So last week I got the lawn tractor out again to re-mow those areas and get some others that I left out the first time around.
Unfortunately I made a dumb mistake and hit an object that I couldn't see under the weeds and caused the blade to stop and the motor to stall out. Got down on my hands and knees but couldn't see anything caught in the blade so I tried to restart. The starter turned for a second but it still wouldn't turn over so I got down and looked more closely, and I had caught a piece of gopher wire in the blade. Yeah, like I said, really dumb. Once I got the wire disentangled from the blade I tried again to restart and...nothing. No cranking, not even a click from the solenoid. Seems like an electrical problem? Coincidence that this happened at the same time as an obviously mechanical fuckup? The battery is brand new and the LCD hour counter and headlight both work. So I replaced the $4.99 fuse and still nothing. I just mail ordered a new solenoid, which I now think is the problem. Besides a loose wire somewhere, is there anything else I should be checking?
TIA for any serious and/or dumbass responses.