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Post by DrDetroit »

Mainiac wrote:
BSmack wrote:
ChargerMike wrote:Image
That deserveth a RACK!
Once again the lefties kick their own ass...

How can ypu idiots demand that Bush reach out to you and that us misguided Bush voters should take a hard look at the Democrats, yet, ^^^ is how you treat those you ask to join you???
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Post by DrDetroit »

KC Scott wrote:Is fiscally conservative social moderate an option?
WTF is that supposed to mean???

How do you propose to pay for you social programs???
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Post by DrDetroit »

KatMode wrote:Independent.

I refuse to contribute to the "your group, my group" bullshit mentality that occurs with the Democrats and Republicans. I vote on how I feel about issues, and whomever represents my views the best gets my vote.
Yep, another politically ignorant fool...

This posters opinion represents foolishness. He/she boils party identification down to cliques and ignores the real distinctions if political values, moral values, and common sense.
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Post by BSmack »

DrDetroit wrote:
Mainiac wrote:
BSmack wrote: FTFY
How can ypu idiots demand that Bush reach out to you and that us misguided Bush voters should take a hard look at the Democrats, yet, ^^^ is how you treat those you ask to join you???
The last thing on earth I would want would be for you to "join" with me. Back off bitch.
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Post by DrDetroit »

I see you ducked the point altogether...

Your party is about all the talk right now re: reaching out to red state voters...

Yet, ironically, all we see for you people is constant elitism and chauvinism...

Can you explain this behavior???

BTW - how hilarious is it to see Hillary Clinton prancing about right now giving "values" speeches...telling us how she prays every night...

As transparent as Kerry telling us that his foreig policy would not be subject to the approval of Europe.
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Post by ChargerMike »

Shillary IS a born again christain....yep....and Bubba never had sex with THAT woman...

This is one transformation that no one could possibly swallow. You Lib's must be freekin choking watching this flaming Lib. try and pass her self off as anything other than the condescending, elitist, power hungry socialist she is.... Can you say PATHETIC.
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »

DrDetroit wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Is fiscally conservative social moderate an option?
WTF is that supposed to mean???

How do you propose to pay for you social programs???


Social moderate does not mean I support more Government programs.

Fiscal conservatism is the definition of that, along with a balanced budget and digging out of the black hole that is the currrent national debt. It also means doing everything possible to get us back on even trade status with the rest of world.

It means I believe Government should not legislate on subjects of the individual.
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Post by BSmack »

KC Scott wrote:
DrDetroit wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Is fiscally conservative social moderate an option?
WTF is that supposed to mean???

How do you propose to pay for you social programs???

Social moderate does not mean I support more Government programs.

Fiscal conservatism is the definition of that, along with a balanced budget and digging out of the black hole that is the currrent national debt. It also means doing everything possible to get us back on even trade status with the rest of world.

It means I believe Government should not legislate on subjects of the individual.
I can't belive you had to explain that. Obviously Detard's brain damage is worse than we thought.
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Post by RadioFan »

Dr_Phibes wrote:So Pol Pot was a Marxist? Get a fucking grip.

He mumbled a few Marxist phrases in order to obtain help from China in the mid-late seventies. I think you'll find most of the deaths in Phnom Penh were the responsibility of the Americans.
If you're going to troll, you can at least try to be a little more original.
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Post by Mainiac »

DrDetroit wrote:
Mainiac wrote:
BSmack wrote: FTFY
That deserveth a RACK!
Once again the lefties kick their own ass...

How can ypu idiots demand that Bush reach out to you and that us misguided Bush voters should take a hard look at the Democrats, yet, ^^^ is how you treat those you ask to join you???
Go fuck yourself you humorless prick. I'm not demanding that Bush reach out to me---fuck him, I'd slap his hand if he held it out to me.

That map is just poking a little fun--do you even have sense of humor?. If you posted a similar map which said the blue states were the home of elitist, NY Times reading, pansy ass, limp-wristed, pole smoking liberals, there aren't too many people who would flip out about it like you are about this map. Get over yourself you dumb prick.
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Post by Diogenes »

Bacefelice wrote:Dem.

Creating poverty is more important than defending America or promoting freedom. Says so in the Bible, but those parts have been ignored by the moral majority.

Worshiping Gaia is more important than excluding gays. Says so in the Bible, but those parts have been ignored by the moral majority.
Just another reason........

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Post by Diogenes »

BSmack wrote:
mothster wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Is fiscally conservative social moderate an option?

rudy, ahhhnold
They've got a word for those guys.


You're thinking of McCain.

And it's RINO, genius.
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Post by BSmack »

Diogenes wrote:
BSmack wrote:
mothster wrote: yes---

rudy, ahhhnold
They've got a word for those guys.


You're thinking of McCain.

And it's RINO, genius.
McCain is more conservative than either Rudy or Ahnold.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Post by Dr_Phibes »

mvscal wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote: I think you'll find most of the deaths in Phnom Penh were the responsibility of the Americans.
No I'm right, as usual.

Why no war crimes trials, then? I'll tell you why, because it would have resulted in Kissenger being hung from rope.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Dr_Phibes wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote: I think you'll find most of the deaths in Phnom Penh were the responsibility of the Americans.
No I'm right, as usual.

Why no war crimes trials, then? I'll tell you why, because it would have resulted in Kissenger being hung from rope.
Actually no. You're wrong.

The argument is, if we're going to be all about charging Pol Pot with war crimes, shouldn't Kissinger be charged as well.

The charges would be for The invasion of "two neutral countries" :roll: , Laos and Cambodia. Indiscriminate bombing raids and search and destroy missions. The use of toxic defoliants and pesticides as weapons of war.

Now if you're trying to suggest some sort of "back room" complicity in the "Killing Fields", feel free to bring some proof and show us you're "right".

Until then, you're wrong and confused.

BTW, Pol Pot, still beat the U.S. in terms of number killed.
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Post by RadioFan »

Tom In VA wrote:BTW, Pol Pot, still beat the U.S. in terms of number killed.
That regime was responsible for 10 million dead in Cambodia by some estimates.

He's just trying to troll, Tom. Very badly, too.
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Post by DrDetroit »

KC Scott wrote:
DrDetroit wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Is fiscally conservative social moderate an option?
WTF is that supposed to mean???

How do you propose to pay for you social programs???


Social moderate does not mean I support more Government programs.

Fiscal conservatism is the definition of that, along with a balanced budget and digging out of the black hole that is the currrent national debt. It also means doing everything possible to get us back on even trade status with the rest of world.

It means I believe Government should not legislate on subjects of the individual.
I didn't say that you supported more government programs...

What do you mean by "get us back to even trade status" with the rest of the world??

Do you really believe that the US has ever had balanced trade with the rest of the world??? Care to cite those years?? Do you understand trade? Do you understand why a trade deficit exists in the first place?
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

Well Tom, the use of toxic defoliants pesticides,and indescriminate bombing left roughly a third of the population homeless.

This fuelled the uprising against American backed dictator, Lon Nol. When Lon Nol was overthrown by Pol Pot, the US cut food aid for Cambodia. With the country devastated and the land unuseable for agriculture, starvation set in.

Millions of refugees flooded into the capital and were re-settled to the countryside in an impossible and panic ridden effort to elevate food production. This, resulted in the death of 300,000 people.

But hey, when a communist like psycho Pol Pot is involved ( who specifically said, 'I am not a communist') why not let Hollywood elevate the number to 3 million?

In terms of genocide, Pol Pot was an amateur compared to the US!

One would like to think that the US has learned that short term solutions, such as supporting dictators like Saddam Hussein, the Shah of Iran and Lon Nol have far reaching consequences.
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Post by DrDetroit »

^^^^Yep, yet another piece of shit Blame America traitor...
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

DrDetroit wrote:^^^^Yep, yet another piece of shit Blame America traitor...
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Post by RadioFan »

Dr_Phibes wrote:Well Tom, the use of toxic defoliants pesticides,and indescriminate bombing left roughly a third of the population homeless.

This fuelled the uprising against American backed dictator, Lon Nol. When Lon Nol was overthrown by Pol Pot, the US cut food aid for Cambodia. With the country devastated and the land unuseable for agriculture, starvation set in.

Millions of refugees flooded into the capital and were re-settled to the countryside in an impossible and panic ridden effort to elevate food production. This, resulted in the death of 300,000 people.

But hey, when a communist like psycho Pol Pot is involved ( who specifically said, 'I am not a communist') why not let Hollywood elevate the number to 3 million?

In terms of genocide, Pol Pot was an amateur compared to the US!

One would like to think that the US has learned that short term solutions, such as supporting dictators like Saddam Hussein, the Shah of Iran and Lon Nol have far reaching consequences.
A little better, but you'll have to try harder. Better get to bed before I get bored and dissect your ridiculous argument up like a frog that's been sitting in formaldehyde. Pun intended.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Dr_Phibes wrote:
DrDetroit wrote:^^^^Yep, yet another piece of shit Blame America traitor...

:lol: You're honest.

Well now do we "support" them or try to work with them diplomatically, for our best interests.

The way you make it sound we should either ignore them or conquor them.

The problem with blaming America is that America is not the problem. It's just a favorite target of the time.

It'd be interesting to see you write your own "manifesto" and why you believe the world would be better off without America.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by RadioFan »

Tom In VA wrote:It'd be interesting to see you write your own "manifesto" and why you believe the world would be better off without America.
His manifesto would be filled with bravado, until Hamed and his band of Islamic fundamentalist freaks breaks into his house and he starts getting that warm feeling, litterally, between his legs, while pissing his pants, blaming some nameless American for falling down on the job and not being there to protect him.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

RadioFan wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:It'd be interesting to see you write your own "manifesto" and why you believe the world would be better off without America.
His manifesto would be filled with bravado, until Hamed and his band of Islamic fundamentalist freaks breaks into his house and he starts getting that warm feeling, litterally, between his legs, while pissing his pants, blaming some nameless American for falling down on the job and not being there to protect him.
No, it is filled with logic. When you kick someone enough times, they eventually kick back. Terrorism is not irrational hatred, it's an extension of politics.
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Post by RadioFan »

Dr_Phibes wrote:No, it is filled with logic. When you kick someone enough times, they eventually kick back. Terrorism is not irrational hatred, it's an extension of politics.
If you're referring to Islamic extremism, nope.

There is no "extension of politics." Unless your idea of that just happens to agree with living among the goats, in the days of yore -- say, 1,000 years ago.

Btw, were you born a moron, or did you gradually troll into one?

You seem to have some sense of rationality. Unfortunately, the "people" you are defending don't, and won't think half as long as it took you to type that idiotic post to slowly, yet deliberately and gleefully slice though your esophagus and spinal cord. Wake the fuck up.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Dr_Phibes wrote:
RadioFan wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:It'd be interesting to see you write your own "manifesto" and why you believe the world would be better off without America.
His manifesto would be filled with bravado, until Hamed and his band of Islamic fundamentalist freaks breaks into his house and he starts getting that warm feeling, litterally, between his legs, while pissing his pants, blaming some nameless American for falling down on the job and not being there to protect him.
No, it is filled with logic. When you kick someone enough times, they eventually kick back. Terrorism is not irrational hatred, it's an extension of politics.
Or is it just another power grab.

You're not explaining anything right now. You're still blaming. Evil has been around a lot longer than America. And believe it or not, America does not hold a monopoly on it.

Stop blaming and write away.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

Tom In VA wrote:
Well now do we "support" them or try to work with them diplomatically, for our best interests.

Tut America.
Now there's a practical thought. How moral of you, Tom.

Don't worry the US supports the Khmer Rouge. When Viet Nam invaded Cambodia in 1981 the New York Times magazine ran an article about the heroic Pol Pot leading the struggle against the Communists? with his heroic silhouette outlined against the sky.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

RadioFan wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote:No, it is filled with logic. When you kick someone enough times, they eventually kick back. Terrorism is not irrational hatred, it's an extension of politics.
If you're referring to Islamic extremism, nope.

There is no "extension of politics." Unless your idea of that just happens to agree with living among the goats, in the days of yore -- say, 1,000 years ago.

Btw, were you born a moron, or did you gradually troll into one?

You seem to have some sense of rationality. Unfortunately, the "people" you are defending don't, and won't think half as long as it took you to type that idiotic post to slowly, yet deliberately and gleefully slice though your esophagus and spinal cord. Wake the fuck up.
You're both being emotional now. Radio fan, the goats thing is shit and doesn't belong in a rational arguement.
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Post by Tom In VA »

Dr_Phibes wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Well now do we "support" them or try to work with them diplomatically, for our best interests.

Tut America.
Now there's a practical thought. How moral of you, Tom.

Don't worry the US supports the Khmer Rouge. When Viet Nam invaded Cambodia in 1981 the New York Times magazine ran an article about the heroic Pol Pot leading the struggle against the Communists? with his heroic silhouette outlined against the sky.
We'll come back to "moral", I don't think you're ready for that yet.

Pol Pot has been discussed. You were wrong and are too lazy to provide evidence of U.S. involvement in the "Killing Fields".

Let's get back to basics here.

You're still full of blame. If I posted a picture of Che would it inspire you to stop blaming and start writing ?
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Post by RadioFan »

Dr_Phibes wrote: Radio fan, the goats thing is shit and doesn't belong in a rational arguement.
Tell that to the Taliban, jackass.

You can't seriously be this stupid.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

RadioFan wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote: Radio fan, the goats thing is shit and doesn't belong in a rational arguement.
Tell that to the Taliban, jackass.

You can't seriously be this stupid.
But the taliban are a small group of individuals, not representitive of a worldwide religion. If what you were saying is true, all muslims would grab a machete and start hacking immediately. Why do you think they focus on the United States and Isreal?

Because of foriegn policy.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

Tom In VA wrote:

Pol Pot has been discussed. You were wrong and are too lazy to provide evidence of U.S. involvement in the "Killing Fields".
So you didn't see the trail of events that led to the genocide in my post?
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Post by Tom In VA »

Dr_Phibes wrote: Because of foriegn policy.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The one where we sit idly by and do nothing ?


The one where we try diplomatic measure to try and curtail inhumane treatment of the people.


The one where we invade and overthrow a dictator.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

Tom In VA wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote: Because of foriegn policy.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The one where we sit idly by and do nothing ?


The one where we try diplomatic measure to try and curtail inhumane treatment of the people.


The one where we invade and overthrow a dictator.
No, the one where you bombed the shit out of a country and supported an evil dictator, which caused a backlash and led to another evil dictator and led to nasty situation which radiofan blames on Marxists.
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Post by RadioFan »

Dr_Phibes wrote:So you didn't see the trail of events that led to the genocide in my post?
You have no argument. Tom asked you to post such, and you didn't.

So far, all you have is your opinion and really shitty trolling.

And no,
No, the one where you bombed the shit out of a country and supported an evil dictator, which caused a backlash and led to another evil dictator and led to nasty situation which radiofan blames on Marxists.
^^^^ That horseshit doesn't count as an argument, idiot.

Now, either go back and post some evidence or continue to bury yourself. Oh wait, nevermind. You do with every post.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

RadioFan wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote:So you didn't see the trail of events that led to the genocide in my post?
You have no argument. Tom asked you to post such, and you didn't.

So far, all you have is your opinion and really shitty trolling.

And no,
No, the one where you bombed the shit out of a country and supported an evil dictator, which caused a backlash and led to another evil dictator and led to nasty situation which radiofan blames on Marxists.
^^^^ That horseshit doesn't count as an argument, idiot.

Now, either go back and post some evidence or continue to bury yourself. Oh wait, nevermind. You do with every post.
Well where the fuck are we, Cambodia or Iraq? I'm confused.
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Post by RadioFan »

Dr_Phibes wrote:Well where the fuck are we, Cambodia or Iraq? I'm confused.
Translation: "It's no fun when people from different perspectives pile on me!!!"

Yes, you are, indeed, a fucking worthless cunt.

Rack Tom.
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Post by Tom In VA »

I thought you said we were guilty because we cut off aid.. How is cutting off aid supporting an evil dictator ?

When Lon Nol was overthrown by Pol Pot, the US cut food aid for Cambodia. With the country devastated and the land unuseable for agriculture, starvation set in.

Oh Ruceeee, you haf some 'splainin to do.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

Lon Nol was the recipient of American aid.
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Post by Diogenes »

BSmack wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
BSmack wrote: They've got a word for those guys.


You're thinking of McCain.

And it's RINO, genius.
McCain is more conservative than either Rudy or Ahnold.
And less Republican.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.

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