Umm, CL..., exactly which of your "inalienable" and "guaranteed" rights have been abrogated for you, personally? I'll need specific examples of how you weren't allowed to assemble with a group of like minded clucking hens, weren't allowed to practice your religious faith of choice, weren't allowed to seek redress for grievance, etc.Chicken Little wrote: But now, we have someone with some radical political policies who claims we need to back away from those steadfast rules that worked so well for 200+ years. Red flag...big time.
That's not Van's point, and you know it. His point is that if what you say were true...were even in the realm of the remotely plausible, that there would be certain specific examples which you could cite to back-up your assertions. Rather, you're left spewing hysterical generalized notions and pounding yourself on the chest amidst much wailing, pulling of hair, and gnashing of teeth against non-existant black helicopters.The notion that the government "lets" me do things is so fucking traitorous, it makes me sick.
Really, I admire your patriotism and willingness to go the mat to protect the legacy the founding fathers left us. I just think your oh so noble and altruistic efforts are seriously misplaced and mis-directed...not that that's going to stop you from continuing your hilarious crusade against perceived injustice and tyranny or anything, so...
You GO, boy.