Will any of you see "United 93" ?

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Will any of you see "United 93" ?

Post by jtr »

Even though I work in Hollywood I feel it is still too soon for these movies to come out. I know they eventually would and as long as the families are okay with it then it would be alright.

This movie is going to gets tons of criticism and is already from activists and those who have seen it already know it hits you in the same place in your heart as the actual event when it went down that day.

I think it is kinda stupid because we dont need films to remind us of what happened on this flight when besides what the cockpit tapes and cell phone conversations we really dont know what occurred.

We should honor the brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrafice on that day, but not yet on the silver screen.
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Re: Will any of you see "United 93" ?

Post by The Assassin »

jtr wrote: Even though I work in Hollywood

If you wanna call being a glorified prop work.
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Post by Jerkovich »

No, actually the whole thing should be played out every day to remind the "moving sales" of the world why we are at war.

I wasn't a "tragedy" like I heard the other day from Ted the Drunk. IT WAS AN ACT OF WAR!
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Re: Will any of you see "United 93" ?

Post by TenTallBen »

jtr wrote:I feel it is still too soon for these movies to come out.
That's why you are a clueless stump with a sore vag.
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Post by jtr »

hey assholes I know what you think of me how about answering the fucking topic questions and know that whatever you might thing of me I dont give a shit. get it through your skulls you guys are more idiots than Donald Crowhurst ever was.
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Post by Risa »

Jerkovich wrote:No, actually the whole thing should be played out every day to remind the "moving sales" of the world why we are at war.

There was no reason to go after Iraq. There's already been
testimony about how hard Bush pushed to link Iraq to 9/11.

For me, seeing 9/11 would just put into perspective how
far things have gone, and gotten worse. Sure, there are no
more '9/11s'... but so what?

Osama is still at large (allegedly, he could be dead, he only pops up
when Republicans need an election lift), we haven't nuked anyone into
the stone age (though Bush is on record aswanting to nuke Iran - HA!),
the world hates us even moreso now, the fuel that was SUPPOSED TO

The borders are NOT SAFE. There were how many thousand persons
from 'countries of interest' who came across the Mexican border,
and were caught?

But if you own stocks in oil and Halliburton, it's all good. Christmas
every morning.
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Post by M2 »

Cal has such an anti-patriotic reputation outside of California -even though that is BS - it would still be nice to see one of our students portrayed well.

Mark Bingham in Cal hat and rugby shirt.

I remember Mark Bingham tackling the Tree at halftime.


RIP Mark. An American Hero

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Post by Diogenes »

As long as we aren't more idiots than Jesse Heinman ever was.

You're right, it's way to soon for this movie. We could use another Michael Moore flick instead. Or maybe something from Oliver Stone.
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Post by Bobby42 »

I plan on viewing the movie. There are those who say it's too soon to make a movie about 9/11. Maybe that's the majority viewpoint. However, we need to be subjected to it. It's been almost five years and we cannot afford to distance ourselves from the shock and horror of what occurred.

The film makers received the support of the families of the 40 passengers on board United Flight 93. Some are actively promoting the movie. See the movie and feel the pain all over again. Like Peal Harbor, 9/11 should not have happened. It must not happen again.
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Post by Risa »

Diogenes wrote:As long as we aren't more idiots than Jesse Heinman ever was.

You're right, it's way to soon for this movie. We could use another Michael Moore flick instead. Or maybe something from Oliver Stone.
When's Stone's version supposed to come out? This fall or 2007?
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Post by jtr »

But it will.
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Post by PSUFAN »

I've always been a bit dubious of Hollywood's inclination for historical epics. I don't care for Oliver Stone's take on JFK, or Kevin Costner's view of the Wild West.

Perhaps United 93 is a fine movie...but I don't need to see it in order to process that event somehow. I can subject myself to someone else's interpretation of the event any time simply by going online. I don't think we're really going to know what happened on that flight for certain, and to see it represented in a certain way, according to someone's political inclinations...well, no thanks. I'll instead watch something that will entertain me.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Post by Rich Fader »

1. We're almost five years out. If not now, when?

2. Michael Moore is filming "Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2". That's right, kiddies. Fat Boy is working on a sequel. Apparently it's not too soon for that.

"It's too soon?" What a load.
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Post by PSUFAN »

If not now, when?
I'm still trying to figure out "why, ever"?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by Rich Fader »

PSUFAN wrote:
If not now, when?
I'm still trying to figure out "why, ever"?
A question better asked about the underlying event, in my opinion.
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Post by Bobby42 »

jtr wrote:But it will.
Hate to think something like 9/11 will happen again, but you're probably right. Despite the untold billions spend on homeland security efforts we are no better off in prepareness.

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Post by PSUFAN »

I don't see why someone feels the need to film a recreation of the thing. None of us know what happened on that flight, tapes notwithstanding. If some of us are stupid enough to "need" it to be filmed in order to process it in some way, then that is a great failing of our culture, IMO.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by Y2K »

How does it end.
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Post by PSUFAN »

Let me guess...it doesn't end with a recreation of the Pat Tillman incident.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by MuchoBulls »

Y2K wrote:How does it end.
That same way jtr's hollywood "career" wiil.
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Post by Rich Fader »

...and in a rare and special occurrence, RACK m2. Bingham seems like he would have been a good guy to kick it with (even if he was, you know, into the mens...nobody's perfect).

RIP him and RIP the other guys on the plane.
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Post by Donovan »

PSUFAN wrote:I don't see why someone feels the need to film a recreation of the thing. None of us know what happened on that flight, tapes notwithstanding. If some of us are stupid enough to "need" it to be filmed in order to process it in some way, then that is a great failing of our culture, IMO.
Rack! I think it's disrespectful to try and recreate this tragedy using the typical Hollywood cliches and a Hans Zimmer score.
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Post by jtr »

Why make Titanic when you know what happens?
Why make Pearl Harbor?
Why make Shindler's List?
Why make Saving Private Ryan?
Why make a movie about Joe Paterno like you know someone will?

Becau$e Hollywood can and people will see it. This movie won't win Oscars and may not win many spots onto ppl's DVD racks/shelves.
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Post by PSUFAN »

Another thing I can't understand is the preponderance of "crisis" drama on TV. The shows that are about kidnappings, etc...why is this "entertainment"? Who revels in reliving tragedies? I'm looking at you, 1smoothG
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by Spinach Genie »

Getting past all the ra-ra, this is just another easy way for hollywood to profit off someone else's suffering. If you need to be "reminded" about 9/11, you're an asshole. If you're an asshole, no movie is going to fix it.

Rack PSU. He gets it.
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Post by JCT »

Reading this thread made my IQ drop.
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Post by jtr »

Bobby42 wrote:
jtr wrote:But it will.
Hate to think something like 9/11 will happen again, but you're probably right. Despite the untold billions spend on homeland security efforts we are no better off in prepareness.

I agree, hell most likely before 9/11 more people were afraid to die in a hurricane or earthquake than in a terorist attack.
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Post by jtr »

Spinach Genie wrote:Getting past all the ra-ra, this is just another easy way for hollywood to profit off someone else's suffering. If you need to be "reminded" about 9/11, you're an asshole. If you're an asshole, no movie is going to fix it.
Rack PSU. He gets it.
Have you seen Crash?
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Re: Will any of you see "United 93" ?

Post by MN »

jtr wrote:I feel it is still too soon for these movies to come out. .

Why not? That one sentence fragment sums up what is wrong with America (cues the band)...sprout a dick out of your vagina America. Make a movie about the twin towers too...doesn't mean I'll watch it..but go ahead. Since when is ANY subject off limits for the carrion feeders known as Hollywood...oh the humanity..oh the vaginaty
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Post by M2 »

MN wrote:
jtr wrote:I feel it is still too soon for these movies to come out. .

Why not? That one sentence fragment sums up what is wrong with America (cues the band)...sprout a dick out of your vagina America.


In this era of me and only me, we have become a ball less society of bullshit talkers and no action cretins.

If one were to walk down a street and see an old lady getting robbed, most would say they would "get involved" and help her... yet in reality they would just walk by and say it wasn't any of their buisness.

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Post by Spinach Genie »

m2 wrote: If one were to walk down a street and see an old lady getting robbed, most would say they would "get involved" and help her... yet in reality they would just walk by and say it wasn't any of their buisness.

...maybe in frisco, yeah. You fags might chip a nail.
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Post by M2 »

Spinach Genie wrote:
m2 wrote: If one were to walk down a street and see an old lady getting robbed, most would say they would "get involved" and help her... yet in reality they would just walk by and say it wasn't any of their buisness.

...maybe in frisco, yeah. You fags might chip a nail.

You see... you are exactly who I'm talking about!

Thanks for chiming in and proving my point, you sackless pussy.

All talk and no action.
Spinach Genie wrote:You fags might chip a nail.
Or take down a plane to save more lives!


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Post by Risa »

m2 wrote:Or take down a plane to save more lives!


An American Hero

the truth
The truth is that Bush and Company avoided Bingham's rugged
homosexual ass and survivors like the plague, because he was... well..

Bingham was a total asskicker. If him and Pat Tilman got in a fight... they wouldn't.

The bigger truth is that somebody ordered the plane shot down.

They shot down a plane the passengers were trying to get back
control of. Question is, did they know the passengers were
getting back control? If they did know, .... ? :? If they didn't,
well, that's life.
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Post by TenTallBen »

Risa wrote:They shot down a plane the passengers were trying to get back control of. Question is, did they know the passengers were
getting back control?
And which one of those passengers knew how to fly a 757, Mensa?

Please do us all a favor and donate your keyboard to the primate exhibit at your local zoo. I'm sure one of the monkeys there could bang out a more intelligent take than you.
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Post by JCT »

Yep, there went another 2 points. Stupid message board, be more smart.
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Post by Rich Fader »

Who's accounting for most of the points?
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Post by Y2K »

Movies are fake anyway, now any good Hollywood Filmaker would rewrite the whole story much like they do all the Clancy Novels. I say the passengers live in any solid flick and they use their repossessed airliner to chase down the flight headed to the White House and ram em in mid-air saving the lives of thousands who had no idea anything was even happening. The citizen pilots/heros could manage to land their crippled plane to the roaring cheers of thousands. Now THAT'S epic shit.
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Post by Rich Fader »

Hey, JCT...who's killing the most of your IQ points? I strongly suspect I already know, but I wanted to make sure.
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Post by jtr »

PSUFAN wrote:Another thing I can't understand is the preponderance of "crisis" drama on TV. The shows that are about kidnappings, etc...why is this "entertainment"? Who revels in reliving tragedies? I'm looking at you, 1smoothG
Are you dissing "24"?
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Risa wrote:
m2 wrote:Or take down a plane to save more lives!


An American Hero

the truth
The truth is that Bush and Company avoided Bingham's rugged
homosexual ass and survivors like the plague, because he was... well..

Bingham was a total asskicker. If him and Pat Tilman got in a fight... they wouldn't.

The bigger truth is that somebody ordered the plane shot down.

They shot down a plane the passengers were trying to get back
control of. Question is, did they know the passengers were
getting back control? If they did know, .... ? :? If they didn't,
well, that's life.
Where on earth do you get this nonsense from? Good God, you’re a fucking idiot.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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