Get your own holographic TV

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Get your own holographic TV

Post by ElTaco »

Kind of interesting. Its not holographic like you'd think when you hear that word. Rather they have a big glass screen that any type of a projector can shoot the image on. You can also get large glass speakers to put on either side of it. The screen is 40in in size. Kind of neat if you have a ton of money to blow.

Also interesting is this screen technology from Ntera. Its not so much a screen as a paper technology that uses nanotechnology to re-arrange itself to display stuff and look a lot like paper. The neat part of it is that its very low power consumption and once you have something on the screen, it can stay for weeks without any power. They also claim that regular LCD manufacturers can retrofit their factories easily to manufactur these screens. The technology will be ready for primetime by the end of the year.
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