But at the expense of what? budget cuts that eventually screw the kids out of a better education because the unions run the state?BSmack wrote:Still dodging the point eh?Mister Bushice wrote:Actually the ballot measures in question would have only extended tenure voting from 2 to 5 years (no big deal - that would only help to weed out a few more bad ones), and the other one would have stopped public employee unions from using union dues for political purposes without the written consent of union members.BSmack wrote:You're missing the point. What should the TEACHERS be pissed about? Obviously you, Mike and a few others have your own issues with the unions. But what should a teacher who is making more bank than any other teacher be pissed about when their union effectively eliminates ballot measures that would have threatened said position?
So essentially the union spent all the dues money of the members on a political cause without asking them in order to stop a measure that would have prevented them from spending the union members dues on political causes without asking them.
No, self interest there eh?
Cali teachers are the best compensated in the country. Obviously that money being spent "without their writen consent" is being spent in a way that allows these teachers to be compensated better than their peers elsewhere.
Isn't that the whole point behind paying union dues?
It's not like the highest compensated teachers in America are the bsst. Look at where Cali is rated 46th.
So what that says is the highest paid teachers can't deliver the goods in the classroom, but at least the union is taking care of them at the expense of the kids. Despite what they say the unions are maintaining the status quo which is a state in the red every year and a budget that is never delivered on time because no one wants to bite the bullet.
Nice to see you New Yorkers and canucks are so in the loop. :)