The United Arab Emirates has gained partial control of NY, Philly, etc.
Looks like the BODE reads:
Terrorists - 6
USA - 2
The September 11 commission's report released last year details a possible missed opportunity to kill bin Laden and raised concerns that UAE officials were directly associating with the al Qaeda leader as recently as 1999.
The report states U.S. intelligence believed that bin Laden was visiting an area in the Afghan desert in February 1999 near a hunting camp used by UAE officials, and that the U.S. military planned a missile strike.
Intelligence from local tribal sources indicated "bin Laden regularly went from his adjacent camp to the larger camp where he visited the Emiratis," the report said.
"National technical intelligence confirmed the location and description of the larger camp and showed the nearby presence of an official aircraft of the United Arab Emirates. But the location of bin Laden's quarters could not be pinned down so precisely," the report said.
The missile attack was never launched, and bin Laden moved on, the report said.
A month later, top White House counterterrorism official Richard Clarke "called a UAE official to express his concerns about possible associations between Emirati officials and bin Laden," the report said.
CIA officials hope to continue staking out the Afghan camp in hopes bin Laden would return and a possible strike could be launched.
But "imagery confirmed that less than a week after Clarke's phone call, the camp was hurriedly dismantled, and the site was deserted," the report said.
CIA officials were "irate" and thought the dismantling of the camp erased a possible site for targeting bin Laden, the report said.
At a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday, Sen. Carl Levin, the ranking Democrat, asked Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt if he was aware of the 9/11 commission's assertion that the United Arab Emirates represents "a persistent counterterrorism problem" for the United States.
So, Clinton's boys were all about taking out Bin Laden, and when Clarke called the UAE government with concerns, OBL's training camp of many years mysteriously disappeared.
Yeah, W -- we don't need to worry about security, since there isn't any CONCRETE evidence that they were involved with an attack on American soil...just overwhelming circumstantial evidence.
We need to get rid of W NOW! Yet another act of treason to make certain people rich, at the expense of the well-being and safety of our country. We're not going to have a country left in 3 years -- it needs to be done now.