This is the starter forum, dumbfuck. You mod it. Can't get much more "starter" than that.Mister Bushice wrote: Whitey, you really need to either do some reading or find a starter forum, a spin zone for dummies so to speak, before you post here.
Keep telling yourself that. You're scoring big points with Dins. And since I know that scoring points means more to you than actually being right or knowing of what you speak, that has some you that is.Reagan had NOTHING to do with "instigating the arms race". He had nothing to do with that.
Blah, blah, blah....just another load of babble. Do you ever tire of listening to yourself? And you accuse me of spinning? That's hilarious.He came in at the end of an era when it was just one part of the big picture that included a change of leadership, economic, social and political reform in the USSR, and a major movement by many of the republics to secede based on existing constitutional law, not fear of Ronnie.
Reagan came in when the US had just been humiliated worldwide by the Iranian hostage crisis and the inept Carter administration. The USSR was at the height of it's power, and this country had it's collective tail beteween it's legs. (that's an action that you're quite comfortable with, no doubt)
Hell, we boycotted the 1980 Olympics because we were too scared to stand up to their invasion of Afghanistan.
Ronnie came along and changed that entire mindset. I know, 'cause I actually voted for the first time in 1980. And in 1981, I enlisted in the Air Force, 'cause by then I had a CINC who would command respect.
I wonder what either one you menzas, Bushice and Dins, were doing in 1981?