That was started by Bush I and then tossed in Clinton's lap as Poppy Bush got the hell out of Dodge.Like the ass kicking in Somolia...
Like terrorist attacks haven't happened on other Presidents' watches?Like the bombing of the USS Cole
Say thanks to Ken Starr for that one.Like making the American public listen to testimony about blow jobs, gaking and blue dress's in the White House.
That doesn't even make sense you half wit conspiracy nut. After 50 million dollars, not a single charge from the Whitewater fiasco ever even made it past a grand jury. It took an affair so lame that it would have shamed Newt Gingrich, Strom Thurmond and Henry Hyde to even admit to something so tame to get the impeachment ball rolling.Like the circumstances of Vincent Fosters death being fully investigated.
Like the investigation into the pimping by the Arkansas State Pimps.
Like the circumstances of Whitewater.
Now, can we get back to talking about Cheney? or have you nothing to say about the worst administration in American history?