Dinsdale wrote:BTW, Jess the Wannabe, I doubt there's one freaking fan of At The Drive In that wouldn't also list The Mars Volta amongst their favorites.
Mars Volta are not as good as the original.
It probably wouldn't have been quite so obvious if you had actually seperated the acts that teamed up for a song, aka "BiG and Puffy."
yeah well they only had good songs when working with others
The only person on the planet that would list Gary Numan as one of their all-time favorite bands is Gary Numan's mother, and
she's only saying that to be nice. Dude had ONE freaking tune, albeit a very influential one in it's time.
it was one of my favorite songs and videos as a kid.
Oh, and while we're at it.....Monty Python isn't a band.
I know but they have enough songs for soundtracks
Every Sperm is Sacred
Always Look on The Bright Side of Life
Wrestling Song
they are among my favorites.
No I didn't C&P I typed them in order, they are my favorites of 241 artists on my list.
Jeff Buckley has only one listenable song anyways primex
My favorite bands of the moment
The Thornbirds