Trust me when you see the evening news you will see Bush's eyebrow hair shoot in all directions, He even picked up his hand and in a Karate Chop fashion he told that poor old lady who has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel to hold on a few times. he would not let her retort. Even the old man on CBS said it was the most passion he has seen from any president.
And Bush got it from a few other reporters also.
The old man from CBS said after the press meeting, this was one of the very rare times Bush did not screen the questions. Now I know why he always looked like he had all the answers before.
Bush looked like he wanted to choke the old bat, You could tell he was thinking if only she could go Hunting with Dick Cheny. Bush was like a wannabe comic dying on stage, he was studdering and had a loss for words. I almost got sexualy aroused watching this 107 year old lady lay down the smack bat on his asshat!
I know Michale More must of came in his sock more than once. This will be on his next movie for sure, This press confrence was a disaster for the Republicans.
This man is still in charge of our country. And to be honest? I was Embarassed to be an American for a breif moment and that rarely happens
I wish I could have my Vote back!