Felix wrote:Tom, perceptions are neither right nor wrong...they are what they are.....
The method of speechwriting they employed to connect the two events without actually saying they were connected is a week long study course in Political Science 101.......
The english language allows for the prefix "mis" to be attached to the word "perception". "Mis", meaning incorrect, wrong, etc.. etc..
That leads me to believe that there is such as thing as in incorrect or "wrong" perception.
I am subjective in my perception of the situation, as are you. Bush uttered 9-11, Al Queda and the "Axis" composed of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea in the same breath on several occasions. This is true.
Where you see an implication that he was linking Saddam with that one attack, I do not.
Where I see that he was not linking Saddam with that one attack and accurately and precisely describing the situation in which this country finds itself, you do not. To me it's always been about avoiding another 9-11, specifically one with WMD. Secondarily it's been about protecting interests in the world from the adverse effects WMD would have in those regions. The Middle East, Europe, and Asia notwithstanding.
To me, 9-11 has always been raised as a "This could happen again and be worst if we don't do something different with Saddam, Iran and North Korea".
Where I see a pretense based on the fullfillment of his oath of office. You see a man willing to get people killed, risk his name and legacy in the story of time, for a false pretense.
I'm sure we can both agree. It's a lot nicer and safer to be ironing these things out on a message board than it would be to have to be responsible for decisions on the order of magnitude Bush has to take.
One last difference, while I can perceive Bush as being some diabolical self serving pawn ..... it seems you can't entertain the notion the man is simply just doing his job and fullfilling his oath to this Country, it's Constitution, and it's people. I find logical fallacies and base hypocrisy when I entertain the perceptions of the former. So I choose the latter.
Either way, it is what it is regardless of how it's perceived.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.