Jordan and Israel or BUST

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Post by Luther »

Tuesay April 4m 0620

I just had one of my all time worst fucking sleeps that I can remember. After the dinner at the Amman family (I'll tell that later) we came back to the hotel to be met by one security guard with huge arms. We went through the white trellis looking thing and of course it sounded. He looked in my bag and pulled out the camera and lenses. He smiled and let me go through.

I went into the lobby bar and fired up the notebook and sent off a couple of emails while I drank a Corona of all things. The waitress suggested a Heinekin sp?, but then later came back and said they were all "warm".

I go up to my room, strip buck nekid and throw all my shit in the tub. I turn the water on, poured some of that hotel shampoo and green body wash into the mixture and then proceeded to pretend I was some grape masher for a wine company. After that I wrang it out the best I could and then rolled it up in towels. Then my phone rings and it is Audi telling me that Mrs Luth had called and was all concerned since I didn't have my meds and shit.

Then the hassle of trying to make an international call from my room. Asshole at the front counter couldn't explain it worth a squat, then he hung up on me. I asked around and finally got through to the boss. I had to calm her down and assure her that I would keep pumping blood until I reach Israel in a couple of days.

Tried to sleep, but the Islam call to prayers wafted through my little corner of the city, and now I was wide awake. I felt like hitting the cheap carpet of my room on my knees and trying old Allah for a change..."Make my fucking luggage and meds show up, big MON." But I didn't. I put on my wet and cold clothes, packed what I had into my computer backpack and went downstairs. I paid my bill and asked for the elec. converter so I could charge up a little and get off a couple of emails to the family... trying to calm the fookers down.

I guess we leave and head south toward Petra...the city basically carved out of the side of a mountain. Land of the red freaking dirt. I even saw that 60 minutes episode where Ed Bradley, I think, rode Harley's with King Abdullah in this area.

I'm going for coffee. Wish me luck, mang.

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Post by Mister Bushice »

Sorry to hear they don't sell any clothes there.

Maybe you could steal a burka?

loot her converts his pants to a burka:

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by TenTallBen »

Luther wrote: It would be good for someone with a weak stomach, maybe like Toddowen's stomach after the latest attempt at offing himself.
Toddowen wrote:[I somehow knew that Luth would make some sort of reference to me while on vacation.

You're not the only one...
Luther wrote:You know, I've been watching these guys out here driving those little tarmack trucks that haul stuff around using those short "tongue" deals. I once tried to back up one of those rent-a-yard cement mixers and it took me about a week to get it where I wanted. I can definitely tell you this...Ten Tall Ben does not work here.

Sound like it's going quite well for you, Luth. It seems that you have a few comfort issues though. You do know that you are in the fukking middle east right?
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Post by M2 »

Hey Luth, don't worry... you'll be in a real country soon enough.

Luth, can you do me a favor when you get to Israel?

Can you water my tree? I had a tree planted in my name by my grandma. It's been a while since it was planted, and I just want to make sure some christians didn't cut it down and use it for a christmas tree.


Oh, and Rack Israel for giving me some $$$ every year! :twisted:

I wonder if TWIS's grandma hooked him up with a tree and some $$$?

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Post by TenTallBen »

m2 wrote:Hey Luth, Can you water my tree?
That's sig material right there. Can you try to act more like a flaming homo?
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Post by M2 »

TenTallBen wrote:
m2 wrote:Hey Luth, Can you water my tree?
That's sig material right there. Can you try to act more like a flaming homo?
Why do you hate trees TTB?


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Post by TenTallBen »

Who was driving that van? Theo or Vanessa?
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Post by M2 »

TenTallBen wrote:Who was driving that van? Theo or Vanessa?
I'm not sure. I'm not part of the Tree Hater Club.

Are they fellow drunks you met there?

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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Hey Luth, how's it going? Not venturing out into the "territories" are you? You know, those vast expanses beyond the Holy Apratheid Wall where a billion muslims are waiting to say hello? Been to Praiseland yet? Oh that's right, it's still being built--with Christer funding! Isn't it the most? :wink:
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Post by PSUFAN »

Oh, and Rack Israel for giving me some $$$ every year!
Lemme guess...ah fuck it. Why do they give you money every year?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by M2 »

PSUFAN wrote:
Oh, and Rack Israel for giving me some $$$ every year!
Lemme guess...ah fuck it. Why do they give you money every year?
here ya go

I think I collect the interest of the money donated. It has something to do with the tree that was planted in my name.

I don't ask questions, just put the money in the bank and pay taxes on it.

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Post by Luther »

Oh Bushy, you are so funny.

Like the styles here are the bomb. I picked up a couple of shirts down at Petra. We stopped at this gas station/AM PM Camel Mart and they had some clothes etc. Buy 2 get 1 Chuck the dentist bought a shirt, so he let me have the free one.

Earlier in the day we went up to Madaba and Mt. Nebo. Guess the pope was here in 2000 or something. Audi the guide said they brought the pope in a helicopter, which made for quite the excitement for the locals.

We had lunch at the Dead Sea. A resort area, but no one elected to go swimming. We are spending 2 days at the dead sea when we do the Israel portion of the tour, so no need to do it more than once. Supposedly the Germans get sent her all the time for treatment. hmmm

It got a little heated on the van today when Audi asked if a person in America could stand on a street corner and say, "I agree with everything that happened on 9-11." The dyed haired bitch from Minnesota (Rosemary) quickly blurted out, "No, the CIA will whisk you away to a jail in some foreign country." The Fargo tard tried to say that Zacarias Moussaoui was set up.

If I knew LTS TRN2's mom was going to be on the trip I would have rescheduled.

Tomorrow early, we do the Indiana Jones deal down at the city. I bought some Jordanian whisky, so I think I'll just go upstairs and have one.

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Post by ChargerMike »

"I've seen tons and tons and tons of rocks"

Luth, I told you to stay out of Palestine. :wink:

Bro. I just heard from your said it's a tad cold in Warsaw, but hopes to reconnect soon. :meds:
Bob also called and was really pissed you ditched him at SFO!

I know you'll take some righteous pictures, try and get some rock throwing if you can. Look forward to the reports!
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

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Post by YD »


when the crazy a-rab in the black pajamas with the big "swash buckler" swinging around faces you down from across the market, forget the whip.

just shoot the tard

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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Now Luth, you know perfectly well, of course, that nothing would happen in most American towns if you stood on a corner and made the hypothetical declaration. But what if you made similar corner (medium to loud) mouthings in Tel Aviv? many seconds before you'd be grabbed and hustled off? How about if you silently held up a placard in Tel Aviv--"Why Were Mossad Agents Dancing (and Detained) In New York On 9-11?" How would that play in the special lil' race bunker-state? (reality check, asshole) :wink:

So, been to the "future site of Praiseland" yet? You know, where all the Christer cult nuts will presumably come to just bask in the Holiness of it all and spend tourist dollars?
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Post by Risa »

Last edited by Risa on Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
on a short leash, apparently.
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Post by Luther »

I think this is Wednesday...April 5, 0615

Last nights dinner was pretty good...not great but none the less, very good. Chuck and his wife from Messena, NY, devoured the lamb shanks, as did Audie the guide. I'll eat Lamb, no problem, but I just don't want to see the bone. The Shanks had these odd looking bones coming out, and it looked like you were trying to eat some prehistoric animal part or something.

Rosemary the commie didn't mess with the Luth at dinner. I think she realized that in a day or so that we were going to be traipzing down Tel
Aviv. I had a decent silver beard going, but opted to borrow Churck's spare razor. I'm a Norelco man, and having the blade to near my carotid artery made me pity our suicidal friend on the east coast. I wasn't used to shaving with the blade, and the blade definitely wasn't used to having 5 days worth of stubble.

The Jordanian whiskey was much like your average bar "well" whiskey...decent with a mixer, but you wouldn't want to serve it over ice at the next great detante.

Oh, here we go...I hear the prayer wailings in the distant. Must be the hotel PA system belting out the call for prayer. The other day, where I smoked the apple bowl...the Muslims grouped in an open area off the eating area for prayer. It only lasted about 5 minutes or so. The owner of the restaurant apparantly was the appointed "Imam" and he led the prayers. He faces Mecca, and everyone else is behind him, and they basically copy/repeat what he does. It wasn't intrusive, nor overpowering.

After dinner last night I borrowed one of those electricty adapters so I could charge up the notebook. I put it into the plug in my room and it didn't work. I tried the other wall, ...I tried the bathroom plug, and it just wouldn't power on my recharge light. I went down to the reception desk and the guy said there might be a "safety" switch on the socket in my room and I would have had to switch it on. There wasn't a safety they sent up a repair guy...a big dude. He doesn't speak English, but I show him what the deal is. He has one of those clear circuit tester dealiebobs, and nothing came on. So now he unscrews the socket cover and I get a small light show of sparks.

The tv flickers, but he's still working. I see him try to bend down one of the wire/prongs and more sparks and a light show. Fuck...a free Jordanian light show, right in my room, too. He leaves, and I hear him flip the circuit breaker down the hall. Me being a nice guy and all, grab my trusty maglite from the only bag I have left and used it to assist him as he was trying to screw in shit while using a lighter to see. But in the end, the repair worked. He offered me a cigarette, but I don't smoke. I gave him a Jordanian dollar which is about a buck forty, USA. He looked at the money and said, "Schweet," which busted me up and we both laughed as I showed him the door.

No fucking BBC world here at the Petra Panorama. I got stuck with the Hong Kong version of CNN. One good thing about CNN is when they go around and interview LTS, Bsmack and the boys and how they say how shitty their lives are in the terrible USA of Bush. hahahaha

Chuck the dentist said he was talking to a shop owner down the road in Petra. He said the guy was just your average Jordanian Joe, and the guy says, "You like Bush?" Chuck said, "Yeah, for the most part, sure." Jordanian Joe (JJ) says "Good, you tell mister LTS that when camel shit in wind over here it stay in your hair, your face, your clothes forever. You tell mister B that his horsehit don't fly here. The only thing between camel fucks and horse fucks is your goofy Howie Deanie and old Horseface Kerry."

We all had a good laugh at that.

Have a good day.

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Post by M2 »

Luther wrote: The other day, where I smoked the apple bowl...

We all had a good laugh at that.

Have a good day.

Rip City


I guess when you retire, it's all good...

Rack you Luth!

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Post by M2 »

Risa wrote:
m2 wrote:
PSUFAN wrote: Lemme guess...ah fuck it. Why do they give you money every year?
here ya go

I think I collect the interest of the money donated. It has something to do with the tree that was planted in my name.

I don't ask questions, just put the money in the bank and pay taxes on it.

if Israel has money to give away to foreigners,
why is the United States giving so
much money to Israel in the first place? :?


Annie, you can't be this dumb?

Can you?

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Post by tough love »

Anyone else reacon this thread could use a sticky until Luther returns, or his Suffering Tards Level Overloads and he gives up on it?

Good times, Luth, watch your 6, and if you make it to the Wailing Wall, don't forget to Rack The Trolls. :wink:

Remember: Stop Drop and Roll
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by Luther »


Wed., April 5...7 PM

We got out of the van and started down the trail to the above picture...the treasury of Petra. It is about a 2 mile walk into the canyon before you get to see this. About a hundred yards before, you get peeks of it and I knew it was going to be great.

Unreal. Easily this whole area should be the 8th Wonder of the World. For the story of the area please refer to : The story of Petra, Jordan

If you are an amateur geologist, then this would be one of those epic moments for you. Limestone, sandstone to name a few. Towering walls of rock where you meander on a path typically about 30 feet wide or so. Parts of the trail still shows the Limestone stone road built by the Romans sometime around 500 A.D., if I remember correctly. When we stepped into the huge opening that shows the above picture, there were Bedouin's trying to sell the typical silver stuff, post cards etc. The Jordanian travel minister years ago had moved all the Bedouin out of this area as it was becoming or was a dump. The Jordanians saw the need to clean up this historic site and took matters into great care. The Bedouin now provide camels, horses, mules, donkeys for all the tourists to ride, should they desire. Basically when you buy your admission ticket you are granted the use of the animal that you want to get to/ and then back out from the site. However, the Bedouin basically expect a tip of 3 Jordanian dinars which is about 5 bucks.

We took pictures for quite awhile of the above structure and learned what certain carvings were etc. Apparantly they used goat hair to fasten ropes to hang down from above the entrance to work. OHSA may have had some issues with this.

Then we just walked further into the canyon and had lunch at the end of it. We had BBQ lamb, falafel, rice, salad, pita bread and least that was on my plate. The hummus in every place I have ate at has been outstanding.

Audi's phone rang and he spoke in Arabic to someone for a minute or two and then said, "YOUR LUGGAGE IS IN AMMAN AND IT WILL BE DRIVEN TO THE ALLENBY BRIDGE WHERE WE CROSS INTO ISRAEL TOMORROW."
Fucking great news. I don't want to count my chickens until they hatch, but I needed this news.

Notable Observations:

I stared down the three Germans who thought they could cut in line for the BBQ...I even started the lighthearted chant which others joined in on..."Get in line...get in line...get in line..." They did.

I called down to room service and asked if I could get a small bucket of ice so I could have a nice Jordanian whiskey. The fooker on the other end said it would cost about 5 bucks. Five bucks for some frozen water?

The Arab soap opera that I watched last night was a fucking hoot. Everybody had one of those kefir or ragtops on their heads. The oldest guy was apparantly on his death bed. In comes his son who has this painted on teardrop, but only on his right eye which was closest to the camera. They boo hoo a bit, the old guy coughs while he's holding the Koran or maybe it was the Penthouse reader, I'm not sure. Then they usher in the 3 grandkids. They look scared, their dad still has the frosen teardrop, and grandpa coughs again and goes out. I thought, "Shit, dude croaked right in front of his own son and his grandkids...kinda harsh wasn't it?" A few minutes later it shows the son go in, and grandpa is alive !!! I actually teared up, and I'm talking about both eyes too.

Supposedly our Israeli tour guide is some woman named, Anat. I'm ready for Israel. A little more history to my liking, a little more civilized on the edges. I really liked the Jordanians, even though they have a fooked up electricity. The guy who gave me the light show last night...well none of the outlets work this afternoon.

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Post by RadioFan »

RACK the travel log.
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Post by PSUFAN »

Thanks for posting this stuff, Luth.

Here's a cool Petra link:
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by Wolfman »

I'm beginning to get the picture that
the most exciting part of Luther's days
on this trek is posting the stuff in here
and reading the responses !!
what would we do w/o the net ??
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Post by Dinsdale »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Now Luth, you know perfectly well, of course, that nothing would happen in most American towns if you stood on a corner and made the hypothetical declaration.
Luth lives in Portland. People would be lining up to buy him beers. That counts as "something happening."
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Post by Luther »

Thursday, April 6th...5 PM Tel Aviv

Ok, I ran like a scared little bitch today. I really did. There was some type of incident at the border crossing at the Allenby Bridge, which I also think is called the King Hussain bridge. All was cool...I GOT MY LUGGAGE. It looked like it had been to Oakland, Newark, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and every other shit hole in the world. It was filthy. The TSA lock was still on it, and I think most if not all the stuff is there. Battered...but there.

Now onto the excitement...

Our driver takes us across the border with this permit and drops us off to go through the security/passport blah blah stuff. We give them our bags and then are ushered into the basic metal detector area, and you know what is going to happen, don't you? Yeah...

I told the cute gal that I will set off the alarm due to my knee. She says OK and has me go through...alarm. I get sent over to these chairs all by themselves in the corner. Ok, no problem...I'm just sitting there amongst people who are Arabs/Palestinians/LTS types of guys. I'm just enjoying the experience. I remember reading that if the Israeli's appear calm, then stay calm. If an Israeli appears concerned, then we should be concerned.


Jesus, the look on the gal's face at the alarm station made me leap up with that goofy plastic basket full of my passport, wallet, pen, blah. I see Arabs taking off like this is the start of the 100 meters. Seriously, the look on their faces easily alerted me to the stark reality that I have to get my pasty white, metal knee replaced self into flight mode. I bolt. I hit the sidewalk probably at the 4 second mark after the "GET OUT" alert.

I'm in a hard sprint toward the grassy area across the roadway. I've got at least 12 Arabs/Palestinians ahead of me. Their kefir/headress things wafting back...old mothers with their full long dress garb were also ahead of me. I ran like I stole something. I fucking put osteoarthritis on the shelf, ...I booked, mang. I pulled even, and then passed the contingent of 35-65 year old mama Arabs with no problem...about 40 yards into the sprint I had the ditch in sight. Seriously...I am being fucking really serious here...I'm thinking if I can get below the level of the ground then I have a chance to just have the blast with the rusty nails fly right by my soon to be Dinsdale dome.

In another 5 seconds, I was the only mo-fo in the culvert. Well, I helped one Arab mother down into it with her two kids. She and the kids stayed by me for about 10 minutes...crying and shit. Other than that alert, I really had no idea what the hell was going on. About six security Israeli peeps came out and told us to put all our shit on the grass in front of us. They then motioned for all of us to move to our left from it. OK, ok...I laid my plastic crap on the belt and all. A couple of minutes later I see two Israeli security walk right toward me, then point and me and say, "Come with me, sir."

Oh fuck...all I could think was that I didn't check my luggage really well when I got it back from the guy in the Toyota van...he works for
Grand Circle Tours...I had bad juju about what might be hidden beneath my shorts or something. But the security told me to get my property on the grass and to go inside the building on the left side. I go in there and they had me go into this small room with a black curtain. A pimply faced guy is outside the room and I saw him putting on some body armor, ...similar to what I wore every day. He comes in the room and says, "You have a weapon?"

Me: "Not on me, no sir. At home in the US of fucking A, I do, but not here, sir.

Him: Pull up pants.
Me: Sure. I have a metal right knee, sir.
Him: OK
Me: What happened ?
Him: Something detected in a computer...we blew it up, and that was the noise.
Me: ~pee squirt, a tad~

Then I get sent to another area and given a plastic glass, full of water. They told me to drink it and relax. Then I'm in this room full of Arabs. Maybe a hundred of them. I pal'd with the 4 South Koreans, and I was the only fucking white faced son of a bitch in that room. I'm in this room for about an hour. On the PA there are announcements in Arabic, but it sounds like Democrats talking...slightly understandable, weak with substance, and really nothing comforting if you're stuck in some limestone wall full of people who probably don't really care for me anyway.

Then there is a rush to the gate to exit the building, and I join in with the rush of people. We get outside and numerous Israeli people with those Uzi types of guns politely motion for us to go back in. We then have to wait another half hour and then finally we are outside. I think the shit is over and start to walk toward where some vans/cars are parked...thinking my bags are there and my travel buds are there. Oh no, that was a wrong fucking move. Since I don't speak Arabic, I had no fucking idea what the hell the PA system was saying. As I'm walking toward the parking lot I see this female IDF gal with her arms out, ..."Where you going?" I get sent BACK INTO THE SAME building. Another round of security, fail the metal detector, wait on the bench, go behind the curtain, shoes off, money belt off, black wand between the gnarlies, tap the bad knee and wait again.

Jebus...these guys are good.

Finally I get through and my group greets me like I'm Moses coming off the hill with the tablets. We see our Israeli tour guide with the sign and then we get our bags and shit. Off we go in the private minibus toward Tel Aviv. I'm kind of stressed so I sit in the very back, all alone. I slip a little of that Jordanian whiskey that I bought and pour it into the complimentary water bottle the guide gave me. I'm secretly drinking the whiskey and water while she welcomes us.

I'm in my room and the wifi works. I gotta get a shower in before the welcoming dinner deal.

So how are you guys doing? Whatever you do, or whatever you say, just remember this. Your ASS is still in the best fooking country on the face of the earth. Old Luth wouldl not shit you on this.

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Post by YD »

Luther wrote: Then I'm in this room full of Arabs. Maybe a hundred of them. I pal'd with the 4 South Koreans, and I was the only fucking white faced son of a bitch in that room.


I thought you may have spotted me !


I would have shit straight humus :oops:
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Post by PSUFAN »

The Oregon Ducks are asking about your eligibility, Luth...bad knee and all. They were all in awe of your 40 time. Apparently only TTB made it to the ditch faster.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Durnblurnit Luth...

...even without a single wyitchedpic during the course of your travelogue, this has got to be one of, if not THE, best and funniest threads you've ever put together.

Rackaprops to ya' my geriatric bud!

Keep the peace and keep the posts coming!
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Post by velocet »

Jay in Phoenix wrote:this has got to be one of, if not THE, best and funniest threads you've ever put together.

I'll go with 'one of'. The China series was up there with this one.

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Post by Luther »

We had a brief meeting down in the lobby before the short walk around the area of the hotel. We've got some people from New Mexico in our group. Stan and Ann, and all they talked about was their move to Texas, and that she's allergic to tomatoes, and he's allergic to brains. Stan is kind of a red faced chap and his wife Ann looks like she could be his mom. I've got to make distance from these potential tards.

Bsmack, ...I think that Mrs. Jean Sperr actually came on the trip. I haven't talked to her yet, but she was a little chapped that no one was there to meet them due to a switch in planes.

I bought some vodka and some tonic and plan to just sit on the edge of my bed and gawk at my recently found luggage. Having on a clean pair of shorts next to my "boys" is really choice. I just may get up early and take my pair of dark blue ones down to the Tel Aviv beach and burn them at first light. My buddy Chuck and his wife Shirley claim they have brought "throw down" shorts...wear them once and leave 'em in the hotel trashcan.

Of what I've seen of Tel Aviv, I really like. It kind of reminds me of Portland to some degree. I found an ATM and put my card in it, and it prompts you if you want it in English. I grabbed the smallest amount which was 500 shekels, and the helpful Israeli guy behind me said it was about $106.

At dinner the travel guide asked that I re-tell the story of my sprint for survival. :shock: When I was done, I went up and got some desert and when I returned to the group table Chuck said that I had some doubters. He said that after I left, that the unibrow known as Stan had said, "Does anybody buy that story?" I guess the others jumped his statement with corroboration stories and the goobermanchild finally shut his mouth.

I met another dude who's travelling as a single...his name was Lewis. He kind of looks like a bigger George Costanzo.... I asked him if he prefers to be called Lewis or Lou, and he said he didn't care. I'm leaning at about 55-45 that Sweet Lou wears comfortable shoes. Louie said he's from NYC, and then he clarifies it by saying it was the only town in the world to call home.

If you are keeping score at home, old Luth is the baby on this trip. Maybe I'll be wrong, and I hope I am, but I have a gut feeling that some of these fookers are going to grow real old, real fast. The trip guide is named Nurit, and she is a 10. Not in beauty but in friendliness and knowledge.

I did see a short section of the security fence on the ride from Jerico to Tel Aviv. Hopefully we'll have time later in the trip for me to get some pictures. I'm still trying to recover from the devastating info that I got before I left on this trip that I didn't win squat in the Portland photography contest. 11,000 entrants and I couldn't even garner an Honorable Mention. I thought I had some pics that would have at least "placed," but nope...

For AP and Sudden Sam...tomorrow we go to this old motorcycle museum which features bikes used during WWII.

Rip City
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Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »


Make sure you say "Hi" to all my relatives. ;-)

Keep on keeping on!
Ingse Bodil wrote:rich jews aren't the same as real jews, though, right?
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Post by velocet »

If I ever get around to going there, I want to do so around 'Purim'. Friends tell me its crazy good times then, the best holiday anywhere ever.

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Post by Derron »

Hey Luth....

Glad to hear your having fun.... your former boss sure as hell ain't... the shit's really hittin the fan for old Derrick.

As for the old fuck make up of that group, what's the over under that one of them checks out on this trip ??? Got a tour death pool going yet ??

Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Post by Derron »

What part of 200-300 illegal nuclear weapons (with delivery systems) don't you understand?
We understand it VERY well. Thank you...


Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon and every other Arab country in the world.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Derron wrote:
What part of 200-300 illegal nuclear weapons (with delivery systems) don't you understand?
We understand it VERY well. Thank you...


Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon and every other Arab country in the world.

“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
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Post by Derron »

e said that after I left, that the unibrow known as Stan had said, "Does anybody buy that story?" I guess the others jumped his statement with corroboration stories and the goobermanchild finally shut his mouth.
Hmmm.... I say at the next group meeting or gathering or funeral or whatever, you pull the old beat down on the gomer and give them old fucks something to REALLY talk about.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Post by Luther »

Well, I figured out how to basically function with iPhoto. I miss photoshop as Lil Luth's notebook here doesn't have it, so I'll wing it with software I don't use.

Below is a picture of the group prior to the "merge" with the others in Tel

Left to right: Chuck the dentist, Shirley who is the wife of Chuck, Norma from Toledo, Audi our tour guide and lastly, Rosemary from Minneapolis. Chuck is a laid back guy, and he has to grab his wife's ass in order to hoist her into the back of the van. I like Shirley as she has a good sense of humor. Norma is alright, but the more she hangs with Rosemary the worse she gets. Rosemary is kind of a loud Bush hater who just doesn't realize that she's almost 70 and she's walking around with this jet black dyed hair. Dumb ass bitch.

The above is a keyhole view of the Treasury from the path, maybe 50 yards before you get to the opening to the courtyard area.

This is that theatre I mentioned earlier. Originally built it could hold 3,000, but it was expanded to hold 7,000. They told us that about 30,000 people lived in the Petra community around the time the theatre was built. I only went up about 5 rows as there are no handrails and I didn't want my trip to end at the base of some limestone/sandstone theatre.


This was a picture taken earlier in the week when we visited Jerash. Jerash was the ancient site of a Roman town. This was the theatre that we visited, complete with these muscians who played. School girls on a field trip were here the same time as we were, and they danced to the music. Their ages ranged from 10 or so up to about 14.

I'll put up more pics later.

Rip City

p.s. Now FOO, you play nice in this travel thread. I don't want it hijacked because you don't like the Israeli's etc. Don't make me sic mvscal on your butt.
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Mister Bushice
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Hey Luth.

Who's the older white chick slam dancing with the adult school Suicide Bomber Marching Band?
Last edited by Mister Bushice on Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by PSUFAN »

This archive-destined thread is going to be heavily moderated. Just sayin'.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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