. And just like with Ukraine, the West (War Inc.) quickly and effectively boosted the underdog nation with all manner of high tech weaponry. Okay, then it was shoulder-fired stinger missles, and now it's fucking Abram tanks and all sorts of missiles. And this time the stakes are much higher. These neocon gargoyles are in heaven .
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Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

Got to love a guy who thinks Carlie Wilson was the enemy.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland » ... /101901472

Leave it to the Aussies to do doom right. Fuck me dead.

Although this might be a Silver medal seeing as one ended up in a wall in USSR (now Ukraine) and killed four people.
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Re: Doom

Post by Sudden Sam »

Kierland wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 4:30 pm ... /101901472

Leave it to the Aussies to do doom right. Fuck me dead.

Although this might be a Silver medal seeing as one ended up in a wall in USSR (now Ukraine) and killed four people.
That would be great…riding around with it “lodged in your tyre”.


Ten x-rays per hour!
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Re: Doom

Post by Donnie Baker's Ghost »

Bat, you're in Korea if I recall. Can you take some high speed rail -or whatever you guys have- over to Japan and tell them Donnie Baker says this is a bad idea? You have my permission to use the word Doom if you have to.

Despite opposition, Japan may soon dump Fukushima wastewater into the Pacific

Radiation is not good, mmkay. Let's stop fucking up the ocean for a while, whaddya say?
Shut up, Randy!
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »


Japan is a very "advanced" society, but they do a lot of wack things.

This is not kool.

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Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

^^^^fever dreaming again. That doesn’t even make sense.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

You should quintuple post instead of just quadruple posting.
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Re: Doom

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

JPGettysburg wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:11 pm
Kierland wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:49 pm You should quintuple post instead of just quadruple posting.
OR, you should watch and learn, instead of regurgitating the same left-wing bullshit propaganda over and over again.
Notice, however, that Squirm Worm doesn't actually promote anything. No actual public figures, no policies or narratives, no agenda. Sure, it hisses little venomous spurts against "the police," but that's it as far as an actual entity. Everything else is just rote carping, pissy personal attacks, and absolutely no willingness or ability to deal with facts about real people and real incidents. In short, it is a total fraud and should of course be shunned entirely.
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Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

Yes I counterpunched you into next week back in Nov and it took you three months to recover.
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Re: Doom

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Squirm Worm is nothing more than an annoying little shit--and hasn't caused anyone to do anything except make everyone wish it just go away. Why is it even here? :oops:
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Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

Smokin’ fools.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

Lick more Nazi boot.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

What about the middies!?!

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

So red puddle.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Donnie Baker wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:31 am This crossed my radar. ---->your thoughts, Bat<-----
I was contacted this morning by a source in the financial industry. Below is PRECISELY what he told me:

"Almost a Trillion dollars has hit the blockchain in just 72 hours as the Federal Government has a big announcement to make on January 20, about the Banking system, over possibly an issue of solvency.

The S&P this week will likely see 20-40% falls and banks all get their share prices hit as the rumors start to circulate over what is about to happen."

Now, when someone tells me "over possibly an issue of solvency" that's akin to saying "over possibly an issue of . . . . . anything." There really is no way to tell if this person has any proof or is simply talking out of his butt.

So I did some checking . . .

Turns out, yes, almost a Trillion dollars has flowed into blockchain crypto within the past 72 hours. THAT is staggering. THAT raises red flags to me, and I don't even own a crypto wallet; don't know the first thing about crypto.

What I __do__ know is that when people start moving large chunks of cash into things outside the banks, that's unusual. It's also unusual that the FDIC is going to make some big announcement this coming Friday. Why wait until Friday?

The Friday announcement is also raising red flags with me. Friday? Do they mean after the markets close for the week? That's usually when really bad news gets put out, to leave the weekend for cooler heads to prevail before markets re-open on Monday.

Anyway, my head is kinda spinning over this because there's so much false news and scare mongering these days. One just doesn't know who is real and who isn't.

Given the nature of this information, and with a clear statement to you that I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS ACCURATE . . . I am passing this along to you, to do with as you see fit.

More if I get it.
I don't see the S&P dropping 20-40%. That kind of sell off would be historic. Catastrophic. The markets would close for a while to stop the bleeding. No way the market allows a drop of more than 10%.

I do not doubt the Fed is going to announce the next small step toward digital currency. Then expect a major --->something<--- to speed that train along. Saudi Arabia trying to destabilize the US petro dollar is absolutely happening and will push the Fed toward a revaluation of the USD, but that's a slow burn. I expect to see something more dramatic that will grab the public's attention.

Conspiracy story hour is now over. Most of you can fuck yourselves in advance.


- Michael Burry ... r%5Eauthor

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Re: Doom

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well everything about Gibberin' Joe and Kamaltoe seems to demand a new Emergency...just like when the Chimp snuck in, and within a few months the Enron indictments were coming and the New Pearl Harbor was ready and wired for thermite duty. :P

So what's this time?
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Re: Doom

Post by Sudden Sam »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:27 am Well everything about Gibberin' Joe and Kamaltoe seems to demand a new Emergency...just like when the Chimp snuck in, and within a few months the Enron indictments were coming and the New Pearl Harbor was ready and wired for thermite duty. :P

So what's this time?
Resurgence of covid? Lethal version likely.

Maybe direct US involvement in Ukraine? Boots on ground. WWIII.

Origin planet of UAPs IDed. Alien overlords reveal themselves.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

AI is better than NI which is what you have.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

You sound like you are in a cult.
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Re: Doom

Post by Meat Head »

JPGettysburg wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:11 pm

Well, if humanity is so fucked up, maybe A I. isn't such a bad thing after all.
If that's Low AI, it could justify your miserable existence.
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Re: Doom

Post by Meat Head »

I would beat your ass, rated 1896, but you would cheat obviously so nice deflection moron.

Fuk off.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

Probably with a vibrating dildo in his ass. Not to win at chess, that would just be a by product of his joy.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Pentagon says it is monitoring Chinese spy balloon
spotted flying over US

Image ... py-balloon


What happened to the super duper U.S. Space Force?


Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye Focusing it on the sky
The 99 red balloons go by...

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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »


More and more network footage from #Montana is emerging. The object is moving at high altitude and does
not threaten civilian flights. The #US has not issued an order to shoot it down.

- Intermarium

Shoot it down!

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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

The U.S. is going to let this spy balloon fly over the homeland wherever it will?


Analysts also noted that Montana and nearby states are home to US intercontinental ballistic missile silos and strategic
bomber bases.

US officials say they have taken actions to ensure the balloon cannot collect any sensitive data. They decided against
shooting it down because of the risk to lives and property by falling debris.

However, Layton added, if the US could bring down the balloon within its territory without destroying it then the balloon
might reveal some secrets of its own. ... index.html

The spy balloon does not belong over the states.

Maybe the U.S. is not shooting it down because it is carrying a deadly payload.


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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

The "Chinese spy balloon" will move east over multiple states -- and then out into the Atlantic Ocean.

The U.S. is leaving it alone, and there is no definitive word as to wtf is going on.

lol ... index.html

Here is a close look at the balloon...


Since, boys and girls, there is no such thing as space satellites, I suspect what we have here is a "satellite" that has lost altitude, such that it became visible.

We'll see what develops as it continues its trek east over the states.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Another Chinese spy balloon is transiting Latin America, Pentagon says

The Pentagon said Friday evening that another Chinese spy balloon is currently transiting Latin America.
"“We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America. We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance
balloon,” press secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said in a statement to CNN."

It is unclear exactly where the balloon is over Latin America – but a US official tells CNN it does not appear to
be currently heading to the United States. ... index.html


Where's Biden?
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Re: Doom

Post by mvscal »

Softball Bat wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:42 am

Where's Biden?
Shambling around the White House with butterscotch pudding plastered all over his face while flogging a semi-chub trying to dribble a feeble load on some horrified nine year old's toes.

Blinken tells China its spy balloon was ‘irresponsible’ after canceling Beijing trip

Blinken had been scheduled to depart for Beijing Friday night, on a trip that was intended to reinforce communication and cooperation between the two countries.

Instead, he told China’s director of Central Foreign Affairs Office, Wang Yi, in a phone call Friday that the balloon was an “irresponsible act and a clear violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law that undermined the purpose of the trip,” according to a readout of the discussion. ... loon-.html
Whoa! Strong medicine right there. I'm sure Pedo Joe is no longer the only world leader shitting in his pants after that stern rebuke.

Clown world...
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

mvscal wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:07 am
Softball Bat wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:42 am

Where's Biden?
Shambling around the White House with butterscotch pudding plastered all over his face while flogging a semi-chub trying to dribble a feeble load on some horrified nine year old's toes.

Blinken tells China its spy balloon was ‘irresponsible’ after canceling Beijing trip

Blinken had been scheduled to depart for Beijing Friday night, on a trip that was intended to reinforce communication and cooperation between the two countries.

Instead, he told China’s director of Central Foreign Affairs Office, Wang Yi, in a phone call Friday that the balloon was an “irresponsible act and a clear violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law that undermined the purpose of the trip,” according to a readout of the discussion. ... loon-.html
Whoa! Strong medicine right there. I'm sure Pedo Joe is no longer the only world leader shitting in his pants after that stern rebuke.

Clown world...
Yes the Nazi is all of a sudden worried about authoritarians.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Doom

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

What can you see with a balloon--equipt with cameras, etc.--that's not available on Google Earth? Upon what is it supposedly spying? :?:

I call total bullshit on this obviously distractive nonevent. :wink:
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

What is it distracting people from?
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

instead, he (Blinken) told China’s director of Central Foreign Affairs Office, Wang Yi, in a phone call Friday that the balloon was an “irresponsible act and a clear violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law that undermined the purpose of the trip,” according to a readout of the discussion. ... loon-.html
mvscal wrote:Whoa! Strong medicine right there. I'm sure Pedo Joe is no longer the only world leader shitting in his pants after that stern rebuke.

Clown world...
Stern words (lol), and the balloon is still up there -- and poised to head east over multiple states before it is finished with whatever it is doing up there.

The U.S. is not going to bring it down?
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »


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