Final Destination

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Final Destination

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Big surprise - this movie was pretty stupid. I thought it might at least be good for some mindless entertainment, but with the exception of Stiffler getting beheaded, it was pretty bad, even for a horror movie.

Here is an example of how dumb the moviemakers thought their audience would be. In a scene near the beginning of the film, the main character is taking a dump in the airport bathroom. (On a side note, this movie features more shitting scenes than any movie I've seen.) A John Denver song comes on over the airport sound system. Now just by itself, that would've been kind of clever. But no, the guy taking a dump has to mutter out loud "John Denver.... Died in a plane crash."

Unfortunately, I rented Final Destination 2 at the same time, so I still have to watch that one too. I'll be sure and let you all know how sucky it is.
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Post by jtr »

3 wasnt that bad if you can be humored by complete random acts of graphic slayings. There's one would make ftdc never want to go through a drive-thru again.
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Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Well, the 2nd one ended up being a little better than the first. As trite as the story was, the death scenes were actually pretty well-staged and entertaining.

The complete disregard for such trivialities as depth, meaning, or coherence was kind of similar to a porno, except that the intermittent payoffs are people getting offed in really creative ways (as opposed to a dude spooging on some chick's face).
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