Conservatives lose ground amid perceived sidling up to U.S.

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Conservatives lose ground amid perceived sidling up to U.S.

Post by Canadian »

A new poll suggests Tory support is sliding over voter concern that Canada has become too cosy with the United States on Middle East policy.

The latest results by Decima Research, released to The Canadian Press, put the Conservatives and Liberals in a virtual tie nationally. The Tories had 32 per cent support compared with 31 per cent for the Liberals and 16 per cent for the New Democrats. But the Liberals widened their Ontario lead to 42 per cent of voter support compared with 33 per cent for the Conservatives, and have pulled in front of the Tories in Quebec for the first time since last winter's campaign.

The two parties had been neck-neck in Ontario as recently as mid-June.

"When we look at the combination of the alignment of the government with the current U.S. administration policy on the Middle East - and in particular with respect to the Lebanon-Israel conflict - it's reasonable to assume it's one of the factors that's driving Conservative support down in the near term," said Decima CEO Bruce Anderson.

"They clearly are encountering some pushback from voters in Ontario and Quebec in particular."

Liberals have also taken the lead in crucial urban ridings by a margin of 35 per cent versus 29 per cent, and are increasingly preferred by women and by voters aged 25 to 34, the poll suggests.
Good. Harper is so out of touch with Canadians on many issues anyways. The funniest part is the liberals do not even have a leader.

I wonder if Harper will still try to force a Fall election?

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The phantorino
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Conservatives lose ground amid perceived sidling up to U.S.

Post by The phantorino »

Only if it helps to suck quebec off
Luther Wrote:
a butt load of people who sit in those small cubicles pretending to work while submitting a "take."
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