Hmmm....let's review. A (weak) callout thread was posted, with my name in the title, so it wouldn't be confused for a callout of someone else. I don't think Buc could have been any more clear with his initial intentions.
But before I even had a chance to respond to my callout thread, here comes Van...
Van wrote:This is Dins we're talking about here. By noon Sunday he'll have completely forgotten all of this...
Of course postulating on my short-term memory abilities.
Van wrote:Buc, it's not slander, it's just Dinsian Smack.
Slander involves specific motivations, profit to be gained and somebody who's in the public eye.
This is just message board b.s...
Who cares? Dins sure doesn't.
Van, speaking for me, even speculating (correctly in this case) about what I may or may not care about.
But, still no Dins in a Dins callout thread yet...but plenty of Van.
And here's Van's pre-Dinsdale post
number 3:
Van wrote:Doesn't matter though, at least insofar as you and Dins are concerned. From what you're saying you've apparently become Dins' Crusade For The Work Week Ending 7-28-06, but since it's Dins we're talking about here I know there's no reason to get the least bit riled up about it.
It's Dins. He doesn't care. It's just message board goofing. Apparently you gave him reason to think he'd gotten under your skin so he ran with it, is what it sounds like.
It's Dins. No matter what he's saying to you now by this time next week he'll be telling you how best to caulk your tub while scoring with hot river babes who help him with his latest hobby, cold fusion lawn bowling.
Yup, Van's THIRD port speculating on what I might think about a thread I've yet to post in.
What could he possibly do for an encore at this point?
Don't sell Van short, that's for sure. For his 4th post pre-Dinsdale, he then goes on to admit he doesn't even know what he's talking about.
Van wrote:I'm not up on the details of whatever little spat you're having with Dins.
But hey, why would Vannie let that stop him from speculating about his favorite subject -- me?
For his 5th...yup, you read that right...
5th post in a callout-of-Dins thread, before I'd even seen the thread, he decided to argue legal definitions(that he backpedalled away from, after he got caught bringing the stupid) with someone who has passed a state bar exam. VERY Van-like.
Then, he decided to post about 10 more times, in a thread dedicated to
calling ME out, the last few of which, he expended on
accusing ME of "ankle-biting" HIM.
Abso-fucking-lutely priceless.
Way to go, Vannar. Even Crown Sissy 25 can't tard things up at the breakneck pace you've set here.
Unfuckingbelievable. The only person you "own" is you...and you own but a minority of shares in that, even.