Side Bar: immigration thread.

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Side Bar: immigration thread.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Dinsdale wrote:Werd.

I'll bet my last buck that if Muslims planned rallies in support of Al Qaeda in public squares, we'd be all up in that shit.

But here we have yet another criminal organization mobilizing themselves, and have even gone to the trouble to tell everyone that they are proudly in disobidience of American law, yet nothing is being done.

Thanks, neocons. If the people of this country continue to not hold government officials accountable for their actions, we're in big fucking trouble.

On this issue, I think it's perfectly fucking clear that the People have spoken. Yet where are our representatives? They don't seem to be "representing" much at the moment. In fact, they seem to be doing the OPPOSITE of what 95% of their constituents want. Seems like the only people being "represented" are the corporate-types that lined the campaign coffers of their pet "representative."

When a representative democracy stops being concerned with who is supposed to be "represented" think, we've got issues.

Our govenment has been selling the People down the river for WAY too long now, and this issue is taking the whole problem over the top.

The People have spoken...end of fucking story. And since the illegals can't vote, why are Congress so opposed to doing the People's will?

Because certain large financial interests make the rules, not the People.

Our new motto: Of The Aristocratic Interest, By The Aristocratic Interest, For The Aristocratic Interest.

Fucking tards. How many times does the last name Bush have to be involved in massive scam perpetrated against the American People before the idea might fucking dawn on you that they might not have YOUR best interests in mind? I mean really, fuckwads -- that namer has been involved in government financial scandals for almost 100 years now...yet instead of laughing and calling for an FBI investigation when they campaign for office, you actually entertain the idea of voting for them. "Ponderous" isn't a strong enough word for your idiocy.

And I use the Bush Cartel as an example, because they're the most obvious ones. But, they are FAR from the only ones. The name Gore isn't associated with the better interest of the People, either. Walton -- that's a really fucking bad one I'll assume you'll be voting for them soon, too?

You tards amaze me. You reap what you sow. And the People, as a whole, have sown a whole buncha fucking stupid in recent decades.

And until you demand better, both of your officials and yourselves, the stupid isn't getting any better, any time soon.

So enjoy it....or maybe pick up your phone and tell your congressperson that they will be invited to their own hanging in Town Square if they don't do their job. There's a thought....

Unless you actually think a majority of your friends and neighbors in your congressional district believe it's a good idea to grant amnesty to every Tom, Dick, and Jose who breaks American law.
Partial Rack.

I hear what you are saying but just what alternative have the democrats given us? Al Gore? John Kerry? Jesus Christ what do you want from the American people? I didn't vote for Bush but I sure as hell didn't vote for Kerry and to be perfectly honest while I couldn't bring myself to voting for him I'll be damned if I wasn't praying that he won. I threw away my vote for President. I focused on the local elections. Honestly I am more of a Liberatarian than anything but I'll be damned if I am naive enough to believe one, who will stick to the platform, will ever be elected. They are for the people having too many rights and everyone is affraid of what "others" will do to wrong them when the majority of people and their ideas are really represented. Shit might actually get done in D.C.; imagine that!

Both the major parties are too be blamed for this mess. I'm a more traditional conservative, old school if you will. I don't give a damn about the bible thumper wing of the party. Despite what my sig line might read, anyone who has read the theology forum, even once, can unequivocally state I'm not from the "christian right", nor am I the new breed of neocon, and yeah they are out there, accept mvscal and let be. I agree with the vast majority of your politcs but by God this shit of trying to claim there aren't some nutcases on our side as well is pointless and inaccurate; we're beginging to sound like *gasp* democrats in the early 90s.

I want smaller government at the federal level. I want the governement to stay out of mine, yours, and our neighbors [expletive] bedrooms provided that they are consenting adults.

Everyone is partialy the problem and this board is a damn good example. There is no middle ground in America. Everyone is selfish and/or has an agenda to fulfil.

How many times were we to allow John Kerry to bold face lie about his service; just as George W. did.

Atleast George W. is my monkey to make dance and not some left wing liberal organization who wants to erase all signs of religion from the face of the earth. Like I said I am no damn bible thumper, but by God I recognize that the Christians are the majority and they shouldn't be made to feel as though they should be huddled in caves or any and all evidence of their existance erased. The lefties have given rise to this movement and were the real culprits in its creation. In any free society one extremist group will be countered by another. What we have done is allow it to happen. We have gotten locked into only two choices and quite frankly both of them do a piss poor job of representing us.

I'm sick of hearing about Iraq from both sides. So freaking what if he did or didn't have WMD. I personally don't give a shit what Dubya used as the reasoning to invade Iraq. We should have handled it the first time but his dady cowerd to the Democrats rather than have the spine to make an unpopular decision. That is one aspect of Bush that I respect about Bush; he is willing to make an unpopular decision for the good of the country. Saddam Hussein was a dictator who committed genocide, that no one in their right mind could look another man in the eyes, with a straight face, and say he didn't want or wouldn't stick a chemica or nuclear bomb in the middle of D.C. if he didn't have the oppertunity. Get real. By God after a bunch of Muslim nut jobs crashed two planes in NYC, one in Penn, and one in our nations capital Dubya promised me that he was going to hunt those SOBs, and everyone like them, the hell down. By God Saddam was one of them and I expect that his hanging be shown on world wide television, prime time for the middle east, as example #1 as to why you don't [expletive] with the U.S. of A.

Anyways where the hell were we?

Oh yeah immigration. I agree with it all. And when I say that I mean we need a multi layered defense:

a fence with some electrical wire, I like the idea of the vending machines and family outings. Like Dins and mv said families will bond. We could call it the Spanish Fly Trap.

a couple of Army sniper teams strategically placed along the border. Idon't like the idea of a phalanx of guns; too Napoleonic (sp?) for my tastes. We're America we don't need a Division of armor and a bunch of infantry, that should be training for the next Muslim ass pounding, to secure our border. The last time we met up with these short tan bastages in a fight we garnered the name "Gringos" because the entire conflict all their soldiers heard our commanding officers say was "Green Go" as we ran another bayonet up their asses. I gurendamntee you that once a couple of river walkers see a few of their relatives drop like a sack o' taters, after they find their way through the fence mind you, they'll think twice before slipping through that hole.

The MH60K pilots could use this a perfect training scenario in Arizona and New Mexico. It's a desert, both groups like mighty similar. Just sayin'.. they are all just tan from 150 feet in the air. See if someone firing an M134 minigun at you doesn't get your attention. The couple of mexicans that have already made it past the fence and the snipers will have surely pissed their pants by this point. When they get back home they will tell their friends; you know the whole telephone thing within a couple of months half the population, especially the ignorantly poor, of Mexico will think damn near the entire American Military is at their door step. WTF can Mexico really do about it? Threaten us with our own 40+ year old decommisoned gunships from WWII? :meds: Say they won't ship their Marijuana and cocain here anymore? Tell us they won't send us workers anymore? It would be a service to this country if we could stop mexican marijuana from entering the country. Not because marijuana should be illegal but because then the damn market wouldn't be flooded by some much dirty shit for the casual pot smoker to have to fill his lungs with; that shit will give ya cancer I'm told.

If a Mexican can get through all that and can meet the requirments set forth by War Wagon not only should they be given citezenship but by god we need to get him a medal because that would be a canidate bad ass mofo of the year.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Post by Diego in Seattle »

Again....why spend all that money on the border (not just on building/setup, but on keeping personnel & shit down there) w/o removing the incentive for them to cross? It's just a waste of money that addresses a symptom & not the cause.
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Post by SunCoastSooner »

Diego in Seattle wrote:Again....why spend all that money on the border (not just on building/setup, but on keeping personnel & shit down there) w/o removing the incentive for them to cross? It's just a waste of money that addresses a symptom & not the cause.

Other than the fence just what would cost the people more? Army Snipers are in the Army. We're going to pay them regardless. Same with the pilots?

Just sayin', Diego, most of this doesn't require anymore money than we are already spending.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Side Bar: immigration thread.

Post by Dinsdale »

SunCoastSooner wrote:[
I hear what you are saying but just what alternative have the democrats given us? Al Gore?
Yes. And notice I cited the Gore family as feudal pricks who are bad for America, as well.

The only parties this is a partisan issue between is the retards and non-retards.

The Bush family is just the easiest example right now. It's glaring, flagrant, and in your face right now. It's is absolutely of jaw-dropping stupidity to put a person who he and his family stand to make billions in profit from American wars in charge of going to war.

You people are truly fucking stupid for that. There's no more obvious example of a conflict-of-interest in human fucking history, yet people still gave American troops the death sentence when they stepped into the voting booth. If a war needs fighting, then so be it...BUT, maybe you shouldn't let the guy who is the executor of the war profittering make that

I mean, come the fuck on, you fucking morons. You don't put a drug addict in charge of a pharmacy, and you don't put a warhawk in charge of the military. Common fucking sense, you stupid motherfuckers. But, you allowed certain talking heads to polarize you against your fellow fucking Americans, and now the whole lot of us is being sold down the river. Brilliant.

And I agree with Diego. If we put anti-American traitors like WarWagon in jail(he did confess, on this very board, to employing illegals. He's a criminal and a traitor), for a very long time, it would remove a lot of incentive.

One of my friends runs a small agricultural operation, and he will no longer hire anyone who appears to be of Hispanic descent. The law-breakers have innundated the DMV (since non-citizens have demanded that our tax dollars pay for them to not speak English, the DMV around here has Mexicans as at least half of their employees), and illegals can easily get fake identities and green cards. My friend does this with the sole intent of removing incentive for illegals to enter our country (because that's what a non-traitor does, Whitey). Fucker puts his money where his mouth is, just like everybody else doesn't. Of course, he can probably get sued for his acts of patriotism, but that's because our system is fucked up, and not due to any wrongdoing on his part. In this country, putting some stupid yellow fucking sticker on your Japanese car is considered more patriotic than actually taking a financial hit and defending your country's economy -- ponderous.

But frankly, we're a nation of cowards. That is why we have these problems. Elected officials flagrantly defeat the interest of The People, yet they aren't swinging from trees, which is what they deserve. Lie to the People who trusted you for your own personal gain, or use your position to grease your buddy's wheels, and pay for it with your life, or a lifetime of incarceration, and the problem will get better. But you people don't do that -- when you get shafted, like you are over this immigration issue, you tend to re-elect the assholes who done you in the first place.

Plant your retarded fucking head in the ground, and you'll harvest stupid every time. You reap what you sow. And we, The People, fucking blew it.
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Re: Side Bar: immigration thread.

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Dinsdale wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote:[
I hear what you are saying but just what alternative have the democrats given us? Al Gore?
Yes. And notice I cited the Gore family as feudal pricks who are bad for America, as well.

The only parties this is a partisan issue between is the retards and non-retards.

The Bush family is just the easiest example right now. It's glaring, flagrant, and in your face right now. It's is absolutely of jaw-dropping stupidity to put a person who he and his family stand to make billions in profit from American wars in charge of going to war.

You people are truly fucking stupid for that. There's no more obvious example of a conflict-of-interest in human fucking history, yet people still gave American troops the death sentence when they stepped into the voting booth. If a war needs fighting, then so be it...BUT, maybe you shouldn't let the guy who is the executor of the war profittering make that

I mean, come the fuck on, you fucking morons. You don't put a drug addict in charge of a pharmacy, and you don't put a warhawk in charge of the military. Common fucking sense, you stupid motherfuckers. But, you allowed certain talking heads to polarize you against your fellow fucking Americans, and now the whole lot of us is being sold down the river. Brilliant.

And I agree with Diego. If we put anti-American traitors like WarWagon in jail(he did confess, on this very board, to employing illegals. He's a criminal and a traitor), for a very long time, it would remove a lot of incentive.

One of my friends runs a small agricultural operation, and he will no longer hire anyone who appears to be of Hispanic descent. The law-breakers have innundated the DMV (since non-citizens have demanded that our tax dollars pay for them to not speak English, the DMV around here has Mexicans as at least half of their employees), and illegals can easily get fake identities and green cards. My friend does this with the sole intent of removing incentive for illegals to enter our country (because that's what a non-traitor does, Whitey). Fucker puts his money where his mouth is, just like everybody else doesn't. Of course, he can probably get sued for his acts of patriotism, but that's because our system is fucked up, and not due to any wrongdoing on his part. In this country, putting some stupid yellow fucking sticker on your Japanese car is considered more patriotic than actually taking a financial hit and defending your country's economy -- ponderous.

But frankly, we're a nation of cowards. That is why we have these problems. Elected officials flagrantly defeat the interest of The People, yet they aren't swinging from trees, which is what they deserve. Lie to the People who trusted you for your own personal gain, or use your position to grease your buddy's wheels, and pay for it with your life, or a lifetime of incarceration, and the problem will get better. But you people don't do that -- when you get shafted, like you are over this immigration issue, you tend to re-elect the assholes who done you in the first place.

Plant your retarded fucking head in the ground, and you'll harvest stupid every time. You reap what you sow. And we, The People, fucking blew it.
Isn't that what I just said?
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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Re: Side Bar: immigration thread.

Post by Dinsdale »

SunCoastSooner wrote: Isn't that what I just said?
Beats me.

I skimmed to the part where you went to the "left wing liberals" and the "they're out to get us religious folks," at which point my scroll wheel had a mind of its own.

Couple the played out rhetoric with your inability to form coherent sentences using the same language as the rest of us, and make it thousands of words long, and go ahead and assume I'll never know what it is you just said.


But as fgar as "Saddam would have used WMDs"...are you fucking retarded?

So would Hirohito, so would Quadaffi, so would Ho Chi Mihn, so would...

getting the picture?

But see, those leaders of warring states had no ability to use WMDs, so they didn't. Seeing the similarity here?

But now, we have Iran, who is now boasting about enriching uranium. Where's Cowboy W through all of this? Getting ready to invade Ecuador(sup Gunslinger)?

So, this isn't a red flag to you? A nation that wasn't a threat was invaded based upon misinformation given to the public by someone with DEEP DEEP ties to vested interests, but one who is boasting about their newfound capabilities gets a pass?

Props, retard. Where's your outrage over W's failure to act (and now claiming "diplomacy" is his weapon of choice in Iran, since his complete blunder makes it the INLY weapon we have at this point)?

Be consistant, at least. You're engaging in the standard flag-waving "patriotism" that's become so fake and nauseating lately, yet you won't apply the same standards that you trumpet out of one side of your mouth to the other side.

Pick a side, and stick with it. Until then...

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Post by Neely8 »

The electoral college system and political parties should be outlawed. Unfortunently I do not see this happening anytime soon......
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Re: Side Bar: immigration thread.

Post by War Wagon »

Woah, I missed this little gallstone.
Dinsdale wrote: And I agree with Diego.
That's the first indication that you're not playing with a full deck.
If we put anti-American traitors like WarWagon in jail(he did confess, on this very board, to employing illegals. He's a criminal and a traitor), for a very long time, it would remove a lot of incentive.
Bullshit, you lying sack of shit.

I'm not in a position to determine who is or is not legal. That'd be the human resources department. I might decide to hire somebody, but the documentation of their bonafides is not my concern. My company may have unknowingly hired somebody here illegally who provided some nice fake documents. They eventually got caught and were summarily removed from the premises.

And I'm not a criminal, anti-American or a traitor Dins. Shove that crap right back where it came from. Straight up your ass.
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Post by Tom In VA »

And doesn't having a presence in Iraq place us in a better strategic position then if we were still just one country over in Kuwait ?
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:Our military options against Iran would have been quite limited by a hostile Iraq. With things as they stand now, pretty much everything is on the table.

Christ, just look at the map. Iran is in the crosshairs.
"Having our salient pinched off, then encircled by hostile forces, consisting of standing armies and irregular guerrilla bands?
Pfffttt...Yeah....Like that could ever happen.. :meds: Buddy, we're the most formidable, mobile army the world has ever seen!"

Sincerely, The 6th Army
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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