Bushice tough love, with each post, you two wussies look quite the fools, its funny really, the more you post, the more you reveal your complete lack of any real understanding or common sense, I am curious? are you really this stupid, or just psychologically fucked up?
12 years apart means nothing, he violated the cease fire agreements,
violated the resolutions, therefore, it was time for him to be physically removed,
tough love?
your stupidity is legendary in here, of course war is bad, no one wants war, but when you say that we are sick and we love war, you show yourself to be a fool and a clown, do you even understand what war is?
the very principles of war, are the exact same as basic law enforcement at the city and county levels, in every region of our country,
let me explain,
a bunch of criminal thugs, break into someones home, rape and torture the family, hold them hostage, S W A T teams converge, snipers set up shop, if they have a clear shot at one of these criminals, THEY TAKE IT, now, to the board idiot known as tough love, the police are evil, they have no right to use heavy force to capture these sickos, they should try and talk to them, bargain or appease them,
get this STRAIGHT tough love, YOU ARE ONE SICK FUCK, no one likes killing, but in the human condition, there is a little known common sense principle known as crime and punishment, law enforcement, when evil is lurking, wether it is at the town or city or state or country or world level, enforcement is needed, without law enforcement, anarchy would result, guys like you tough love, are an embarrassment to the human race, you have no common sense,
you dont even understand basic principles of enforcement,
in every city of this country, every single day, police hunt killers and rapists, they HUNT THEM, just like our military is hunting the same killers on a global level, these towel headed killers take joy in killing little children and women, and tough love complains that we are the evil ones? you sick sick fuck, we are evil for hunting and killing terrorist killers? towel headed killers of little children? and tough love says that we are evil for even going after them?
you are one sick fuck, and, you will have to answer for your sickness one day, but for now, fuck you, and your seed,