We all have 'em.... those CD's that sit in the back of our case hoping no one will know they are there and know we enjoy listening to them. So man up and admit it- what are your guilty pleasures?
Ex girlfriend used to listen to her. In addition to developing a deep desire to bang her- I began to like her music.
Disco. I love old funk and soul, and disco ain't far off. There are a tons of bands that straddled that line like Kool & the Gang and the Fatbacks, and I even like "Miss You" by the Stones.
Plus, disco made for great hip-hop sampling material.
I downloaded a video of Ozzy and Van Halen playing the US Festival in '83. Both are complete jokes these days, but I can still enjoy their early stuff.
I like 80s pop music...most of the really schlocky stuff. I've got like 7 or 8 best of the 80s CDs. None of them have 'Don't You Forget About Me' by Simple Minds though...that's probably my favorite 80s song.
Shoalzie wrote:I like 80s pop music...most of the really schlocky stuff. I've got like 7 or 8 best of the 80s CDs. None of them have 'Don't You Forget About Me' by Simple Minds though...that's probably my favorite 80s song.
that's on the Breakfast Club soundtrack. and apparently Simple Minds didn't write that song--and Jim Kerr didn't want to do it, but they did. that's music mag stuff from the time.
i have a friend that had relations with Jewel in the early/mid 90's. she used to come by the crib, she's a beautiful girl in person. she used to sing torchy versions of crappy songs at sushi-karaoke in Boulder for a month or so.
she had this really cute friend, who had a thing for me....but i went over to their place utterly hammered one night. and she didn't have a thing for me after that.
""On a lonely planet spinning its way toward damnation amid the fear and despair of a broken human race, who is left to fight for all that is good and pure and gets you smashed for under a fiver? Yes, it's the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!"
""On a lonely planet spinning its way toward damnation amid the fear and despair of a broken human race, who is left to fight for all that is good and pure and gets you smashed for under a fiver? Yes, it's the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!"
I shall now live vicariously through your friend. A guy (i am assuming... although if it were a girl i would be even happier) that i dont even know, is now my hero.
Genesis, The Police, Madonna, The Fixx, Big Country, The Cure, Talking Heads to name a few.
I also admit to owning Air Supply's Greatest Hits. (I appreciated the chase scene in Mr. & Mrs. Smith.)
“My dentist, that’s another beauty, my dentist, you kiddin’ me. It cost me five thousand dollars to have all new teeth put in. Now he tells me I need braces!” —Rodney Dangerfield
I'll still listen to a lot of Manchester stuff. My above confession was for disco grooves and Manchester stuff wasn't far off. Inspiral Carpets, Charlatans UK and of course Happy Mondays.
2nd wave ska. For all the flack ska takes for the ska-punk that came out in the 90's, I love the two-tone stuff.
I got way too drunk way too early for an Ozzy show back in the mid-80's, and committed the most serious of mullet-headed faux pauxs -- I showed up on time. I think it was Slaughter up there.
Fly to the ages, shit...I damn near flew up on stage and wrung the bitch's neck.
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Hmmmm...really can't group The Police and Talking Heads in with cheesy 80s pop-type stuff...those groups were legitimately sweet.
One of my guilty pleasures is reading when MaGoo, who must be fully aware that a large percentage, if not the majority of the people on this board are in their mid/late 30's, yet he insists on explaining the musical history of the 80's to them.
Those bands, along with Peter Gabriel (we've been here before) were possibly the 3 worst examples of selling out to the mainstream that the 80's had to offer.
But as far as schmaltzy 80's pop bands went, I'll take Wang Chung...since somebody already mentioned Simple Minds.
the minutemen's jesus and tequila or maybe corona was in an ad. the reprise riff from the stooges tv eye was in a SUV ad.
i bought the Lou Gramm cassette with Midnight Blue on it. i think i split the cost of it with a friend. he was there, kind of cheerleading to go ahead and do it....i remember that distinctly. we knew exactly what we were doing.
Great tune. The first couple of albums were pretty deece...then, Sting got a sniff of the money, and that was that. Bastard had to take Mark Knopfler down that road with him, the fuckhead. And Phil Collins was cheering them on the whole way.
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Speaking of the Police...all obvious criticisms aside, "I Can't Stand Losing You" is a great fucking song.
I guess you'd call it cowardice
But I'm not prepared to go on like this
I would definitely synchronize my pumps behind Dins' mother to this song.
rack that dyke mccarthy's 10th grade english class. no wonder she failed our "wnba sucks donkey dick" co-term paper that year. we should have seen it coming.
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Speaking of the Police...all obvious criticisms aside, "I Can't Stand Losing You" is a great fucking song.
I guess you'd call it cowardice
But I'm not prepared to go on like this
I would definitely synchronize my pumps behind Dins' mother to this song.
rack that dyke mccarthy's 10th grade english class. no wonder she failed our "wnba sucks donkey dick" co-term paper that year. we should have seen it coming.
I don't get the reference. Did she like the Police or something?