Van, your new .signature is inappropriate.

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Van, your new .signature is inappropriate.

Post by Risa »

Don't encourage him. Don't be a hypocrite regarding racial 'obsession'.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Annie -- your new sig is inappropriate. Don't encourage him.

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Post by Jimmy Medalions »

It's never inappropriate to make you melt.
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Post by Risa »

mvscal wrote:Who the fuck made you the arbiter of appropriate sigs?
Jimmy Medalions wrote:It's never inappropriate to make you melt.
How sweet. But I don't have a dick for you to swing from, Mr. Notinyourhand. Fax over your card info, and maybe I can charge up a substitute.

As for mvscal, you were being a dick. but were you being a dick because you meant your negative african-american stereotype, or were you being a dick because that's the roll you choose to play here? Van has gone on record as being against the whole racial thing. So why encourage you to drop the racial blasts by temporarily immortalizing you in a .sig? particularly when it's not known if you're being serious or being a troll.
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Post by Van »

Annie, you probably have sported more racial trolling sigs and avatars than anybody in the history of these boards so you're the last person who ought to be opening their yap in complaint about such a thing.

Moreover, the point of my sig is the comedic interplay between you and Mvscal. It could've been about baked beans, the Maginot Line or Alyssa Milano's dusky hued labia and it wouldn't have mattered.

When Mvscal responds to you often as not it's just plain good eatin'. He's so far over the top with his racial trolling and his naked contempt for everything you post and you're so, well, so you, that the interplay between you two nearly always makes for an instant classic.
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Post by Risa »

Juneteenth (sudden sam)
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:We get all jacked up on microbrews better than any of you will ever have the pleasure to sample,
Unfortunately, the authentic Juneteenth celebration requires lots of cheap malt liquor.
mvscal wrote:Hey, I'm down with Juneteenth. If eating fried chicken and robbing liquor stores is wrong...I don't wanna be right.
Van chose the latter as his .signature. I think it's inappropriate. I also don't know where you are coming from. Consensus seems to be that you're either full of shit, mvscal; or anyone who thinks you're being truthful finds you humorous enough to give you a pass.... making you a latter day Valvenis in these parts. I'm not sure about, either. Part of the inappropriateness of Van choosing your comment as a .signature has to do with whether Van himself buys what you're selling. If he buys it, he's being a jackass. If he doesn't buy it, he's being a hypocrite.

If you buy it yourself, you're a dog. If you don't buy it, you're the worst of all. Which is it?
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Risa wrote:Consensus seems to be that you're either full of shit, mvscal;

Robbing 7-11s would've been more accurate.
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Post by Jimmy Medalions »

:lol: @ Keepin' it Rill
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Post by Dinsdale »

Risa wrote:[I think it's inappropriate.
I'm pretty sure that in most polite circles, discussions of eating Mark Cuban's asshole by proxy and sexually assaulting midgets and retards is considered "inappropriate."

Hell, JTR putting a pic of his mug where the squeamish might see it is pretty damned "inappropriate."

Did you have a point here, or did you decide that your road to heaven lied in being the Voice Of Appropriateness on this board?
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Post by Risa »

Van, why is it 'funny' when mvscal drops negative stereotypes against African-Americans; but you're 'disgusted' when someone plays the other side of that card. You'll giggle about black sambo, but you don't want to hear another word about black superman? I don't think you should come out and dog the racial; then sit there and sport someone else's mean-spirited and simple-minded racial taunt as a .signature. Because mvscal was being extremely simple minded. Why not just make a three-pack and sport Doktor's 'coon central' comment from the bike thread as well. Or do you find mvscal more amusing than Doktor? I don't know. only you can answer that. but they both dropped an inanity (in mvscal's case, he dropped two). why encourage either of them? why encourage mvscal? he's a dumbass whenever he does that shit.

again, why encourage him?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Risa wrote:Van, why is it 'funny' when mvscal drops negative stereotypes against African-Americans; but you're 'disgusted' when someone plays the other side of that card?

My name isn't Van, but I'm pretty sure I can field this one --

because mvscal is funny, and you're pretty much a tard.

Is there a "bonus round" on this game show?
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Post by Van »

Choice C: I neither "buy it" or "don't buy it". I merely get a laugh from a comment of his like that, knowing he knew full well that you were lurking around and such a comment would surely set you off. His pointed disregard for your feelings on the matter and for your feelings in general is High Comedy. You always attempt to keep it on an even keel with him and no matter what you do he simply responds to you with the utmost in dismissive contempt.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch.", or something to that effect, in response to some long diatribe of yours where you attempted to post something with some meat behind it.

He doesn't extend you even the slightest courtesy. He just flushes you down the shitter, with the final parting shot that it'd be good if you'd just learn your lesson and, well, always STFU.

Again, Choice C: High Comedy

When he posts to you, or vice versa, it's so often sig material. Even though that sig of mine wasn't posted to you directly it might as well've been, 'cause he we are again, just like he planned it.
Last edited by Van on Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote: Way to "Keep it Rill" there Chococity.

:meds: :meds: :meds:

Fucking savages.
I guess that's what happens when you throw people out on the street, and treat them like sub-human, non-citizens.

White Man would find it hard to "Keep It Rill" too if he saw his family floating face down in a drainage canal while his government stood by and did nothing.

This isn't a failure of African American culture. Individually, yes, but the greater burden lies with the corporate/psuedo Capitalist hegemony.

I keep wondering when ordinary Americans wil rise up and throw off the shackles of their oppressors. You country has a deep and meaningful socialist history. Too bad you've been robbed of it.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I'm pretty sure that in most polite circles, discussions of eating Mark Cuban's asshole by proxy and sexually assaulting midgets and retards is considered "inappropriate."
I laughed.

All my relatives are diehard christian conservatives. I'm going to break those out at the next family "function" and see how that goes.

I have a feeling it would end in silence, with forks dropping, and me tippy-toeing out the room.
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Post by Risa »

I read that thread. Backer never said he kissed her, so any fantasies about eating Cuban's asshole by proxy are the product of your own mind, not anything that went down in that thread. And most of you sexually assault 'midgets and retards' every time you put yourself in hand -- some of y'all several times a day -- because most of you are men, and being men that's just how y'all roll as a sex. Nothing to see there.

As for Jess, please.. you know in your heart of hearts you're rooting for his ass. Jess is a good soul, and he's living a dream. He's doing what he wants in his life. Good for him. He needs to stay away from that pot, and those tweakers; but if he hasn't landed in rehab by now, with that crowd, he's gonna be ok after all. I hope.
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Post by Van »

Dins is spot on in his analysis, Annie. Mvscal is funny, whereas other race trollers aren't. Also, yeah, where is your shock and outrage overe the inappropriateness of 99% of the shit that gets posted on this board?

Seems to me that the only time you get all huffy and want things to be kept on the up and up is when it concerns your pet subject, African Americans.

Unless you protest equally vehemently against all the other injustices embodied in so many other posts here (which you never have and never will) it's just further comedy to see people pressing your buttons so easily.

Zero credibility, Annie, that's what you bring to the table when you piss and moan about ANYTHING racial. Where racial inappropriateness is concerned you fucking gave birth to the boy that cried wolf.

Mv? He's just funny. Pickle was almost never funny, he was just childish and simple in his racial jabs. Mv?

Check Dins' sig. That's the story, right there. That's why my sig reads the way it does.

Comedy. Mv's genius wasn't in making such an easy racial jab. Fried chicken?

Nah. Too easy. The point there was the "...then I don't wanna be right", plus the fact that he knew you'd go "Scanners" over it...
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Risa wrote:He needs to stay away from that pot
Seriously. Jess needs a lot of things, but the munchies is not one of them.
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Post by Risa »

mvscal wrote:Needless to say, New Mogadishu was a fucking third world shooting gallery long before Katrina tugged the handle on that toilet.
And now it's going to be Nuevo Tijuana. Joy. Look, fool, that's an American city filled with American citizens, and if the American government can't fix a city and do right by it's citizens, that government has no business being in power.

It will be a year since Katrina in a scant two months. What has the government leadership been in New Orleans, and along the Gulf Coast? There's a difference between not being able to house people, and letting housing rot unoccupied.

The latter is abominable. Things did not have to turn out like this. The only people who have made a difference have been private citizens.... the same people you want to wave away and wave aside because of the actions of a couple dumbfucks who can be found anywhere, anyplace, USA (or the world).

Turning the toilet into a spa doesn't mean permanently removing the very people who can make a positive difference in that city, but are still not allowed to come home. Get your own head out of Metzger and Duke's and Richard Baker's assholes; root for Americans, for once, damn. Even if they don't look like you.
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Re: Van, your new .signature is inappropriate.

Post by The Doktor »

Risa wrote:Don't encourage him. Don't be a hypocrite regarding racial 'obsession'.
So you've been a bitter coon for how long?

What's it like being a coon?
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Post by Risa »

Dinsdale wrote: because mvscal is funny, and you're pretty much a tard.
please explain, what's so funny about dropping an hoary 'chicken and malt liquor' reference in a thread about juneteenth? seriously.

did you slap your knees and piss yourself when pickle used to post those racist french postcards, too?

do you still get the giggles for 'pull my finger'?

are you the dope with the slackjaw and wide eyes waiting for the punch line of 'knock knock'?

come on, now. mvscal didn't do anything even remotely amusing. the only tards are those who busted a gut over it.
Last edited by Risa on Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Van »

Did I actually just read a quote from Annie exhorting somebody to "root for Americans, for once, damn. Even if they don't look like you."???

Annie wrote that? The same Annie who probably lags behind only Martryed on this entire board as typically being anti American at every possible turn?? (Well, assuming the Americans aren't black, of course.)

Damn. Weirdness abounds.
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Post by Van »

Risa wrote:
Dinsdale wrote: because mvscal is funny, and you're pretty much a tard.
please explain, what's so funny about dropping an hoary 'chicken and malt liquor' reference in a thread about juneteenth? seriously.

did you slap your knees and piss yourself when pickle used to post those racist french postcards, too?
Moi, when I already explained the difference to you, wrote:Mv? He's just funny. Pickle was almost never funny, he was just childish and simple in his racial jabs. Mv?

Check Dins' sig. That's the story, right there. That's why my sig reads the way it does.

Comedy. Mv's genius wasn't in making such an easy racial jab. Fried chicken?

Nah. Too easy. The point there was the "...then I don't wanna be right", plus the fact that he knew you'd go "Scanners" over it...
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Risa wrote:please explain, what's so funny about dropping an hoary 'chicken and malt liquor' reference in a thread about juneteenth? seriously.
How many times does this have to be explained, you illiterate fuck?

Van already outlined this.

In a nutshell - comedy is about delivery and timing, not necessarily originality.

Secondly, your inevitable meltdown to said "inappropriateness" is partly what makes it so funny. If you're confused about this, then see your meltdown in this thread.

But don't let the 47th explanation on this stop you from asking the question one more time.
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Post by Risa »

mvscal wrote:
Risa wrote:
mvscal wrote:Needless to say, New Mogadishu was a fucking third world shooting gallery long before Katrina tugged the handle on that toilet.
And now it's going to be Nuevo Tijuana.
How does it taste to get owned by wetbacks?
You say that like mexicans pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps instead of having every assistance in two countries helping them. what happens when that assistance dries up? then the mexicans are left aside, while (in this case) the chinese reap all the rewards. the mexicans have 'owned' no one. they're just the recipients of the true owners' largesse. when that largesse ends, they'll be back up a creek, too.

you don't get to claim some backhanded glory on their behalf, by the way, either.
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Post by Van »

"You illiterate fuck"...

Okay, there's another aspect of American pop culture that cracks me up. Exactly how did "fuck" ever become a common term for a person as a whole??

Shit just kills me.

:george carlin channneling:
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Post by The Doktor »

Come on Annie. You know, I know, and we all know that everybody hates coons. That's just how it is. It doesn't seem that you are doing anything to make them a better race, either.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I like that we can all put our egos and differences aside, if at least for one day, to slap Risa up and down, much like her tits in a battle with gravity.
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Post by JCT »

Worst thread of the day.

Lock this shitheap and bury it.
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Post by Donovan »

Can an admin change Risa's user title to "Strange Fruit"? Thanks.
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Post by Y2K »

I won't read this thread again....

Can I get the last 5 minutes back?
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Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:I'm pretty sure that in most polite circles, discussions of eating Mark Cuban's asshole by proxy and sexually assaulting midgets and retards is considered "inappropriate."
Thanks for the sig. Absolutely epic.
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Post by Risa »

Well, then you're an idiot, Van. Yes, I did write that about Americans; no, mvscal had no 'master plan' in putting those phrases up. He was just being a dork. I only commented about it... not because he wrote it, but because you are sporting it.

He basically performed a throwaway. There was no thought attached to what he had written. You, however, liked it so much you decided to take it up from the gutter, shake it off, and pin it on your chest. No master plan there -- unless his master plan was to get YOU to tick me off? I don't think so. mvscal just doesn't care, about anything here or about anybody, that much. it doesn't mean anything to him.

You, however, have a sore spot when it comes to race. That sore spot is real. There are countless, countless moments of humor upon these boards -- some well-thought out, some silly, some idiotic, many unintentional, some flat out dull but still trying -- and out of all of those, you chose to sport mvscal's bullshit.

It's not about dinsdale's original sig. It's not about mvscal's imaginary 'master plan'. It's about you.

Sudden Sam, there's a gravel strewn path beneath an over-large battle flag in the deep south waiting for you to get up the courage to return to it. Would you?
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Post by StankHo »

Risa wrote:
do you still get the giggles for 'pull my finger'?
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Post by Neely8 »

Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote: Way to "Keep it Rill" there Chococity.

:meds: :meds: :meds:

Fucking savages.
I guess that's what happens when you throw people out on the street, and treat them like sub-human, non-citizens.

White Man would find it hard to "Keep It Rill" too if he saw his family floating face down in a drainage canal while his government stood by and did nothing.

This isn't a failure of African American culture. Individually, yes, but the greater burden lies with the corporate/psuedo Capitalist hegemony.

I keep wondering when ordinary Americans wil rise up and throw off the shackles of their oppressors. You country has a deep and meaningful socialist history. Too bad you've been robbed of it.

White people know how to swim......
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Post by Invictus »

Donovan wrote:Can an admin change Risa's user title to "Strange Fruit"? Thanks.
That's just wrong. Plain and simple.

You'll have to answer for that some day.
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 on Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:30 am
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:

Right. Because unlike you, I actually respond to Vic. He's a funny poster
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Post by Van »

Actually Annie, you've got it backwards.

It's about you. Mvscal made me laugh, because of you. Remove you from the equation and he's saying his stuff in a vacuum and it's no longer funny.
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Post by PSUFAN »



King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Van is not a Racist, he just likes to suck Racist cock.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Sudden Sam wrote: What part of Mandatory Evacuation wasn't clear?
Cuba enforces their ME's and they save a lot of live in the process.

You down with that?

That is a trick question btw...
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Post by PSUFAN »

TVO drives through another thread:

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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