[sad]MNF on ABC ..... turn out the lights[/sad]

talking about who was arrested today

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Mississippi Neck
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Post by Mississippi Neck »

UCant Unretires Again wrote:Remember that time in '86 when Mike Quick made The Immaculate Reception on MNF against the Rams? Me too.

Remember that time when Deion Sanders made The Catch against the Niners on MNF in '97? Me too.

Remember that time when in '03 when Tom Brady brought the Patriots back against the Fish with The Drive on MNF? Me too.

RACK our MNF memories. :meds:

Apparently the fact that it was a Miracle in the Meadowlands on a Monday night escapes you..much like 5 out of 32 is not hard pressed escapes you as well. And how calling someone an idiot who's won 3 SB's is well...idiotic.

Carry on. Good night now. :D
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Post by Dumbass »

Lisa Guerrero, but it would take until December 2005 to get her in front of the cameras as it should be.

Thanks for hiring and more importantly, firing her!

Now lay down, smile and take your top off!
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Post by Shoalzie »

So who is going to call the MNF game on ESPN and the Sunday Night game on NBC? I thought Madden was going to NBC and Theismann would be on the MNF team. Just haven't heard who will be the announcers.

To me, this isn't the saddest day. It's not like they won't play Monday Night Football anymore. I can't sit through and watch an entire game unless the Lions were playing...at least during the Barry era. It was awesome seeing the game against the Raiders in the Silverdome...Barry vs. Bo...and the game in Dallas when both teams wore their throwbacks...Barry vs. Emmitt. Life goes on and the Lions still suck... :cry:
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Post by Cicero »

Madden will be doing the NBC Sunday Night game, but I dont think they've announced who will be his partner. The MNF on ESPN will be done by Michaels and Thiesman.
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Post by Shoalzie »

Cicero wrote:Madden will be doing the NBC Sunday Night game, but I dont think they've announced who will be his partner. The MNF on ESPN will be done by Michaels and Thiesman.

I think Paul McGuire is moving to the college game also...thanks for the confirmation.
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Post by d-townmike »

I think one season (1993?) featured some music group other than Hank Williams 'tarding up the intro with a bunch of worthless heavy metal music. Luckily, they came to their senses and brought back Hank the following season.

I wouldn't mind seeing a change in the intro (just not like the one during the '93 season) but ever since ABC decided to run Frank and Dan from the show, it has never been the same.

I'll still watch MNF because I do have ESPN and I don't really see what the big deal is moving the show to cable. Now a days, besides people much older than 'tart :wink: who doesn't have ESPN?
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Post by velocet »

Well, one good one was Barry vs. Emmitt in Dallas ca. '94.

Barry won.


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