Survivior - Results and Standings Thru Week 11 and a DQ

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Big Daddy
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Survivior - Results and Standings Thru Week 11 and a DQ

Post by Big Daddy »

Looks like I missed this one last week. Bucmonkey picked the Panthers twice........Image

Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/Broncos/Seahawks/Falcons/Bengals/Jags/Panthers/Cowboys/

After further review it is official, Week 4 and then again in Week 10. This is a "No Bueno" in this game. I know he emailed me his pick this morning for week 12 because he is leaving town but i have to disqualify him because of how this game is played. Sorry about that B-Monk, but it's not fair to the others. Have a great Vaca.

Congrats again to our final 3.

Week 11 Survivors moving on to Week 12

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Ravens/Broncos/Seahawks/Redskins/Steelers/Jags/Bears/Chargers/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Bucs/Broncos/Chiefs/Seahawks/Steelers/Chargers/Panthers/Jacksonville/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/Ravens/Colts/Seahawks/Redskins/Cowboys/Giants/Panthers/Chiefs/

Eliminated after 10 Weeks



* For picking the Panthers twice *

Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/Broncos/Seahawks/Falcons/Bengals/Jags/Panthers/Cowboys/

Week 10 Survivors moving on to Week 11

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Ravens/Broncos/Seahawks/Redskins/Steelers/Jags/Bears/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Bucs/Broncos/Chiefs/Seahawks/Steelers/Chargers/Panthers/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/Ravens/Colts/Seahawks/Redskins/Cowboys/Giants/Panthers/
Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/Broncos/Seahawks/Falcons/Bengals/Jags/Panthers/

Week 9 Survivors moving on to week 10...

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Ravens/Broncos/Seahawks/Redskins/Steelers/Jags/
godzilla2002 -Patriots/Colts/Eagles/Bengals/Broncos/Seahawks/Redskins/Steelers/Jags/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Bucs/Broncos/Chiefs/Seahawks/Steelers/Chargers/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/Ravens/Colts/Seahawks/Redskins/Cowboys/Giants/
Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/Broncos/Seahawks/Falcons/Bengals/Jags/

Week 8 Survivors moving on to week 9

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Ravens/Broncos/Seahawks/Redskins/Steelers/
godzilla2002 -Patriots/Colts/Eagles/Bengals/Broncos/Seahawks/Redskins/Steelers/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Bucs/Broncos/Chiefs/Seahawks/Steelers/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/Ravens/Colts/Seahawks/Redskins/Cowboys/
Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/Broncos/Seahawks/Falcons/Bengals/

Eliminated after 8 weeks.

KC Scott -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Panthers/Jaguars/Seahawks/Redskins/Bucs

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Ravens/Broncos/Seahawks/Redskins/
godzilla2002 -Patriots/Colts/Eagles/Bengals/Broncos/Seahawks/Redskins/
KC Scott -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Panthers/Jaguars/Seahawks/Redskins/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Bucs/Broncos/Chiefs/Seahawks/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/Ravens/Colts/Seahawks/Redskins/
Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/Broncos/Seahawks/Falcons/

Week 6 Survivors moving on to Week 7

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Ravens/Broncos/Seahawks/
godzilla2002 -Patriots/Colts/Eagles/Bengals/Broncos/Seahawks/
KC Scott -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Panthers/Jaguars/Seahawks/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Bucs/Broncos/Chiefs/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/Ravens/Colts/
Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/Broncos/Seahawks/

Week 5 Survivors moving on to Week 6

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Ravens/Broncos/
godzilla2002 -Patriots/Colts/Eagles/Bengals/Broncos/
KC Scott -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Panthers/Jaguars/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Bucs/Broncos/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/Ravens/Colts/
Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/Broncos/

Week 4 Survivors and moving on to week 5:

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Ravens/
godzilla2002 -Patriots/Colts/Eagles/Bengals/
KC Scott -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Panthers/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/Bucs/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/Ravens/
Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/Panthers/

Week 3 Survivors and moving on to week 4:

Shine -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/
godzilla2002 -Patriots/Colts/Eagles/
KC Scott -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/
Prototype -Bengals/Eagles/Colts/
Terry in Crapchester -Bengals/Steelers/Bucs/
Bucmonkey -Bills/Eagles/Bucs/

Week 3 casualties


Week 2 casualties

Big Daddy -Redskins/Cowboys
Doug near DC -Redskins/ Cowboys
rozy -Steelers/ Cowboys
kcdave -Patriots/Ravens
peter dragon -Bengals/*no show*
d-townmike -Giants/Cowboys
Qbert -Redskins/Cowboys
orcinus -Redskins/Cowboys
DELSDAD -Bengals/Packers
Cueball -Patriots/Packers

Eliminated in Week 1

PrimeX -Rams
poptart -Vikings
RSoxFan -Panthers
packwin13 -Rams
KUTTER -Broncos
Felix -Panthers
jiminphilly -Rams
DallasFanatic -Rams
ChargerMike -Rams
BBMarley -Rams
KC Paul 3.0 -Vikings
xtremeplzr -Cleveland
Nishlord -Panthers
Red -Denver
Adelpiero -Rams
frodo_biguns -Panthers
Originally Posted by GDub:

"The Skins might as well change their colors to pink and aqua marine, move the stadium to Dupont Circle, and change the logo to a fucking rainbow, because they're playing like a bunch of fags right now."

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Post by Bucmonkey »

:oops: Doh! worries BD, I should've caught it as well. Good luck to the rest of ya, and thanks to BD for runnin the show...
Go Bucs, Gators
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