KC Paul 3.0 wrote:Mister Bushice wrote:Don't take it so hard, Luth. There's a solid Chance that KC Notake 3.0 was too stupid to vote for himself, and that Cuda voted for him out of spite.
Gee, if I didn't know any better you two assclowns are trying to tag-team me...
Tag team you? You're so fat it would take a million man march to accomplish that, roseanne.
Do us all a favor - stop eating for a week and end world hunger. You could call it
'KC Paul presents "LiveAte"'
every three seconds,
every three seconds,
every three seconds,
a child dies because I ate one.
Hell, if you're successful maybe they'd name a country after you, or better yet make you a country and let all the hungry people live there, and Voila! no more world hunger.
.sorry fellas, I'm a HETEROsexual. I DON'T go there, OK? Take your virtual ass-tag game somewhere else, flamers.
How the fuck would a guy who hasn't seen or touched his own dick since 9th grade phys ed class even know what sex he is anymore? I'm guessing at this point that the chilito you call a dick has been scared back into its shell by the ever-rumbling ceiling of blubber that hangs over it like the starship in the movie Independence Day blotted out the sky over the White House. Talk about a golden shower. If piss was paint you'd be an abstract artist specializing in daily bathroom makeovers.
And who in hell would want to play ass tag with a USDA rejected bloated bovine carcass like you? The point of game is getting close enough to tag the person, and given the fact your ass hasn't been thoroughly wiped since they invented clean air there isn't a trekkie in the universe who'd take on the Klingons you've been breeding.
They still make lettuce you know. It's not just for someone elses breakfast anymore.