Dinsdale wrote:While this has the makings of an all-time pile-on...
To pile on or not to pile on, to take the high road or the low road,
that is the question...hell, where is C-Mike? The mere mention of a pile on usually gets his panties wet in sheer orgasmic anticipation.
As for JayHawk and his, shall we say, indiscretions...let me say this.
He'd be the FIRST motherfucker in here 'piling on' should the shoe be on someone else's foot. Dude is just wired that way, and quite adept at it, I might add. So it's kinda' nice to see that vicious SOB get his come uppance for a change, so to speak.
As a general rule, those who pile on just for the sake of piling on are rank and file pussies.
But Fat Bill doesn't fit the general rule. He's gone out of his way to be an incredibly annoying ass boil for many a year, so all bet's are off in my book.
I could care less what nasty skank Billy has dipped his flaccid johnson in (she prolly wanted her money back), but look at the reason this tidbit was revealed. Go back and read the Chiefs vs Gnats thread from the start.
See Fat Bill run.
See Fat Bill hide.
See Fat Bill go Casper.
Classic pussy ass Bitch moves. So good at dishing it out, so unable to take it when the tables are turned.