It has now been confirmed. 1 May 1973: that was the date George W Bush was recruited as an agent by the KGB rather than some time in 1972 as had been previously reported on this website. "As this is the son of the chairman of the governing Republican Party," the security officer in charge of the operation wrote to Secretary General Yuri Andropov in a coded message which has now been deciphered, "we will see where this leads. Take it as a gift to the glorious Soviet people on this International Workers' Day." Another source inside the Kremlin indicates that, upon receiving the news, the usually solemn Andropov smiled as he reviewed the troops marching through Red Square and murmured to his fellow members of the Politburo: "We have a secret weapon and it is not here in Moscow."
I blinked again. The next paragraph was even more absurd:
Jump forward 30 years, to 1 May 2003. There was George W Bush, now the president, landing on the deck of the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln and proclaiming, under a gigantic "Mission Accomplished" banner, that "major combat operations" in Iraq had ceased. At first glance the event appeared as a fantastic Top Gun photo op on a vessel named after the greatest Republican president of all time, which had the added attraction of returning from the second Gulf war without having suffered a single casualty. The homecoming had been delayed for the ship, idling 30 miles off the coast of California until the soft morning light was ready for the Commander-in-Chief to fly in on an S-3B Viking jet, strut around in full battle gear and send a message to a world celebrating workers: the US does not need you or your countries to rule this planet. Or surely that was what his American handlers thought was transpiring. This website deems that the real message was intended for Dubbya's Russian handler, that the Mission Accomplished banner was a mischievous nod and wink to the president's very own KGB agent: "I did it, tovarish. We're on our way. Watch what is about to happen in Iraq and elsewhere and enjoy the decline of the American empire. My jubilation knows no bounds. Happy 30th anniversary! Long live International Workers' Day!"