So then, War Wanker sez:
Hey fruitcup, when exactly did I ever refer to myself as a "legend". Not here on this board, not in the TNW...not in SC's 1, 2 or 3. Others handed a group of us know as the Mag7 (not a name we gave ourselves mind you) that line sometimes, but it sounds to me like you want to bestow the Legend tag on me. Fine, if that rocks your little world, go for it! I mean, seriously, thanks for the chuckle. :DOk, no problem. This should be fun and oh so scary...having a legend in his own mind "go off" on me is a thrill that I don't get everyday.
Well golly, great to know your not a bandwagoneer. Your undying loyalty to your shit team is admirable. Stupid, but admirable. And you sort of took that line out of context, or perhaps, I should just restate it...being a fan of a losing team, does not automatically make one a loser per se...however...playing the role of perennial loser on these boards COMBINED with your oh-so-sweet support of your team, makes you a DOUBLE LOSER!Why is that? I'm not the one doing the losing. I just support my team thru thick and thin, no matter how hard that is to do. I'm certainly not going to ever jump shit, just because they're mired in a horrible stretch. We have unkind words to say about folks who do that sorta' thing...bandwagoneer being one of them.
Wow, I never knew that being a fan of your hometown team who's a perennial loser, also made the fans of said team a loser.
There, that clear things up?
You mean "figured" out? Well yes, I certainly do. And the entire "gay" thing was started by you. I just returned the volley. Play the gay card, get the gay card...right up your little 'tard ass.More revelations coming in from above, eh? If you're a knowledgable fan, then you can't be gay, and vice versa. You got this all figered out, don't you?
First things first. I am indeed a Rams fan. Have been for over thirty years. Same with the St. Louis Cardinals. Fuckin' hate the Cards football team. Kurt Warner...? Who cares. And yes, the Chiefs have some recent victories of late...behind an ex-Ram QB...over the Rams. But who cares about regular season games...playoffs and SuperBowls are where it all comes to fruition, and let's face it...your team blows goats in the post-season.What do their uni's have to do with anything? As for where the Chiefs were...kicking the sheepshit out of the Lambs the last few times they played. Why? You a closet Lambfan? Does Kurt Warner make you panties glisten? Or are you a 'tardinals fan, being from Phoenix? Yeah, the Chiefs stomped them, too.
Wow, didn't know I had become a corporate sponsor. Fuckin'-A! War Wagon wants to make me a geen-u-ine Corpy-rashun. Look out Wal-Mart, here comes Jay-Mart! Yeah baybay, that's the ticket. Oh, and as to teams and cities "whoring" themselves out...face it little one, that is THE American way. You anti-American?What is this "smaking" that you speak of? Oh, of course,you meant "smacking"...and au-contraire, it's every bit the area for it. Teams and cities who whore themselves out to the highest bidder for naming rights to their stadiums are always great fodder...especially when the said high bidder company goes belly up and that name don't mean squat anymore. Kinda' like the name Enron Park, or the TWA dome, or Jay in Phoenix, for that matter.
Fuck you. :wink:
And that is EXACTLY what we've been doing...taking it of-so-seriously as you seem to be doing. I'm in this for the shits and giggles. And you my sorry sad-sack, are wonderful smackin' fodder. Keep up the mediocre work!Look 'tard, Cards and Royals fan, Rams and Chiefs fan, love to give each other good natured shit. Duh, it's an intra-state rivalry thingy.
You got that all wrong dipshit...typical. It wasn't a rubber was a standard issue T1B rubber plunger. And the amazing thing was, you jammed it up your own ass. Congratulations on the self-inflicted hiney ramming.Next time you want to "go off" on someone Jay, try having more than a rubber knife in your limp wristed grip.
After all, it is your forte.