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Post by Sky »

Anyone know how to figure out the proxy at my work and what port I need to use to bypass all these blocked sites?
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Post by ElTaco »

To find out the address, just go to your browser settings
Under IE: Tools -> Internet Options then click on the Connections tab and finally on the LAN settings.
Under Firefox: Tools -> Options and then under the General sections, click on Connections Settings.

This will give you the Proxy settings. It might also hint on what the Proxy server is.

As to how to get around it, you may or may not be able to do so, depending on how clever the IT department is. The easiest test is to just unset the Proxy settings in your browser and see if you can get access to the web. If you have a large company, a router or the switches could re-route all http (port 80) traffic to the Proxy server in which case you might attempt to get around that by setting up a VPN to the outside of your Work network and then accessing the web throug that. You could also set up your own Proxy at home that would listen to a different Port, other then port 80, and send all of your web traffic through that. Of course all of this is practically useless if you can't change any of your browser and computer settings. You could only get through in that case by bringing in your own laptop and hooking that into your network, which will not make your IT department very happy when they find out.

You can run 'CMD' (commad prompt) by going to Start and choosing Run. Then type in 'CMD /x' and hit Ok. Once the command prompt comes up (like Dos), type in 'ipconfig /all' and hit enter. This will give you the network information. Now you know the gateway/router, which may or may not allow you direct access to the web. You may be authenticating to both the Proxy and the router, which could cause a problem because it could forbid you to go through it unless you are using a special account or have an IP address in a certain range.

I guess there is always a way to get through any setup, but the more complex the get around is the more trouble it might land you in when you get busted. Its one thing if you can claim it was an accident, but if it required you to get into the server room and rewire stuff or steal things, then they probably will not believe you and are in fact more likely to fire you and possibly bring charges.
I would also point out that the complexity of the system will probably directly reflect on the company and vice versa. If you work for a large company with many satelite offices, I would think the system will be fairly complex and they will be monitoring at some level if someone is trying to get around their settings. If its a small to medium size company, it will probably be a lot easier to get around things.

Good Luck
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Post by Sky »

Grascias, mucho grascias
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