My cousin Jay was a Huey Gunship pilot in Vietnam. He was highly decorated for his service in 1967-69. Over the years, he has shared several of his combat experiences with me. Talk about intense and horrific shit! But that’s not the point today.
The point of including a little of Jay’s background is so I can explain where this story came from. Vietnam Helo drivers and crew members are a tight group. They regularly meet up and stay in touch with each other throughout the year. Joe Kline was a helicopter crew chief in Vietnam and has become an accomplished aviation artist.
Joe Kline emailed this story to Jay recently and Jay shared it with me:
”The other evening I was telling my grandson about an incident that occurred while on perimeter guard at Camp Eagle in 1970. As the story goes "It was a dark and stormy night". The 4 of us were sitting up on top of one of the perimeter bunkers, we never went inside because they were full of rats. Anyhoo, apparently a small monkey got tangled up in the concertina wire and set off a trip flare, of course we thought it was an NVA human wave assault. The monkey's thrashing shadow was projected up into the fog and drizzle like when you hold your hand close to a flashlight at night. I did this painting from a 54 year memory as seen through the eyes of a wet, cold, tired G.I., and scared shitless I might add!”
Are there any vets here at T1B? If so, please consider posting your experiences.