Let's talk about tools - powered vs. cordless Vol (1)

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Let's talk about tools - powered vs. cordless Vol (1)

Post by Atomic Punk »

Make a good argument why you need to have these battery operated power tools rather than a good extension cord and corded tools at home. If because of the convenience overrides your lack of judgment about battery replacement costs that is.

If you work for a construction company and having a nearby generator and compressor nearby, then you need not answer my original question although your insight is appreciated. If you really know your shit then I propose a "Home Improvement" forum because... umm... it would be cool.

First, let's just examine the companies and their products. Almost all of them make corded and battery operated tools.


You see those pretty looking yellow pieces of plastic that says Delta Electronics (Walt) on it and those pesky $80 batteries are a bitch to replace huh? Yet people buy those damn things and when they drop one of those 18V batteries it's amazing how the little series of what looks like AA batteries tied together by a string no longer work.


Oh yes, talk about convenience for the mass-produced Chinese crap, Ryobi knows how to create some of the good along with some shittiest of th icky. Their drill bits are Chinese metal and fucking break every other screw or what? NONE of their batteries and chargers are backwards compatible meaning you have to by a whole new workshop if you're a profession construction guy. Nice thing is their batteries are cheap to replace.


WTF happened to those babe calendars they used to crank out, or am I thinking of another company? The nice thing with Ridgid is that you now get a lifetime warrantee with almost everything including their batteries. Their 14.4V impact wrench is the best on the market even to this day. I just saw a new line of hole saws and auger bits out and they kick ass. The air tools have what TVO is used to called blow out valves after you take an air hose out of its ass end... so to speak. The negative is their framing nailers (for the 16D 3&1/2") is one heavy mother fucker.


I believe they are a division of Stanley tools and I've never heard a bad word. They are pricey especially when you get to the SDS equipment. I still don't know what SDS stands for but the connecting ends looks like gearing that goes into a car's rear transmission. Those things rock and roll.


In my book they are the best of the best. The quality is tops. I am looking for a Sawzall and their 360 degree rotating handle is the best I've seen. Also, they have sometimes annoying detachable power cords that are easily replaced. When construction snobs bitch about that feature I tell them to use duct tape if they are such spasmatic assholes that drink on the job, steal each other's tools, and resell them to other Mexicans at other job sites.

They have a cordless line that's 28V lithium ion but those bad boys weigh as much as jtr's lunches. Too much.

Anyway, Milwaukee kicks ass.

Black & Decker



They have this new line of really cool lithium ion powered tools. Oh boy! Once the Mexicans figure out how to steal those and return them to Lowe's or Home Depot, then we will see sectarian violence in the People's Republic of California. These are the most advanced tools and I have no idea how many pizza deliveries Bungslinger would have to not only take out, but actually deliver to pay for those things. The lith/ions are supposed to have a 280% increase in charge life than the NiCads.

Okay, now I've laid this shit out for you drunken know-it-all's that fuck up everything at your home while getting piled on by your fat ugly wives. :lol:

My next buy is a Sawzall with an assortment pack of blades because it seems to be the most practical tool I really need. Also, I'm going to get some strap wrenches for plumbing work.

I was also thinking of getting some white lithium grease to not only lubricate my opponents awaiting spunk holes, but to also apply it to other machinery in the high friction points.

Let's hear it!
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Yes Ridgid is Home Depot as is Ryobi/Workforce. I think there are divisions in the the Ching Chang China Club (Rick James - RIP) that produce all of those lines.

The thing about Ridgid is that they offer lifetime warrantees including batteries. Ryobi doesn't support their line at all and they are designed for convenience.

I left out SENCO as a brand but they are light but that's due to all of the added plastic to reduce weights.

Porter Cable is also good, but they are mostly into the fastener side of the house.

Husky makes good equipment but they are pretty expensive. Now, Husky's air compressors are pretty damn good for the price. I won't buy their accessory tools as they are too expensive. I'll go to Sears and get Craftsman sockets, etc.

E, do you have the Bosch worksite radio/battery charger???? That thing KICKS ASS!. It even has a CD slot and is the best sounding ghetto box I've ever heard in the construction line.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: Let's talk about tools - powered vs. cordless Vol (1)

Post by Risa »

Atomic Punk wrote:Make a good argument why you need to have these battery operated power tools rather than a good extension cord and corded tools at home. If because of the convenience overrides your lack of judgment about battery replacement costs that is.
Cords get in the way, more maneuverability.
Buy a charger and recharger.

If you can have both, why not have both in one.
on a short leash, apparently.
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Black $ Decker reference brings out the tools/tards.

BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Post by mouse »

Back in the late 80's I was a painter and my boss got me a Makita Disc Sander that had the RPMs needed to do any Job that tool kicked ass. Paint flew off the houses.
I never went back to American made for many years.


Then I was doing this huge sheet rock sanding job in 1993 and I told my Boss that he better get the Makita palm sanders since he was going to buy around 10 of them, He went and got Black and Decker and 1/2 of them burned out the first day, They are not made for non stop 8 hours of sanding.


Now I use DeWalt They seem to have the power and quality I look for in a tool. The cordless 3/8 Drill has the power Makita and others can't match.

If I can't use those two? then it's Milwaukee
but they cost more

(it's a nice big fukker.... : ) )

But the Tools I can't stand the most ? are the Moderators of some websites I post at :lol:
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Post by indyfrisco »

I have an 18V Craftsman. Nice power, but the batteries seem to last only a good hour or two in operation before they turn to suck.

Next drill I buy will be a Makita or Milwaukee.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Somebody who isn't well-familiar with the advantages of cordless tools starts a thread dicussing the merits of the various cordless tools?


I actually do know what I'm talking about, and with that said...

you're an idiot.

Overall, Dewalt makes by far the best cordless tools. Not even up for debate, unless I suppose you're a person with no professional experience who is willing to start a thread telling people how cordless tools suck and Dewalt is no good.

Something about "better to remain silent and have people think you're an idiot, rather than open your mouth and confirm it."
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Had a 19.2V Craftsman. Clutch was shot in a little over a year, as was one of the two batteries. I used it a fair amount, as I was in the process of finishing about 1100 square feet of basement, but will never buy another Sears power tool. Replaced it with a 14.4V DeWalt.
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Post by Atomic Punk »

I knew Dims would chime in as I was writing this last night.

Tell us more about mo things you boast you fucking idiot savant.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Post by Mikey »

I worked in construction 20 - 25 years ago. Commercial electric -- hanging pipe, pulling wires, installing fixtures, makeup, trim, etc. A cordless drill was a necessity for drilling holes and driving self-tapping screws into metal studs.

At the time, the 9V Makita was the only brand worth considering. I bought one, which I had for about 6 months before I knocked it off a ladder and slightly bent the shaft which, while not making completely useless, at least made it a pain in the ass to use. So, I bought another. I've still got both those 9V Makitas and they're fine for household jobs. I also have a 9V Makita circular saw which is OK for thin plywood but not much else.

Got a sawzall last year when we bought a new electric cooktop and I had to expand the hole in the counter top. Always wanted one, but never had the excuse to go get one. One of the most useful tools around.
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Post by Dinsdale »

I'd love to, AP, but I'm about to take off for the day...and use corless tools to put some bucks in the bank...idiot wannabe.

Matter of fact, I might have to bust out a ten year old DeWalt 9.6V drill to do it. Unless of course you think I should go buy something else...in your "professional" opinion. Or, maybe you think I should drag a fucking extension cord behind me all day?

We seem to have a problem here...you think you know what you're talking about, I DO know what I'm talking about, and it seems to bother you.
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Dims, IF... and that's a stretch for you as you sem to focus on the ant rather than the open orifice you give them as you bend over each and every day... you will notice in my first statement I was talking to home improvement peeps rather than construction professionals.

Did you miss out on that or do you need another link or instructions on how to scroll up to the top of this thread? :meds:
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Post by Dinsdale »

Atomic Punk wrote:you will notice in my first statement I was talking to home improvement peeps rather than construction professionals.
Nice try, Deflecto.

I suppose someone in your position would probably want to beg for clemency from professionals, and instead only wanted to consult with your fellow hacks...since anyone with ANY professional experience would laugh at the fucking idiocy you posted.

But that's not the way things work around here, Anotomically Punked. You don't get to post stupidity and automatically get a pass on being smacked for being stupid, just because you asked "pretty please, don't smack me if you actually know what you're talking about on the subject." If that were a permissable tack, I kinda doubt JTR and Sissyroo would take nearly the grief they do on this board, no?
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Mikey wrote: I worked in construction 20 - 25 years ago. Commercial electric -- hanging pipe, pulling wires, installing fixtures, makeup, trim, etc. A cordless drill was a necessity for drilling holes and driving self-tapping screws into metal studs.
:lol: RACK
Mikey wrote: Got a sawzall last year when we bought a new electric cooktop and I had to expand the hole in the counter top. Always wanted one, but never had the excuse to go get one. One of the most useful tools around.
Yeah, the Milwaukee 360 "corded" is the absolute best I've seen although pricey. I may buy one as it's the best of the best regardless of Dins' stupid and foolish claims. A good contracter has a generator on site and using high priced cordless shit is up to yo wallet nizza.

Don't get me wrong, I love cordless but not for $80 a battery from Dewalt. Fuck that shit. How about a $20 cord from a generator if you work for a construction company? Yeah, that's what I thought Dims. :hahaha: / :roll...
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Dinsdale wrote:I'd love to, AP, but I'm about to take off for the day...and use corless tools to put some bucks in the bank...idiot wannabe.
So when are about to take off for the day? I'm Ron Mexico is pissed that you are not on site right about now. Take your cordless sawzall and fuck your ass with it you fraudo/liar.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Atomic Punk wrote:[How about a $20 cord from a generator if you work for a construction company? Yeah, that's what I thought Dims.
Since you're a "pro," what's the formula for voltage drop per foot on what guage of cord? Is that effect amplified if you're using more than one cord?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

The fact that you even typed that makes it VERY clear you've never spent one freaking day on a jobsite.

Stop now...really.

Dude...just run a cord from that generator over there..." If I had a dollar for every time I've ever heard that. And the people saying that generally have one thing in common: It's their first day on the job.

Actually, don't stop, AP -- you're killing me over here. I'll bet it's a real hoot listening to you tell doctors how they should do surgery...which I'm sure involves some rant that includes "No dude....a butter knife is TOOOOOTALLY better than a scalpel."

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Post by Mikey »

For the work I was doing, cordless was the ONLY way to go.

You don't want to be standing with one foot on the top step of a 6' ladder and the other on top of a wall, holding a piece of 3/4" pipe, a pipe hanger and a self-tapper with one hand and have to lug a drill with a fucking power cord attached to it with your other hand. You want to be able to reach down and pull out the cordless and know it's not going to knock you off your perch.

My sawzall is a DeWalt (corded). Not the most expensive and not the cheapest either, about mid-range in price. It works fine for me. I figure if you buy the cheapest you get what you pay for, if you buy the most expensive you're probably paying more than you need to.
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Post by Atomic Punk »


No, what you "thought" is the aftershock of the "guage" of a big thick SDS bit up your ass coated with white lithium grease.

Oh wait! You are going to take your 18V Dewalt kit and go to work what... 30 minutes ago? I know contractors and I'll take a bet you are fired right about now if what you claim is legit.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Post by Dinsdale »

Mikey wrote:You don't want to be standing with one foot on the top step of a 6' ladder and the other on top of a wall


What are these "ladders" you speak of? Is that one of those facy construction tools you "professionals" use?


Feeling stupid yet, AP? If not, you should. This is only going to get worse for you.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

I’d go with the cordless drill and the corded sawzall.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Atomic Punk wrote:I know contractors

Well, in that case, please accept my apologies. I was giving you some crap for recommending cheap/inappropriate tools, but I didn't realize you know some contractors. In that case, I'll take your word as law from here on out.

I'll take a bet you are fired right about now if what you claim is legit.
Kind of a matter of meeting the property owner when they're going to be there...but you knew that, since you know some contractors.

But you're right -- if this keeps up, I might have to fire me.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Goober McTuber wrote:corded sawzall.
If you're buying one of each, that's the way to go. If it's for frequent use, it's nice to have one of each in the reciprocating saws. Cordless are much easier, but there's a bigger gap in power in the saws than the other tools between the corded and cordless, to be certain.
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Post by Atomic Punk »

So you don't actually work then. You sit on yer fat tarded ass and tell me about tools. I guess you know tools intimately.

Just curious here... Did you read the first two sentences in my initial post? Don't say you did or I would laugh at you from a sad perspective.

You interject bullshit on things that are simple. You look up and see a tree branch then you next see granite as you face plant into the ground.

Go back and read the initial post then get back to me so I can laugh at you some more.

Oh, since you're on the "job" :meds: I'll bet you are busy at work.

BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Atomic Punk wrote:So you don't actually work then.
Actually, I do.

And believe it or not, I manage to stay busy within a few miles of my house, as opposed to your unemployable ass that needs to constantly make 2000 mile treks to keep word of your resume from spreading.
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Post by The Seer »

mtool had been acting more warm and cuddly lately...
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Let's see... in the past your lack o'smack bag included these gems: "Oh, nick smack, how weak." The totals rise for each weak attempt. I KNOW you are trolling in your apartment manager office as you process new applications to live in your shithole community.

You see Dins, you have no credibility in what you've said other than you know DeWalt is a maker of a tool... much like yourself.

The U&L includes DiS and is as potent as your bitch ass.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Post by Dinsdale »

Roach wrote:Most of the fence work I did cordless.
You should have just run a generator and 400' of extension cord.

You Know Who

Most important rule when screwing: Don't use a buggered up bit. Buy good ones and as soon as they get dull, put them where they belong, in the shit hole.

I guess that's yet another difference between professionals and hacks -- they have these things called "deck screws," and...nevermind.

All you need to know about the various screw heads -- in a construction supply house, they sell replacement phillips bits in 5-pound boxes, with hundreds of bits in them. Square-drive bits come in packages of three.

^^^About all you need to know about deck screws. If you're using phillips, you need to stop, because you don't know what you're doing.
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Post by atomicdad »

Uhhh Tools Good.
I'm strictly a home/garage do it my selfer so all my tools are corded, and i'm always looking for an excuse to spend more money on something that I probably don't really need. Several years back I had to replace a section of flooring, joists and support beam in a portion of my house. A contractor quoted me about $30K, fuck that, I did it myself and also tore out rebuilt a bathroom at the same time for a total of about $12K, and stocked my garage with some fun toys while I was at it.

5Hp, 20 gal. Compressor
Porter Cable Framing Nailer
P/C Finish Nailer
P/C Reciprocating Demo "Sawzall", these things are bad ass, everyone should own just because.
12" Compound Miter Saw, can't think of the manufacturer, green.
DeWalt Worm drive hand saw
Milwaukee 1/2" drill
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Post by Dinsdale »

atomicdad wrote:12" Compound Miter Saw, can't think of the manufacturer, green.
Delta. Works pretty well, until you actually use them a few times. Not a bad value-per-dollar setup, though. Definitely not a professional quality tool.
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Post by Cuda »

Dinsdale wrote: ten year old DeWalt 9.6V drill .

I finally had to break out for a new battery for mine a couple weeks ago.
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Post by Uncle Fester »

In the old days, Sears used to replace Craftsmen tools for free.

My Dad blowtorched and then sanded about 12 coats of paint off our house. He also flipped houses and did most of the work himself. He went through at least three or four Craftsmen sanders in the process and Sears always gave him a new one free of charge, although it seems like they started to balk after a while.

Has Sears stopped their policy of replacing Craftsmen tools?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Uncle Fester wrote:My Dad blowtorched and then sanded about 12 coats of paint off our house.
Wow. Talk about an idiot who should stop because he doesn't know what he's doing...

It explains A LOT about your posts and love for Hamms though, Fester.

I recently just about killed a fucking neighbor for being the same fucking idiot your dad was. Just because you're a fucking idiot who doesn't care about his or anybody else's children, it doesn't mean I want you poisoning my yard, you fucking POS asshole. There's a reason they have some extremely strict laws regarding this subject, yet fucking redneck fucking idiots don't seem to understand the concept.

Sorry to single out your idiot fucking father, Fester, but you just pushed one of my panic buttons. Your idiot old man actually was able to put a dollar value on his children's (and everybody else's) long term health. That's the true definition of a piece of shit.

Your father represents everything that's wrong with this country. I'm sure he died/will die a slobbering, painful death...like he deserves, like he ASKED for. Fucking asshole.
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Post by M2 »

This is an amusing thread. :lol:

What makes it amusing ... is most of you are right on some things and wrong on others.

Carry on

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Post by atomicdad »

No not a Delta, damn i'm having a brain fart, i'm pretty sure it is a Hitachi. It works fine although the motor brake or whatever the fuck you call it seems to only work intermittantly.
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Post by Uncle Fester »

Sorry to single out your idiot fucking father, Fester, but you just pushed one of my panic buttons. Your idiot old man actually was able to put a dollar value on his children's (and everybody else's) long term health. That's the true definition of a piece of shit.

Your father represents everything that's wrong with this country. I'm sure he died/will die a slobbering, painful death...like he deserves, like he ASKED for. Fucking asshole.
Eat a bucket of shit, Mr. Peabody. He's 76 and could still kick your ass. :)

This was in the 1960s before the dangers of lead were widely known. Hell, every car on the street used leaded gas so shut the fukk up. Besides, he used drop clothes to catch the old paint and the sanding was done mostly on bare wood.

My pop also used to light the charcol grill with gasoline, creating a plume of flame that was about 15-20 feet high. I suppose you have a problem with that as well.

WAR Red Green and gas flavored burgers.
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Post by Dinsdale »

atomicdad wrote:No not a Delta, damn i'm having a brain fart, i'm pretty sure it is a Hitachi.
Sounds reasonable. Deltas are kinda aqua-green, Hitachis are medium-green. Hitachi is a muchmuchmuch better tool.
Last edited by Dinsdale on Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Y2K »

m2 wrote:This is an amusing thread. :lol:

What makes it amusing ... is most of you are right on some things and wrong on others.

Carry on

Now that's the truth m2....... :lol:

I wonder why any good contractor would have have a "collection" of work tools with different names?

Oh that's right! "Because Dewalt is the best!".....

Dewalt has some seriously good products and some that blow monkey spunk, as does Milwaukee as does ect. ect. ect.

Case Closed.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Uncle Fester wrote:This was in the 1960s before the dangers of lead were widely known.
Sincerely, the term "plumb crazy" being used for huindreds of years?

Sorry...but the dangers of lead were very well-known long, long ago. But like similar situations today (sup global warming), there was people who stood to gain by pulling the wool over other people's eyes, hence decades upon decades of disgusting behavior in the name of profit.
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Post by atomicdad »

I'm sure i'm wrong on it being a 12" model, so who the fuck here doesn't exagerate on size.

This is it or at least a similar version, I got mine about 6 years ago or so.

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Post by Dinsdale »

Y2K wrote: Dewalt has some seriously good products and some that blow monkey spunk, as does Milwaukee as does ect. ect. ect.

Case Closed.
I'm not familiar with any DeWalt products that "blow monkey spunk," but it's not like I've used every product they make.

But in a nutshell, certain companies do certain things better. If you need a corded reciprocating saw, it's all about Milwaukee (since they invented the reciprocating saw). If you need a cordless drill, DeWalt is the bomb, as are their chop saws. If you need a portable compressor, there's nothing on the market that can hang with Emglo (recently bought by DeWalt, if I'm not mistaken).

And so on, and so forth.

Regardless, the name Rigid shouldn't appear anywhere in this thread.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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