Tom,Tom In VA wrote:You're still trying to apply fallible, finite thinking to that which is infallible and infinite. You exercise your will to believe or you do not i.e. you choose to believe or you do not. But I'll bet God knows what choice you'll make, and I have faith that it will be to believe on Him. In time, without argument or apologetics being necessary, when you're alone someday.MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote:If you subscribe to the idea that we were all created by a god who is all-powerful & all-knowing, then there's no way that "free will" exists. It might seem like you're making your own choices, but god would already know what those choices are before you were ever born. That's not free will. That's pre-determination. You guys want to have your proverbial cake and eat it too.tough love wrote:^
Amen, my Brother.
Free Will:
For some a blessing
For others, a curse.
An all-knowing god and mankind's "free will" are mutually exclusive.
God bless you.
You & I have gone back & forth on the whole "logic v. faith" topic for several pages in the past, and I'm sure we could go on for a few more. You're one of the few openly religious posters around these parts that seem to actually "walk the walk," and I respect the hell (err, heck) out of you for that.
I just can't get past the mutual exclusivity (by earthly logic, at least) of omniscience and free will. I mean, why would God allow mankind's laws of logic and science to stray so far from "the truth"? I refuse to believe that all of the findings of science over the past 2000 years that have unintentionally disproved many of the basic tenets of Biblical teachings are actually the work of an evil demon trying to confuse us. A demon, mind you, that God not only originally created, but allows to continually meddle in the fate of humanity. That just doesn't strike me as a very all-loving thing to allow to happen.
I know, I know, there I go again, applying earthly definitions of love to a being not of this earth. But as of right now, earthly logic is the only thing I've seen proven enough times to accept as fact.
I respect that you're willing to just say "It's beyond my understanding." Ultimately, we'll agree to disagree, but rack you for consistently standing up for your beliefs without ever shoving them down anybody's throat.