88 wrote:There are definitely an assload of plungers in this thread, but to any objective reader, they are not anywhere near mvscal's ass.
You sure? Clinton being President from 1992-200 out front should have told you.
George Will wrote an interesting piece last week regarding the climate change debate. He noted that it is primarily a debate driven by the media.
And Jeffrey Kluger wrote an even more interesting one last week, as well, but his was based upon science, rather than debunking the "liberal media conspiracy."
The average person has no fucking clue whether the planet's median temperature has changed by 0.9°C in the past 100 years.
The average person also has no fucking clue about the Laws of Thermodynamics (even though they teach it in public schools).
Once again -- very very very very very very very very very basic science at work here.
But for you slow, reactionary types --
OK, pictute the Earth as being like your house. Heat is unavoidable, due to both raiation from the sun, and converting elctricity/gas to heat inside your home, like with your refridgerator, for example.
Following so far? Good.
Now, if you remove some of your homes ability to radiate heat by increasing the amount of insulation in your ceilings and walls(or increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmoshere, in the Earth's case, which keeps sunlight from reflecting back out through the atmoshere), and you then start tearing down shelves off your walls and busting up furniture in your house and tossing them in the woodstove and burning them(or in this case, convert part of the Earth's crust to heat in the form of using fossil fuels, which also create more CO2...double-whammy)...
OK, do you think this would:
A) Make your house warmer?
B) Have no æffect, due to the "junk science" nature
of the fucking Laws Of Thermodynamics?
I know, I know...this is a tough, tough question, but really....
Thermodynamics -- learn it, know it, LIVE it (oh wait...you already do, just under a cloud of ignorance).
No really...I'm not kidding...those pesy LAWS of thermodynamics ALWAYS hold true.
And it is just mindboggling to me that people who didn't get anything out of their high school/college education can not grasp Day 1 of Physics class. Absolutely
And nevermind that the percentage increase in global average temperature has increased
at nearly the exact same rate as petroleum use has increased since the onset of the Industrial Revolution. While certainly not a controlled study, it clearly supports the....ready for it....LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS.
See, clones...unlike the LAWS against child porn and gay prostitution that you're so loathsome of, these Laws can't be broken...even if you wanted to. They're kinda different like that.
Strange how some people seem to think that because they're ignorant of something, that it somehow makes them "right." Ponderous.