Election humor

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Election humor

Post by Variable »

Since Christopher Cox vacated his HOR seat representing lilly-white OC when he was given another position by Bush, there's a scrum of candidates all fighting for his seat. Among them are Jim Gilchrist, the founder of The Minutemen and John Campbell, a Republican state senator who fights the ultra-lefties in Sacramento when they try to give bennies to illegals. Both decent candidates with a good shot of winning.

One of the longshots is named Bea Tirtilli. She's got signs all over town that say "End Iraq war now! Vote for Bea." :lol: I know you don't have room to put much more than your name and a quick blurb on a sign, but come on! What, were "Achieve World Peace" and "End World Hunger" already taken? Sadly, it's probably a solid play on her part, as I'm sure she'll get plenty of soccer mom and HR cubicle-dweller votes with that act.
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Post by Mikey »

I guess

Let's get a buch of lawn chairs and sit around drinking beer down by the border

wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker.
Posts: 1536
Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 5:11 am

Post by Variable »

They never claimed to be SuperCops out to cuff and stuff illegals. The purpose was to draw attention to the federal government's abysmal record of border law enforcement (mission accomplished bigtime), bring illegal immigration to the political table (mission accomplished), and to show that just having bodies in the places where illegals cross most frequently would drastically lower illegal immigration in those places(mission accomplished). Best of all, is that contrary to every nay-sayer's prediction, there have been absolutely ZERO assaults, deaths or other violent confrontations between the Minutemen and illegals.
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